
208: The Main Reason.

"Mr Brian, I have some letters for you. You guys haven't been checking the mail and I have just picked this whole bunch from the mail. They are dusty and some have even been washed away we can't see the words inside."

Brian picked the whole package and escaped the room leaving everyone shocked because every time he gets something from the shop or mailbox, he sits down and looks at it in front of everyone.

Vicky didn't talk about anything, she just let him go and do what he wanted to do, maybe he had something private he needed to look into. 

The family had tried to recuperate after two months of losing Davids. They were settling in good. Mr Andrew was now the boss. Being a good boss, Mike was like his bodyguard and an adviser. Everywhere they walked, Mike would put on his shades, he had let his Italian hair grow and it was now all blond falling almost to his shoulders.

Vicky on the other hand had let her hair down, she never loved locks like Davids, but she couldn't miss a style to fashion it. Every time, Brian would go into their little factory, they are always going together. 

Sometimes she would wear a coloured wig to disguise herself because keeping different styles was becoming hectic for her wild hair.

Annie, on the other hand, was now at the right-hand side of Andrew, sometimes he preferred the company of Brian and Vicky but business needed her to be beside her husband. Travelling for meetings, meeting new investors was tiring but she was catching up. 

She had asked Vicky how she managed to keep everything together. Running her business and at the same time was the best First Lady that everyone admired. 

Vicky would smile, she knew it was hard, but to some extent, it was also good for her business, she would get some clients from her husband's business trip and even sell most of the design to other important people.

"Just focus," those were Vicky's words.

Every morning, she would be styled by Vicky, groomed to match C.E.O's taste. She hated that she had to put Vicky through all these but Vicky to some told her it was okay and she loved taking a break from all that media scrutiny.

Annie had been interviewed with several media houses about her new position. She always had one answer, to support her husband! 

She has never changed it. 

Right now they were in the living room taking breakfast. 

Behind the scenes, things were normal. Andrew knew where he stood, what he was supposed to do. He respected Mike as his boss the way things used to be. 

They would discuss the daily business and what to expect in the future. Most of the investors recommend Andrew for his hard work and how he followed in the steps of his boss, while some always throw an accusing finger at him, calling him Judas and greedy man. 

All those were just people's words what mattered at the end of the day was making sure everything runs smoothly and nothing changes.

Inside his room, Brian didn't know what to expect, everyday he thought that maybe Davids would even write him a letter informing them on how she was doing in prison but not even a call to say hi, he was mad at her. 

Even if she was going through hard times, he felt like it was gold if she gives people a head up on how things are going.

Truth be told, he had lost his cheeky smiles, because Davids used to be the driver on that. Even though she had crazy ideas, being freaky once in a while. All the things she did she made sure she did them with a touch of humour and make them memorable. 

The only things he had, were her smiles in the photograph. But none of that could make him cheer more. The video on his phone was of old memories, whenever he wanted to take himself back to those days, he would watch them and smile at himself. 

She looked at the letters through and through, most of them were magazine articles of the several magazines that he was placed on the cover model. 

The one letter that caught her eyes was the one without an Address, well it was inside the envelope. Plus they have to New York hence getting letters was something unusual. 

He quickly opened it but keeping not tearing it apart. Removing the letter, he saw the familiar handwriting. "For important messages, use numbers, it's good like coding."

He still remembers when Davids and he were talking via Skype and Davids had asked him to get one of the Sex Toys that are made in China and they had to use numbers to be sure no one was following their conversation.

That's what she saw when looking through the letter. 

"Asshole, you finally sent me a letter," she mumbled excitedly as he settled himself down to read the letter. He looked at his door and it was all closed. 

He knew the way this letter we wrote, it was pure bliss and the tea he was expecting were all for prison.

He read through and if when she mentioned that she was having gin most of the time but sometimes it was hectic.

"I miss you too," she said when she read where Davids claimed to have missed them. 

He teared up, though the letter was short, the managed to pass all the messages she couldn't use the numbers making it easy for Brian to get more messages. 

He looked at the measurements for the prison gift that she had asked her to make. He was not sure how he was going to deliver the gift but he hoped to get away.

Behind the letter, was a small message asking him to drop the replied letter to a certain destination. 

She didn't know how to reply to her but she just decided to put a sentence because he understood his little brother hated Li g replies that were sometimes tiring to read. 

Vicky walked into his room, she wanted to remind him that they needed to get to work since it was already late. 

Brian heard the knock on the door and quickly opened it.  The first thing he did was to hug Vicky tightly taking Vicky by surprise at what was not happening.

"She wrote!" He said excitedly as he showed the letter to his mother, "finally, I thought she was going to be an ass and not write to us, bit sue did."

Vicky didn't need to he t9ld who they were talking about. She quickly snatched the letter from Brian and started to read it as tears flowed from her eyes.

"She misses us, just like we do. I thought she didn't care," said Vicky amidst tears. 

Brian hugged her from the back as she went on reading the letter. 

"Are you going to reply?" Asked Vicky as she showed him the back of the letter.

"Mum, you know Davids hates reading emotional stuff and she will just put it away, I am just going to tell her to take care, at least she will be assured that we have read her letter. Did you want to ask her anything?"

Vicky looked at the letter. She wanted to ask her daughter a lot of questions. Why didn't she refuse to see them, is she having a hard time where she is, how are they treating her, what has she taken? 

But she couldn't, she had to respect whatever she said until the day she will want to see all of them around. 

"No, just send my greetings, I will ask your dads to also send his regards," said Vicky.

Brian could see that his mother was trying all her best to be calm, something she wasn't good at. 

Davids was doing this for their best and she preferred to be alone and do the walk alone.

"Do you think she will need some of our pictures? I don't want her to forget our faces," said Vicky.

Brian smiled and held her shoulders, "you know she is trying to protect her identity inside the place. She doesn't want to be a slice of meat that everyone wants to eat because she comes from an influential family."

"Is that the main reason why she is keeping us away?" Asked Vicky in realization. 

Brian nodded to agree with her and for once Vicky understood everything. Her daughter didn't hate them, sue was trying to save the from all this drama. Being in prison needed him to wear the prison gear and remove all the influential marks or anything that will make her feel different from the others.

After their mini-meeting, they headed to work. Annie was not riding with them because she had to attend the meeting that was intended to launch a new branch of the family business.