
297: Don't Ever......

🥀Happy reading🌹

Is anything new you guys have found out? I need the information about these guys, and that you can get please hand on. I am not going to allow them to be such assholes so that they can mess me up again.

I was mad at myself, I was angry that I didn't get the chance to see Vin in the pool instead it was Lady Bo. I know she wanted forgiveness, she wanted to see her family before she died but look at her now, she has been killed before she could turn around and leave this shit here. She was a good model, she could influence people and get everything right, look at her right now, she has nothing to her name but her dead body that is going to be presented to her parents.

The media team was everywhere, many of them. Dominic and his team were very busy making sure they didn't get caught or they don't get asked any questions.  For Damien and his team, they had the first information that they wanted. They were going to make the headline. He looked at me and didn't know what to say. I smiled at him and he smiled back.  I don't want to be a part of this, I quickly follow Dominic and his team as the siren could be heard from far. They were approaching.

Why are we taking the body with us? I thought that we are leaving it down there?

I don't think there was a need of taking the body of the dead with us, the police will probably leave it in the mortuary because they don't even know where Lady Bo came from. I also didn't know. What I know is she is mixed, Brazilian and Mexican. She was, a good model but who else knows about her if not for my mother and the modeling agency who knew about her?

Dominic just looked at the police, he grabbed me and was taken into a van as we headed back into our city. I was away from that heat. It was nine o'clock now. I looked at my phone which was on silent, there were a lot of missed calls with texts from everyone concerned about me. I didn't know which one to reply to first. My mum or dad? 

Those are the calls you didn't reply to, just head home so that they can smack you on the face.  The others were from Daniella wanting to know when I am going home and why there were lots of people around the house acting as bodyguards. She also wanted to know why the fuck Brian would snatch her phone for the whole day only to give her back after the ceremony. 

I don't know how to answer her. I want to arrive home so that I can give everyone the answers that they want. I look at my WhatsApp, my three babies were on the video call trying to reach me, the only piece of mind that I wanted today is this. They are heaven when you speak to them, you don't realize how much you are relieved until you see Their faces. They left me a video and all I could do was check it, again and again. They were analyzing their day to me. Nimo was talking about her practical while Zeke and Rose were busy saying how they managed to do everything right today without missing anything. Their voices are heaven and I smiled just watching them narrate it to me. 

"Davids, don't beat yourself up about anything. Everything we are alright. We want to make sure that the body reaches her parents. They are the first people who are supposed to make sure they see the body of their daughter and not fucking cops who are going to mutilate it."

I agreed with Dominic. He took me home as the teammates headed to where they knew best.  I was left wondering when I was going to catch Vin once more. I hope he is not going to have plastic surgery to disguise himself.

I arrive at the gate and the whole area is full of men in black, they are waking all over the place and this is a clear indication of tight security all around the place. I am relieved to know that they did a good job. I walk into the front door and rang the bell. The guards are here to make sure That no one gets in or out an authorized, I had to be respectful.

The first person whom I saw was Daniella. Her concerned face, she had been crying, why though? I thought that everything was okay. I thought they were safe. 

       "Are you okay babe, I am here okay?"

Looks like I was making her cry more because when I said those words she added more and more tears. I gathered her in my arms and rocked her slowly. She calmed down and looked at me, placing a slight kiss on my cheeks.

"Please, don't ever leave without saying where you are going, okay? I was worried and the kids have been crying the whole day. They had to sleep with your parents because they thought something bad had happened to you."

Something happened but I couldn't tell her right now, all I wanted to do was to check that everyone was doing okay. I smiled at her and kissed her back. She needed to be happy and not cry. She didn't need to worry about anything, I was the one concerned here.

I walked into the living room. I can now see how Daniella got the phone, Brian was busy pleasing some gentleman, one of Dominic's most trusted men.

I walked to them, and the guy quickly stood up in respect leaving Brian all alone.

"Sir, is everything okay?"

He asked me and I nodded while looking between Brian and him. I didn't want Brian to get hurt again. As much as he is older than me, I love him very much. If this did hurt even a single strand of his heart, I am going to finish him off.

If you like him, you better be serious or I will chop off your head.

I left him with widened eyes as I went to see Broan who was excited to see me.

I am sorry I was absent, was everything okay? please tell me you didn't force them to say their vows again?

Brian loved forcing our parents to renew their vows and he brings them a priest on every anniversary because they do say their vows every year to make sure they remember what they promised each other. I know he can't let that one slide and of course, he did bring the priest. How I missed the ceremony. Maybe next time I will make sure that I present myself to them.

I left him and headed to the extra guest room, Clare was busy on the phone shouting at Damien for not being hone by the time they agreed, she looked at me with murderous eyes. 

              What did I do now?

"You persuaded him to go with you, I can't sleep alone you know, I have nightmares. I need to go and I can't go alone."

          "Babes, please put Davids on the phone."

Claire turned the phone and Damien was gazing at me from the screen, all mad. I thought I gave him an interesting story to cover. Right now there he was all tired and famished. He needed to learn a lesson, a little trust.

"Pray God I don't catch you, I am tired here and all I can do is listen to a bunch of people say nothing to me I will kill you."

I smile looking at him. 

Don't you think that is a grave accusation to make? Clara will sleep here today, as for you, work hard to make sure you get the good news to the public.  Someone will be there to pick you up in the morning, bye.

I left them to keep on arguing. I had to see my parents and my three little human beings. 

Knocking on my parents' door, I heard quick footsteps. I stood waiting for anything, a slap on the fave, a scold, or a just quiet look from my mother.

The door was opened and my dad stood looking at me. I don't know what he wanted to say but all I could see was sadness in his eyes. 

He hugged me tightly as I felt his warmth, I needed this. I needed him but I can't tell him that his daughter needs him so bad. I am acting brave because I needed to act brave like the brave person I am. 

Sorry, papa, I wish I was here, today but I couldn't. Sorry again. 

He broke the hug and looked at me smiling. 

"You are brave baby, you are not my little chubby young boy you are a man now, and all I can see in your bravery. You are showing the world who you are. I know, whatever you are planning everything is going to be, now walk in and say hi to mama and that three cheeky mice who have pretended to be sleeping but were not asleep at all."

      "Thanks, papa."

I smiled at him and we walked in with Daniella closely. Nimo was the first one to jump at me, I hugged her tightly and waited for her two brothers to join her. 

"We missed you, how have you been, we thought you were not coming. plus you missed the piece that, the three of us put together for nana and grandpa. It was amazing and they loved it."

They have endless stories and I can't tell them to shut up because it's not going to end anytime soon.

They pave way for my mother who hugged me too, holding me tightly I was happy to be here again. After the hectic day, the pool of blood in my eyes, all I wanted was to see these two people without any problems.

"I know how you guys can sleep without a problem?"

My mother said looking at the three kids. 

"Not with Zeke and Ross, they sleep like they want to kill each other and I am not going to be caught in their drama."

"No, we dont fight, it's only that our legs tend to run now and then, can you blame us? Nana, are we to be blamed?"

"Nimo, just today, let's try and sleep together and see what is going to happen, I promise, if you guys sleep nicely, I will be having a whole day to teach you something, is that  okay?"


They both chorused and we left the room. Daniel and I headed to my old room, the bed had been replaced and all that was remaining was a new bed with some heavy blankets to accompany.

I headed to the bathroom and decided to take a shower before sleeping.

"I don't want to leave your sight anymore,  I want you here with me all the time."