
168: Am I a Babysitter?

Brown was too fast to start looking at the files, he was focused on Alex's name, browsing through everything but he couldn't find his name, what crashed his heart were the pictures of her parents, they were the first people to be tested using the drugs. They couldn't withstand the effects of the drugs and their bones were liquidating inside their bodies and they died.

He carried the two files and walked with them, "looks like this is the only evidence that I have of my dad and mom, I didn't know that things would escalate to this, they were just normal people who never wanted to offend any person."

Andrew watched him. Every second he spoke it was like he was giving up on everything, as much as he was trying to stay woke for his daughter the more he discovered knew things the more he crashed. 

Andrew walked and sat next to him, Mike nodded to him and he left to check into the room further.

"Hey," started Mike trying to coo him like a baby. He was fragile and he couldn't just walk to him and shout at him through.

"My situation is not the same as yours, but please be strong, imagine what will happen to Daniella if she realizes that all this time she has been living a lie,  that Amanda was never her mother and her father loved her but he was also brainwashed to think differently of her. You need to get yourself together dude, do this for your daughter Daniella and her mother who never got a chance to speak to after giving you a beautiful baby. Do this for your ex-boyfriend Alex a bit more so do this for your mum and dad," advised Andrew. 

He was not good with advising people when it comes to relationship matters but he was trying his best for this broken soul who might lose himself trying to find the culprits.

He offered Brown a handkerchief from his pocket, Brown blew his nose and stood up to help with the search again. They picked all the files and we're taking them for thorough checking.

They couldn't see the name of the building because it was like they had used banners when they established this place up and they had sold it to someone else.

Mike decided to calm off the search after they came up with only one finding to their list, they were determined to find out more about the organization.


Vin was seated in the waiting lounge, he was waiting for his turn so that he can meet Mr Clank. He was disturbed by the news that Amanda was saying.

'She is just mad and I can't believe anything she is trying to say,' he thought to himself and the Secretary welcomed into the office," he can see you now," said the lady with a curvy figure but one of the ass was not proportional to the other one while her face had been decorated with shades of foundations.

"Thank you," he mouthed before walking to the room. Mr Clank was standing by the window. His back was facing the door and his phone was busy in his hands as he dialled something into it.

He turned and looked at Vin, his smooth face was moistured and something would deceive you that he is not old except when he laughs.

"Vin, what are you doing here?" He asked as he walked towards him with open hands.

Vin knew that this man was of his kind, you couldn't say something without getting intimidated by his aura. He can flatter you with his smile until you seat with him in a private place, he will even slice your throat without a second thought.

Cain was afraid of him, ever since he met him. He has seen him, slice people, into pieces and mince their meat for his enemies to eat. He knew that before he utters anything to him he must do his research and bring to the table something worth his time.

Looking at him walking towards him, he was frightened, but he knew he needed to be close to him so that he can get a lot of details of what is going on and what the company is thinking. He was not afraid of the setbacks brought in by other people, he concentrated on his work and did it diligently. Working with the authority and other important people in the government, he had lots of protection that he needed, just a snap of his fingers and everything was brought his way.

He still remembers how he, together with other important people in the government, used the polio vaccines to kill many kids in the country in the name of trying a new vaccine. He was tried in cost but since he had powerful lawyers and people in the government he was left free leaving many parents to mourn the death of their kids. Up to date, he is still a freeman who doesn't care. 

Folding his hands to his back, Vin walked carefully, looking at the floor below him. He can't notice that the floor was renovated and water was below them. Fear gripped him when he saw crocodiles swimming in the water as the moved in another direction,' Jesus, did he change his butchery site and he is using this office as one?" 

He knelt in front of him and kissed his shoes, 'blood?' He said as he looked at the stains that were engraved on the brown shoes he was wearing.

It now made sense to him, the two men in black suits who walked in here never walked out, could he have sliced them and threw their meat to the crocodile and that's why they were moving in the same direction?

He decided to assume everything and face him.

"Have you visited Amanda of late?" Asked Vin as he stood in front of him while Mr Clank took a seat in the opposite direction.

Mr Clannk laughed instead as he picked a cigarette from the table and signalled for Vin to light it for him.

Vin did his work quickly before coming back to his position in an attention mode. He knew he was not a fan of sluggishness and laziness.

"Vin, do I look like a can't sister to you?" He asked tapping on the cigarette as he dropped the ash into the Ashtray.

Vin knew he was about to get angry and hit his head on the wall the way he does when he is angry with someone. He has been under lots of drugs when he was trying to find the better drugs for memory oppressor and instead of helping him, he turned out to be a danger to the people, he turned out to be a man of rage and no one can control him when he is wild.

"Sorry sir," apologised to Mr Clank but his words were held midway.

"If you have a problem with her, just go ask her now that you guys were performing threesomes with her together with that spy whom you thought was enjoying your dick!" He said while gritting his teeth.

"Bot really, she jas been saying that she saw Brown alive, but her Secretary said that he was there when the body was being buried," said Vin in respect and Mr Clank was shocked.

"What do you mean he saw him alive? That can't be right because I was available when they took the body for autopsy," said Mr Clank as he looked at Vin.

"What if we dug his casket and confirm, because if he is alive then we risk getting jailed or killed because he might know what happened to him,"  said Vin in a worried tone.

I Clank nodded his head, he agreed with Vin, the only way to confirm if he is alive is by digging his grave up.

"Okay, we are going, to help us with this work, for us we will just be giving orders," he said and called someone from his phone before walking out of the office room.

It didn't take them long to walk to their destination, the foreman was already there, Clank didn't need a permit to dig the grave instead he threw every flower that was now rotting on top of the graveyard.

"Throw this down!" He shouted as he pointed at the grave before kicking it with his shoe.

Vin just observed him, he didn't want to do anything stupid because it will create attention and if he try something and it fails he will be executed without mercy and be buried inside Brown's casket.

After demolishing it, they were busy digging dip for the graveyard, slowly by slowly, the casket was showing, though it was deep and the would-be holding it by the sides, they did their best until they lifted it from the ground.

"It's not that heavy," one of the foremen informed Mr Clank

Vin was asked to open it since he was the one claiming that Amanda has seen Brown in town.

He walked with shakey hands and using the crowbars of the men he opened it, the smell of rotten flesh was emitted from the casket, everyone placed their hands on their nose to avoid inhaling it.

"Throw that thing back inside!" Shouted Clank as he walked away living Vin and the foreman. 

'I knew she is taking something, this is going to less up everything,' Vin thought to himself as he walked behind Clank. He couldn't move closer to him because he knew it will cost him his head.

He kept a distance and waited till he was far from him so that he can go on walking.

"I think I need to talk to Amanda," said Mr Clank as he leaned near his car. Vin breathed a sigh of relief that it was not going to be his head this time around.