
318; I Dont Want To!


The situation was gloomy. David couldn't stand Daniella. She walked out of the house very early in the morning and went to the office something that she never does on Sundays. He went and sat down doing nothing. She was tired, tired to think, and tried to imagine how the woman she loved went to the extent of wanting to hurt her mother. She didn't see herself forgiving Daniella. She looked at the beautiful picture that they had taken together, in front of the table, and decided to put it down. She didn't need to see it now.

She got a call from Nimo asking where she was, she had to lie to her that she was in a meeting and would come back later. She wanted to lie to her children. She hated that she didn't tell them that she is the person responsible for them being alive at this point. 

The latter turned out to be at eleven in the night but Nimo was awake and went to say, hello. She smiled at Nimo and hugged her. Later she put her to sleep before using the extra room in the house. She didn't even look at Daniella, she didn't go to the master bedroom to check on her.

Sitting in the bed, Daniella was awake, she heard Davids come I'm the house and didn't say hello. She thought maybe she has cooled off and will come to her and talk again. She waits until she hears she walks back into the room downstairs which is spare for visitors or Broan when he comes in.

Pulling the blanket on her head to sleep, she heard a knock on the door and didn't want to open it. She dismissed the person but Ashey was persistent on the door, she knocked again and announced herself.

             "What is it that you want? Can't it wait till morning?"

"No, unfortunately, it can't wait, I want to see you because I have something to work on, it's a medical project and I need your help."

"That's why you have google and youtube, Ashley. Go check out. Plus it's late, you can do that in the morning."

Ashley hit the door and asked her if she needed to do the work now. Davids groaned and opened the door. Ashley walked in and stood in the middle of the room and looked at her.

"Are you seriously going to be mad at her? She didn't know anything at that point, if she was a bad person, she would have just stayed quiet and never told you anything, not even your mother. They went to have a cup of coffee with your mother and that's when they told me. She wanted you to know everything, David. Please, hear her out. Do you know how she has been crying the whole day and she is going, God forbid, to kill herself in that room if you don't man up and go there and talk to her? 

David's looked at Ashley who was talking about something that she didn't want to talk about. She didn't want to say anything that had Daniella with it at this time. All she wanted was to fall asleep and go to work on Monday morning. 

"I guess you didn't have anything related to school work except for telling me what I should do. You can as well go back and sleep, I recharged your discredit card yesterday, so I don't think we have any other discussion."

Davids pulled the blanket up her head and slept. 

Monday Morning;

 The week has started, and with the children going to school, Nimo is still taking online classes. Sometimes she haves Claire who tutors her.

Davids walked to the table after wearing her suit and sat there without opening her mouth. She looked at her kids all of them busy eating. Nimo was in her uniform too, she wondered whether she had decided for herself that she can go back to school.

She let her be and joined them at the table. Daniella was walking back and forth while the kids were asking hundred and one questions. When they saw Davids, they all shit up and focused on their meal without talking. Ashley joined them for food and was eating silently too but her eyes glared at Davids.

Nimo raised her head when she didn't see her dad greet her mother. She was sure what might have happened to them but she felt they were not their usual self.

"Dad, you didn't say hi, is this the day you woke up on the wrong side of the bed, you haven't even asked why I am in my uniform?"

Davids faked a smile and looked at Nimo. 

"Sorry, I was not concentrating, how are you guys, did you sleep okay?"

They nodded with the food in their mouths while looking at Davids who w being very hard as she could to be calm.

"Are you going to school today? You don't have to if you feel scared."

"No, I am I am not going to be scared for the rest of my life, I need to adapt to school and in case of anything, I will call you, or I will ask the principal to call you. Plus I have my watch, you can monitor my heartbeat and everything."

Davids nodded. She knew it was a brave step Nimo was taking and a kid her age would have been scared to even do that.

"I will ask them to allow you to use the high school bathroom if that's okay with you."

Nimo was excited and her face was shining looking at Davids. She would have loved that very much and she knew what it is g going to be like. 

After breakfast, Davids quickly stood up and left before anyone from the table. She carried her car key and they knew that was serious. It was either she was not going to call them again or she would leave without them. Daniella waved her kids goodbye but Davids missed that, she assumed it was not her, and she went to the front door.

Nimo knew that something was not right. Davids would kiss Daniella on the cheeks, and say some nonsense in her ears, and Daniella would have to chuckle before she says goodbye. Most of the time they would tag along and when Daniella was not busy, they would both go to Davids office and chill there.

That was not the case for today, she avoided everything, she was all red from crying herself to sleep. She hugged her kids and pecked them on the cheeks.

"Is everything okay? Your eyes are swollen mum and dad didn't even kiss you goodbye today, is everything okay or she is planning on throwing us out of the house?"

Daniella raised her brows at Nimo who was standing next to her. She had not kissed her cheeks to say goodbye or anything.

"No, everything is okay, I am having an allergy and my mother is smelling, I haven't brushed it today. Your dad won't throw us from the house, she will make sure that you guys are safe and sound."

Nimo nodded though she was not satisfied with the answer, she bid her mother goodbye and headed towards the car. Everyone else was in the car and was waiting for her to arrive.

Arriving at school, Davids made sure that they all go to class before heading to her office.

"Dad, is everything okay between you and mum? She is having red eyes and I think she is sick."

"Nimo, go to class now, make sure you call me in case of anything, okay?"

Nimo jumped out of the car and headed to class. Davids remained in the car with Ashely who was rolling her eyes at her. She didn't want to speak to anyone at that time.

"They are intelligent and they will find out if you are hiding something from them. Forgive Daniella, Davids, she is trying her best."

Davids turned her car and started driving to Ashely's university.

"Davids, stop acting as if you know everything, give her another chance, she needs it! it stops being an asshole sometimes."

"Ashley, if someone if someone hurt your mother and made her memories vanish, what will you do to her?"

"This is not about me, it's about you and you need to know she was still a child for Christ's sake, Davids, she was sixteen and was manipulated, can you at least think about that?"

"Can you think about the cadaver that you are supposed to study because I will be asking for the result from your professor which I am supposed to receive this week? If you dont pass will throw you out."

Ashley stepped out of the car and rushed out. 

          "I can see you have a crush, say hi to me?"

Ashley showed her the middle finger before greeting some men standing in the parking lot of the school, forks were eyeing Davids who was out trying to make sure that her tire was good.

"What are you doing, they will think you are my boyfriend and that is a bad idea."

"I am just making sure that I know who you are talking to, is that bad?"

"Jeez Davis, what are you doing, don't make me go to your mother's home tonight."

"You can't, you have to take Nimo through her practice."

Ashley left her in the parking lot and went for her lectures. Davids drove the car to her office where she went back to work, busy with what she was good at.

       "Excuse, Damien is here for you."

Davids allows him in and Damien was sitting in the chair opposite her. She was busy with her work that she didn't raise her head to look at Damien.

"Wait, if you are here to speak about Daniella, just shut up and start moving. If you want to talk about something else, I am here and willing to listen."

"Davids, Can you be serious for once? Stop throwing Daniella's way, she feels helpless right now, if your mum said she is okay with everything you are not supposed to hold grudges with her right now. You guys have lived for almost a year and you still want to throw her out because of revenge.? They were sixteen not twenty to know what they doing to your mum, just get it."

"And when will you get it that I don't want to talk about it? She could have said that when we first met not now when I am trying to put a ring around her finger. I am tired Damien and I would love to focus on my work, I think you have to take care of your baby and everything, right? Dude didn't talk to me again, I will not respond to anything you are telling  me."