
Chapter 32 - The Decision

"What did you find?"

"Here's the thing... I'm not sure."

I stared at the wall in confusion. Why would she call me if she was not sure? I looked in Darcy's direction. He stepped towards me, concern lacing his handsome features. God, Pirhana had the worst timing.

"What do you mean?" I asked, "Are you alright?"

"You need to come back."

Her voice brought me no solace. There was anxiety in her speech. I had never experienced this with her. She was always so carefree. So upbeat and positive. A blithe spirit.

"We're home. We-"

"You need to come back," she emphasized the word, "."

My brow furrowed, "Why the urgency? Tell me what you found."

"I don't understand it." I could picture her shaking her head, "You have to come here as quick as you can. You need to see it for yourself. Oh yeah, the library closes at five so, hurry up."

"Thanks for the heads up," I quipped.

"Anytime," she laughed. "See you soon. Actually, no," she paused for a beat, "see you."

Begrudgingly, I moaned, "Of course, ."

"Yup," Pirhana said, a shade too bright, "Bye."

"Bye," I hung up.

I looked back at Darcy's letter. It would have to wait for now. Still, I found some relief in waiting. I had no answers. I loved him, and I reckon it was answer enough for most but, I wanted to be sure of everything.

What if going back to Pride and Prejudice would turn out to be a huge mistake? What if I would regret going back? What if there was no going back from my decision? There were so many questions and not enough answers. My brain was reeling from all these sentiments.

Sure, it was easy for Darcy to go home. Pride and Prejudice was all he knew. But, for me, it was not so simple. I had experienced both worlds. Both worlds were fantastic. Both worlds had their pros and cons. But, only one world had Darcy. And, only one world had my friends and family. I wanted to focus on something else, but, my mind kept going back to him. I did not wish to hurt him, and it pained me to think I would have to. God, I loved him so much. I just wanted to hole myself in my bedroom and bury myself underneath a blanket fort, curling up in a fetal position while bawling my eyes out. But, doing so would admit defeat, and I was not one to give up. This was a hard decision. It was a decision with the power to alter my life. Of course, I was scared to move forward.

"We have to go back," I said.

"Have you made a decision?"

"No, I meant we have to go back to the library." He nodded as I began to explain the situation. "Pirhana called. She said she found something."

"It sounds promising."

"I don't know if it's good or bad. She sounded urgent."

"Shall we leave?"

"Yes. I think we should. You've eaten, right?"

"Yes. However, I must request we never go to this McDonald's establishment ever again."

"Why?" I smirked, "You don't like it?"

"These," he read the box, "Chicken McNuggets cannot be real chicken."

"They're probably not," I laughed at his outraged expression. "Tell you what, next time you can choose the restaurant, er, ."


When we reached the library, I could tell it was an hour from closing. There was no one there aside from a few college students cramming as much knowledge into their minds as they could manage. When we reached Pirhana, she looked up with tired eyes and smiled with a small yawn. Her hair, which was curly to begin with, was sticking out in haphazard corkscrews as if she had a severe case of bedhead. Newspaper cuttings and papers were strewn across the table, but, one clipping was central, and Pirhana focused on it.

"Here," she carefully handed me the clipping, "Read this."

I skimmed the article. My eyes widened as I cleared my throat and read the article aloud, "Samuel Palmer, an agriculture student at Plymouth University, has been reported missing a second time. Six months ago, he had disappeared from his home, only to return, in a mysterious fashion. Sources say he vanished on January twenty-eighth but, a missing person report was filed today..." I trailed off as I began to read the article.

"I know, right?" Pirhana leaned forward, "It sounds like what happened to you."

"It sounds like what happened to me," I muttered.

A black and white picture of a man accompanied the article. The man possessed longish curly hair with a brilliant smile. My eyes flashed to the date of the story. Almost two hundred years after publication of Pride and Prejudice and Jane Austen's supposed death.

"Pirhana," I swallowed, "I recognize this man."

I backed into the chair behind me and plopped down opposite Pirhana. I reread the article over and over, transfixed by the words. I don't know why I kept reading it. I was hoping for a secret to appear. A solution to manifest itself from the black and white as if between each letter were the shades of gray which went ignored.

"This explains his smile."

"What does?" Darcy asked.

I showed him the article and pointed to the 2000 date. Darcy raised a questioning brow. I remembered he had met Mr. Palmer once before.

"He owns a farm not far from Longbourn. You met him when Lydia had her incident." I shrugged, "Lydia has set her sights on him and mother would like a spring wedding if she can help it."

Pirhana squinted at me as if studying me from afar. Caught off guard, I asked, "What?"

"I see it now," She smirked, "You are Elizabeth Bennet."

I laughed, "I don't know what to say."

"Say thank you and curtsy. I would love to see you curtsy!" Pirhana chuckled.

I shook my head, "Let's get back to business, shall we?"

"What does this article mean?" Darcy inquired.

"It would appear Samuel Palmer is not from Pride and Prejudice. He is from the modern world." I explained, "He could be trapped with no way out or-"

"Has it not occurred to you he may not desire to leave?" Darcy suggested.

"No. It has not. It could be a possibility. But, it is not what I meant."

"What did you mean?" Pirhana inquired.

"What I mean to say is," I glanced at Darcy, "it is imperative we go back as soon as possible."

"Yeah," Pirhana reminded, "but, one small ... you have to find how the mirror works first."