
274: GoodBye Note.

🥀Happy Reading❤❤🌹

Everyone was silent in the car as they listened to Nimo's request.

 Davids was more than excited to hear about that. If you could have told her that in some seven years' time she will be called a dad and not even a mother, she could have brushed you off and told you that you were in a stupid band that will never happen. Right now looking at the three cute babies in the back of her car all staring at her she couldn't prevent herself from smiling back at them. 

She stopped the vehicle and hugged all of them, shedding a tear and the kids also shed tears. They were excited that at least Davids wasn't mad at all. Nimo was all smiley, though she had one last question. 

"I also wanted to ask, should we address you as she or he?"

"Darling, you are allowed to call me whatever you want. I am everything.  You can call me she or he just not it. That is okay with me. Even if your friends call me, he or she, don't correct them, they are still young to understand what I am, maybe in the future they will get to know who I am."

Nimo hugged her further and Davids couldn't be more than happy.

 They all headed home where Tim had prepared them some meal.  They first had to wash before they take their meal. It was not like they had to take it for supper, they were just waiting for the weekend and Jade's birthday was around the corner. Nimo couldn't be more excited about that. 

Davids and Daniella were still in the bedroom, trying to think of ways to tell the three kids that they will be having both mum and dad. The only issue is whether they were going to agree on it. Though they had agreed to call Davids dad and Daniella mum they didn't have so much fear about that. 

"Do you think they will agree? I mean, they are all excited about having a good family, I don't see any issue with them there."

Daniella didn't have any fear, Davids was a bit hesitant about the situation. She wanted to be a happy parent. Imagining that right now she is going to have that, excited her. She nodded with Daniella and prepared herself to get out there and start being the parent that she is supposed to be

Tim had left, Davids always releases him early because he also has a family that needs his presence and she didn't love keeping him in the house for a very long time. Unless it was important, then he would have to stay.

       "Baby, why are you not wearing a sweater?"

Daniella asked her daughter who was all chubby at the table and her mother was not sure why she was not in her sweater yet the others were. Though she doesn't understand why she never puts on one, even when she came in, she was not putting on one.

"I am practising to thrive in cold places like Canada, and Russia I didn't want to die in America, what about you dad, I know you also dont want to only live in the Us?"

Everyone at the table laughed. They didn't understand why Nimo would want to travel around the world. Though Davids can take them to every place that they want to go, she still doesn't want them to start enjoying those luxuries. She watched how excited Nimo was. She knows very well that Nimo will be a great basketball player and she will make it and that's why she is excited to make it out of the world. Unlike the two boys who are beside her who is still funny and joking all around. 

"You don't need to practise, lets's practice being rained on if you go to a basketball field that doesn't have a roof on top. Also, be prepared to start running early in the morning because you will be doing it."

Nimo's face lit when she heard Davids encouraging her. Daniella raised her brows. She couldn't believe that Davids was encouraging her to be sweaterless. 

"Hun, you know that is not okay, she will be walking with her bare chest every day?"

"Wow, hun? I only heard Abrianna's parents call each other 'hun,' why are you guys calling each other hun? Is there something we don't know?"

Danielle almost choked on her food. She was quickly given water by Rose who was next to her. 

Davids was busy chuckling with her head held down on the ground. The kids were all popping their eye sockets looking at them. They didn't know why their parents were all laughing and their heads all looking down while Daniella was coughing none stop.

"So, I don't know how to say this, but we wanted you guys to know that we are one family, we are one big family that I want you guys to acknowledge. We must acknowledge Rose has a family apart from us. Plus he has told you about her mother. Your mum and I are together. We wanted to ask if you guys will allow us to be together. We want you guys to be one happy family. We will set a day to visit Rose's mum every once a month and for some other months, we will do it twice. We want you to be loved to be brought up nicely, not that if you dont have both parents you won't be brought up nicely."

Nimo was now staring at her mom while Rose wanted to talk but every time he opened his mouth, Davids would be saying something that she was not done talking about. Zeke was smiling while looking at Davids trying to find words that were long for her.

              "So, Mum is the lady we went to her house?"

Everyone was quiet after Rose shouted that. He has wanted to say this for a while but Davids was still talking and it was hard for him to say anything. Daniella looked at Davids and Zeke and Nimo looked at Rose. No one was understanding what was going on here.

"Did I do anything wrong? I mean we went with dad to this museum and turns out it's mum's old house and she was sad, I thought I could ask that because I feel like She is the one dad was always talking about until you guys came in."


Chirused both Nimo and Zeke. 

"Mum, you never said that you had a best buddy when you were in high school?"

Nimo was now curious about everything, she even left her meal and started listening to everyone at the table. She didn't know what was going to be said but, she was interested to know what was being discussed here. 

        "You didn't tell me that you were looking for me?"

Daniella was now facing Davids who had her face on the food. She didn't even want to look at Daniella with her embarrassed face. She didn't know what to say. That she wanted her so bad but she didn't see her or that she went to look for the diary that she used to write while in high school? That was stupid. 

Zeke was there taking a picture and video of what was happening, he knew this was going to help in the future. 

         "Davids, in the bedroom now!"

Daniella ordered and stood leaving the food but at be same time going with the steak in her hands. 

Davids winked at the kids while Rose mumbled a little 'sorry,' giving her the puppy eyes. 

Davids arrived and found Daniell frowning while looking at her. Davids knew that Daniella wanted to question her about her previous home.

"Why didn't you tell me that you went there, so did you go to do it?"

        "It's a museum, I was going there to have a tour?"

Daniella let out a chuckle and bit her steak. She couldn't imagine that Davids was trying to twist words around the place. 

"Don't lie to me, I know you loved me and you wanted me but what was the reason for not looking for me, I know I was not here to tell you where I am and my dad was not going to tell you where I am because he thought it was for my safety. But please, why didn't you try harder Davids. I wanted you, so bad. You didn't come to look for me. Every day I would look at my email, and Instagram account to see if you already befriended me. Did you find my note?"

Davids looked at her and then remembered the note and the book where they found the nite. 

     "A goodbye note?"

Davids had to be sure. Daniella nodded looking at the piece of meat in her hands. She smiled them looked at Davids.

"You are silly, what was I to get from there? I thought you didn't want to be found. You could have even asked me or told me where you are instead of just saying goodbye. "

Daniella moved closer to her and smiled. She held her shirt and pulled her closer to her and kissed her lips seductively before biting her meat but Davids pulled it from her mouth with her teeth. 

"Stop being naughty, we are supposed to be a diner with the kids."