

Not edited📍📍📍📍📍📍📍📍📍📍📍📍

"I love you, Vin....."

Davids "........!" 

The tyres of the cars came to a sudden halt and the smell of burnt tires filled the air. 

I couldn't believe what she just said. How can she say something like that? My heart was crushing. I thought that we had an understanding, I thought she loved me, why would she say she lived Vin?

They always say when someone is drunk, that is the time they cry for the people they truly love and say the truth about their feelings.

I was torn between believing what she had said and believing that she loved me and she has nothing to do with Vin. 

What if I am wrong? What if Vin still finds a way to her pants and I am the one being okayed here like some tennis ball?

That thought only crushed me, anger slowly built inside me, but I chose to brush those though behind my mind and focus on making her feel better. 

She was curled in the back seat. However, knees pulled towards his chin as she placed her thumb inside her mouth and was busy suckling it like a baby.

I wanted to take a picture but I couldn't because I was driving her. She looked peaceful, her hair all falling on her face as the sea breeze blow some off her face.

She was mumbling something in her sleep and I couldn't hear what she was saying, I assumed that probably she was just dreaming. 

Arriving in the beach house, a house girl was waiting for us there. I descended from the truck and opened the back four to get Daniella from the sit. 

She hadn't woken up yet, she was still sleeping and I hated to be the one who wakes her up from her peaceful sleep. She had no other wide but to help her inside the house.

"Oh, baby, not now I want to sleep," she murmured. 

I wanted to get excited but I was hit with the feeling that probably she was referring to Vin and not me. 

I gently carried her and the lady standing by the door bowed to us. I never loved it when someone bowed at me like some Queen or king. My parents don't even have their workers or staff now for them. They treat them as normal people but they know their lanes l, what they are supposed to do and what not to do.

"Welcome, the guest room is over there, " she said sweetly as she pointed to us the room to her left. 

I walked gently and laid Dee on the bed. 

Her eyes gently parted and she flicked her brows. 

I lifted my hands and placed them on her face, caressing her cheek gently before placing a gentle kiss on her cheeks.

"Davids," she whispered as he held my hand that was caressing her face. 

I moved closer to her and touched her face once more. I wanted to be sure that she was in her right state before saying anything.

Instead, she didn't talk again. 

"I need to get you washed baby," I told her as I removed the sports bra that was stuck on her body.

After letting her breast go free I walked and turned on the shower. I wanted the water warm and after it was full in the tub, I checked for some gel shower from her backpack but I only came across the tables that she used. I was tempted to pick one of the tablets but again I decided to let curiosity walk its way away from me.

She didn't have any, so I checked in the washroom for any toiletries and got a soap with showing gel.

I picked Daniella from the bed and once again she patted her eyebrows and the blue orbs met mine, she blushed and closed them again.

"Don't be shy now, just a bath and that's all," I said to her.

She held my neck making me drop in my tracks and look at her, "you carried me the princess style and I live it," she said. 

I just chuckled looking at her face. 

"Anything for my sweetheart," I said as I placed her gently on the tab.

I was careful not to hurt her stitches and make sure no water touches it.

I squeezed the gel in my hands and gently massaged it on her body. I have never washed anyone before.  I hadn't even imagined washing someone like this, but look at me now, making sure the girl I love has her birth and looks okay.

I reached her abdomen, I was unsure whether I am supposed to wash her or just assume it and wash her legs and be done with this work.

But then, what was the need to wash her if I am going to do it halfway?

I gently boarded her legs and washed her but suddenly my hands were held in place.

Looking at Daniella's face, she was all smiling while looking at me. 

'No, not when she is in this state, this is not supposed to happen," I thought to myself as I tried to remove my hands from hers but she was too strong, 

What? Why is she string for me now?

She forcefully rubbed her rubbed m hands in her clit. 'What the fuck Daniella?' I thought to myself as I forcefully removed my hands from her clit.

Instead, of her being shocked, she gave me a frowning look, she was disappointed that I had pulled away from her.

"We always do this babe, why are you pulling away? You don't want me now?" She asked in a broken tone. I know sue was almost pouring her tears.

I didn't know what to do. She just revealed what they always do with Vin. How can I be okay if this is what she wants to do with Vin yet here I am thinking that I have a girl who is mine?

"Babe, what I'm with the look? Have you forgotten how we do this with Vin? How we agreed to have a polyamorous relationship, don't you remember?" She asked as she stood walking close to her.

I couldn't understand what she was saying, when did she hear her say such words. We have never even talked about the type of relationship that we wanted. 

Daniella walked closer to me but I walked back landing on the door that was in my back. Unless this is not the Daniella I knows and she has been swapped up with someone else. That was the fear I had in me.

The stitches, the tablets that she is swallowing her behaviour after swallowing the medicine, that's not just the girl I knew.

Davids, it's me, Daniella, it's me!" She shouted in frustration as she walked towards me.

The soap foams were gliding in her body as they dropped on the floor, her slender legs walking towards me  

I knew Daniella very well, even in dark I can distinguish her from someone else but right now, I am confused whether I know this Daniella or this is someone else. 

"What happened to your head, Dee?" I asked her, I wanted to know which answer she is going to give me next. 

"I hit the door yesterday morning," she said.

'Lawd!' I thought to myself, what other idea does she have about the stitches? 

Then an idea popped into my head,  maybe I am just thinking all this wrong, what if he git his head and has a little of mis-fixing and the medicines are the ones giving her all hallucination?

I just needed to trust her, isn't that what love is all about? Trusting the other person, even if it's using the blind faith that we have? 

I am going to let that faith guide me in this.

I moved closer to her and higher her tightly. 

"I had forgotten about it babe, but what about we to that after this shower?" I asked trying to create every means I am going to use to evade all that drama that she wanted us to have.

I walked her back into the tub and helped her in, I had to rinse her so that I can avoid every drama. Though the thought of them having fun with someone else still dominated my mind.

"Is this why Jane is open to Victor bedding other girls? Or this is what Jane had told her?" 

She had to shake like every idea that popped into her head concerning that matter. She couldn't allow herself to think of anything as such.

After nursing her, she carried her to the bed but after wrapping her up in a clean towel. 

She left her rest in the bed and walked out but was stopped by her voice.

"I will always love you."




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