
324: But, You Are A Girl?

"No, I am not kidding Rose. I am their father, but you know you are my son too right?"

I get everything very well dad. My mum who is in prison is my real mum and then Daniella is my home mum because she gave birth to Zeke and Nimo.

Davids nodded to Rose while looking at Nimo and Zeke. They were understanding what was happening and so far they haven't stomped a foot on the ground or said anything worse. I hoped that everything is going to be fine. 

Then Nimo lifted her head and looked at Davids. 

"What do you mean though, you are a girl and a girl can't make another girl pregnant?"

Now we come in for the huge explanation that is going to take the whole day for us to do so. We didn't have a lot of things to explain to them. There was no way we are going to convince them that Davids made me pregnant, now they are here all looking at Davids. 

"It's complicated Nimo, maybe when you get older you will understand this."

"No, we want to know why she was never there when you were crying all night when you were sick and the only person who was with you was Aunt Clara and sometimes Ashley, we just want to know what happened?"

Zeke was now serious. He wanted to know everything and Davids looked at me. I moved closer to her and we were all sitting trying to come up with answers that were not making any sense.

"I was in prison, I was jailed for seven years that is why I didn't know about anything that was going on. I don't know that your mum was having my babies because we thought it couldn't happen. Have you ever wondered why you both look like me? Look at Nimo's height, she is as tall as me when I was seven, and if you look at Zeke that was my being. Your hair Nimo, mine was dirty blond, and you picked that too. I look at your eyes, they are like that of your mother and they are beautiful."

Everyone looks at them and they were just staring back at Davids as if she has said something out of this world.  They divided to look at each other the they looked back at Davids who was talking to them.

"Ashley, you said you are going to do a DNA test but you said it was hard because you couldn't locate who our dad was. Can you please tell us how comes Davids here is our father and every attempt she is trying to explain everything is giving me some suspicion."

Ashley didn't know what to say. She looked at us and I nodded for her to continue. 

"Because she is your father. That was who she is. I did it and I couldn't say. She was the one supposed to talk about everything, remember that."

Nimo looked at her and shook her head. It's like losing hope in her helping them but she did them a very nice favor. Even if she was not going to do it then Mrs smith was going to tell the truth and they will have to accept that she is indeed their father.

"Prove that, call your mum now and let her say it. I am going to prove the truth about it."

Ashley called her mom who picked up the video call. Mrs. Dmith was surprised that everyone was around and they were looking at them. 

"Why did you tell us who my father was?"

Mrs. Smith scratched her head and nodded to Nimo who was sitting next to Ashely. She tried to explain everything to her and Nimo couldn't get anything. They wanted to know more about how she can be their dad. 

When she ended the discussion, all eyes were on Davids. 

           "Why were you in prison dad?"

I wanted to speak but she quickly said it was a mistake she did while in high school. I know she we trying to protect me but one day the kids will learn the truth and they will ask me again for the answers. I held Davids who was now finding it hard to explain anything to the kids. They wanted to know everything but she told them, that other things they will know when they have grown up, right now, it was no need to say anything that might be hard on them.

She walked out of the room after wishing them a good night. She could see the anger in their faces. The way they wanted to know what was happening but didn't know about anything. All they knew was that Davids was their real dad and they couldn't wrap the whole thing. 

"They are mad, they are angry that I left them and they feel like I betrayed you or something. Do you think in the morning they are going to be okay?"

She was shedding tears and I didn't know what to think of the kids. Their faces were hungry for answers and the answers they had right now were not going to help any of them, they were just some vague ideas that were not real.

They will come around hun, don't beat yourself up, just give them time, they are babies who need to be taken through each step. 

I placed her in bed and covered her up. I excused myself and walked to their rooms. They were still talking and Zeke and Rose had camped in Ashley's room. Talking to Nimo about that.

They kept quiet when they saw me. I wanted to help them with answers but I can't. I hope thru will get the answers when they are aged enough. 

Zeke, Rose you guys go back to your room? You should stop questioning everything.

"We just want answers, Ashley saying that she doesn't have an answer but she is a doctor and knows everything that happened." I grabbed their hands and dragged their asses to bed. They can be stubborn but now with me around. They didn't say anything else.  Nimo got under her covers quickly and she was asleep. I walked back into the bedroom to find Davids still while looking at the pictures of Zeke and Nimo when they were young. This was her blood that she was looking at. 

They won't give you drama, just be calm and everything is going to be okay, you have nothing to feat Davids. It was a one time thing and all I can say is that I got double the blessing that I never thought I could get. We are blessed. Sometimes, the internet is going to answers their curiosity.

I knew that I didn't have to say anything but I had to talk about that. She was a gift to me and like any other person, it was not her fault.  She had her reason to do what she did. I am happy that she took the chance when she had it and everything came to life.  I am happy. I know my kids will be happy that they have a father who is looking after them. They won't grow up hated or ignored or assaulted by someone like they did. 

I climbed on top of her, she needs to calm down. 

Baby, don't work hard on it. You are a good person, the kids love you and they are just kids who think they were left behind and why you didn't come earlier to look after them. I am happy that you are there for them, don't beat yourself up. I love you and they all love you so calm your tits and focus here.

I placed my lips on her and she gladly opened her mouth, what I wanted to do to her. I touch her sensitive parts and surprisingly she jas her neck as the weakest point, a mumble to the ear and she is down and weak. Using her left hand which does most of the work, she gently slid them into my things, sliding the hands slowly before keeping them in.

Yeah, baby, there, and you are going to kill me. 

She knows how to get to my G_spot and she didn't take long.  I didn't want to pressure her, so just the first round, and I was squirting all over the place.

We heaved and I kissed her 


"I love you, okay?"

I kissed her and replied to it. She was amazing and the good thing that happened in my life. This was amazing for me.

I changed the sheets and we went to bed. She held me closer to sleep. She was on her phone and I didn't know what was happening to her phone. I let him be and slept.

"whose are these? Mum, did you get flowers? I got a hundred roses and some other gifts, why do we have a lot of gifts?"

I was woken by the sound of Nimo at the door trying to knock. Walking out, I found flowers in my room of Nimo and opened the door to Zeke and Rose's there were also flowers and new video games.

What did Davids do this for