

I looked around and I couldn't see anyone, people were running all around. I couldn't see where Dee was. Whoever called them the police did a good job. I knew Vin would do anything to get his hands in my pants and later brag about it. 

Does he have to get her dick in every hole that walks in two, next time I won't be surprised if he is caught inserting it in a four walking thing!

'Talking of that man, where is he?' I thought to myself as I looked around for him. Nowhere to be found. I couldn't locate him. Maybe he had decided to avoid the cops and save his ass.

I stood up and the police were scattered around looking for I don't know what. I stood up and walked away, I wanted to call Damien but I realized that I don't have my phone they were collected. 

I walked to the direction where we had parked our truck, it's either Damen had picked my phone and they were waiting for me. 

"You think I am done with you," came the voice of the person I was looking for. 

What is he even doing here? I thought he was gone? What is he doing lingering around?

"Jesus, who are you this stupid, you want ro fight me right now?" I asked as I stood with my hand crossed on my chest. 

 It was too dark for me to see the look on his face. The beach was in darkness I couldn't quite figure out what he was thinking or collect his emotions. I just wish I could.

Walking around me, he chuckled as he dug his leg into the sand before walking back to me. Standing with his hands in the pocket he cleared his throat.

"I am not, I just want to make sure I finish what I started, I want to be proud and then I wi go to school and brag to my teammates about how I have managed to fuck you. The girl who used to brag of how I can't get my hands in her pants," he said as he dropped his head and looks my groin area. 

Lord, not this again. Is he going to make sure that he rapes me, not rape because it was a dare game he jas a stupid right to do the dare but I know the game has been ruined so he doesn't have any right to have his way with me? 

"You know Vin, I am trying to understand what you want in life but I can't understand you very clearly," I started as I also did the kay go-round on his figure.

"If you truly want your way with me, then you need to try much better than this little game Vin, why don't you get your little group and you guys can do whatever you want, you know your silly fetish game or well you can play police and rivers if that is your favourite game in the bedroom," I said to him.

All this time I just wanted to create a way in which I will scream and run away from it, but he looked like he had his way and tactics well planned and I couldn't get an opportunity.

"You know, I don't get why you are always right when I am wrong, you tend to think that you get everything under control, you are good with your academics, you've got great parents and they understand you. Do you think we don't want that Davids? We crave for a little of that, even a little but we can't get it because you are always in between," he said in a sorrowful voice but with a hint of scepticism.

Walking around me in a circle, I saw an opportunity, an officer was walking towards us and I decided to scream but my scream was cut short by a hand to my throat. 

I Couldn't breathe, I felt like I was being choked by something that I don't know, whatever he was using was too strong and it was irritating. 

I quickly stretched my hands and got a home of a tree that was near me and broke a twig from it and poked the person holding me from behind. 

I finally felt my throat get some air passing through it. I breathed in ad out but my throat was hurting and irritating like hell. I wish I could insert my hand inside my throat and scratch it a little to make it better but I couldn't. If this sand was able to make the irritation go away I could have just swallowed it to make things better.

Looking at the person whom I have poked, he was grunting on the ground.

"Fuck Vin, do you drug your opponents, I thought you had a candy to lure them, how an amateur of you!" I asked him as I threw the stick away. 

Whatever he had used in me was strong to have my throat burning this much. I need to get some water maybe it can help.

"Ooos!" My keg was grabbed and I fell on the sand and some went into my throat. 

Struggling to get up and I was overpowered by his strength and pinned my hand to the ground. 

I heavy punch was thrown on my face and I only saw stars in my vision. 

Ouch, I groaned as I felt the effect of the punch. I didn't have some time to think about the punch, u had to do something and make sure that he doesn't get into my pants. 

If he wants to get it that bad then he has got the wrong person to play around with. 

I grabbed some sand in my hand and there it on his face. 

"You bitch, he cried as he covered his face and quickly rubbed his face. 

I found an opportunity and pushed him from me and threw him down but he was too quick and grabbed my waist throwing me down but I grabbed his hand and threw another punch at his face but he kissed it and three another one on me but we had to play the hit and miss game, I had to duck it and threw his arms away.

"Are you fighting to be because of Daniella or because I asked your duo to suck your dick," I asked amidst the fight as we were rolling on the sand over and over? 

Heaving from the rolling, he stood up, "I am punching you because you are an asshole," he said.

To me, this felt like everyone letting out their frustration and not like a normal fight where we shade blood and stab each other with knives to death. 

"Well, I might be an added hole but not like, I am a magnificent asshole Vin, you can't try it because you don't deserve it," I told him as I grabbed my hand into a tight fist ready to punch him at any time.

Running towards me with his hands folded into a punch he jumped at me and threw me down raising his punch on my head but a flashlight was pointed towards our direction. 

"Enough both of you, can you just stop it!" Shouted Brian as he found the spotlight straight to my eyes.

"I thought you were not around, what are you doing here?" I asked as I threw Vin away from me. 

He lifted my hand and removed me from the sand.

"It seems when I am not around, you can't just keep your hands to yourself, do you love to punch some douche bag or should get me a real punch bag?" He asked he dragged me with her.

But Vin couldn't just agree to that, he moved and tried to drag me down again but Brian had to punch him and just one punch and he was on the ground. 

"Now that's how to punch a rabbit only once and you are done, I don't know where you've taken your karate skills, would dad and mum be worried that you are weak baby sister?" Sje asked in a mocking voice.

Jesus, should he always be this timid and not even compassionate? 

"They don't need to, the fight was not serious but a matter of letting out our frustration Brian," I told her.

He gave me the bitchy look as he directed the flash on my face. 

"That is not what your two friends said, liar!" He shouted as he directed his flash towards Damien and Clara who was leaning on the truck. 

This was embarrassing, looking at them, I had been over myself that I didn't kind my words. 

"Guys I am s...."

"Save your apologies we are going home," the chorused and pushed me my language and my phone in the top before getting into the track and leaving me with Brian alone.



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