
Lost Dreams - The Indomnia Chronicles by R.Lallu

Dana Phiri-Rutherford, a beautiful brilliant,independent and head strong woman, from one of the most powerful political families in Indomnia, the jewel of the Federation Republic, flies against family traditions by enrolling in the rookie police academy and is accepted. Her family, furious at her "rebellion", try to curtail her plans,while Dana is thrust Into the spotlight during a high profile murder case, herself and her partner must investigate. This time, Dana might just have bitten off more than she can chew.....

RaffyAngel1980 · ไซไฟ
7 Chs

Chapter 1 - New Beginnings ...New Life....

Dana was sleeping. The night had been a very tough one, to get through for her… Being a newly appointed police detective, in one of the most dangerous precincts in the Federation's Capital InDomnia, was very inspiring yet nervous for Dana Phiri-Rutherford. Just as she thought she was about to slumber into a much needed and delicious sleep, her alarm went off at exactly 6am that Morning. Cursing and throwing her cushion at the alarm, she pressed the stop button on it and yawning unendingly, dragged herself out of bed. Wiping sleep from her eyes, she dragged her what seemed like a lifeless body to the bedroom window and opened her curtain, to see what the day's weather promised. Outside her apartment in the middle class neighborhood of Farenheight, about a 20 minute drive to the Federation's Capital city, Indomnia, Dana mused at the beauty of the Sunny and very promising day, inside herself she however still felt the fatigue of the past week's 12 to 13hour daily shifts, she completed and wondered why she thought it would be any easier after graduating from the Federation's Police Academy.

Dana knew that this was what she wanted to do in life, even after having successfully completed various degrees at the World Renowned Indomnia State University, and being a member of one of the most prestigious and very wealthy families in the Federation, as a child and even now as an adult woman, Dana distanced herself from all her family fame and prestige that it brought. As an only child, Dana's Father, the very famous Scientist Professor Dr. Owen Phiri-Rutherford, had very big ambitions for his daughter. He had already decided that at the age of 20, that she would have to marry into a very wealthy family, and through that family's political connections, become a wife to the possibly next President of the Federation, Dana however, was not having any of it. When she was sent to the elite Indomnia Academy for girls, Dana excelled as a scholar and ensured she did everything in her academic and personal life that her father expected. She was the top achiever in all her grades and being an outgoing, yet reserved at times teenager, was liked and admired by her fellow peers. This would become the norm for Dana, who even managed to become the ultimate role model student at the Indominia College of Colleges, a tertiary institution that catered for the top wealthy families in the Federation's children. Dana was only 1 out of 18 scholars in the History of the Institution, to graduate in her final year of study there, will distinctions in all her subjects and this was only the start, for, when Dana was enrolled by her Father at the Idomnia State University, against her wishes but none the less accepting her fate, Dana became one of the top achievers in all her studies majoring in Political sciences. Dana's Father was truly proud of her achievements. And when his wife the lovely Glenda Phiri-Rutherford, hosted all of Indomnia and Farenheight's Social and Political Heavyweights, at her various "power luncheons and gala dinner Soirees" her Father insisted that Glenda ensured that Dana attended to search for the ultimate husband to be, that would suit someone of her stature as her Father put it. Dana, however, was having none of it… No matter how her parents begged and pleaded with her, she refused at every opportunity and always found a valid excuse or reason no to attend. If it was not the usual excuse of "I'm planning for my future and studying towards it" it was the " Dad!, you know very well that I am helping the Senate debate teams at the State Library in Indomnia with their campaign managing activities. Although her Father said he understood, he swore to himself that "rain or high water, or hell itself" he would have her married off by Age 29 the latest to a well off and very deserving family in the Federation, no matter what it took. Owen Phiri-Rutherford, was a man who was not used to being refused or for that fact, hearing the word no often.

Dana however, was his daughter and just like her father, she shared that unique gene of not backing down from a point of argument and not bowing under pressure and she sure as heck was not going to it now in the prime of policing career.

While Dana was deep in thought at all these crazy dramas in her personal and family life, she noticed something unusual while peering out at her bedroom window, to the busy road beneath. Not far off from across the street of her apartment building and in the busy park, stood an elderly man wearing a bowler hat, what was strange about it or rather him, was that he seemed to staring directly at Dana or perhaps someone in her apartment complex she thought and before she could open the window to go out onto the terrace, to get a better look, her flat mate and work partner, Bianca Carmichael, came into her bedroom carrying a tray with a plate of muffins, omelets and toast, and two cups of coffee for them both.

"Breakfast is served your highness!!" Bianca said as mockingly bowed to her best friend and giggled as Dana gave her the royal look of mockery. Trying not to break her serious regal facial expression, Dana faked a regal walk to her bed and like a queen signaling for dinner guests to be seated with a slight wave of her regal hand, Dana signalled for Bianca to join her at her chaise lounge and coffee table, giggling she broke her poker face and proclaimed : Thanks Bia! I owe you"

"No prob hun! You look like you either need it or it needs you lol!"Bianca said as she hugged her and passed her a cup of good strong roasted coffee. "So when are you planning on getting done Dana? We have to leave in like 30 minutes! Captain is no mood of any antics today, after what went down in the Ricardo Macio trial"

Sipping and enjoying her fresh cup of delicious coffee Dana nodded in agreement thinking of how angry their superior Captain Lara Mdluzi, the Head of the Federation's Operative Defences unit, where Dana and Bianca were stationed, must be. After weeks of endless long hours, strategic meetings between police and special operations agencies in the Federation and long tireless stakeouts, the crime boss and Kingpin of the Federation Ricardo Macio was busted or arrested by the F.O.D., just to be let off at a bail application hearing, by the Federal Judge, Her Honor Janet Smith, Judge Smith was known as the wild and strictest judge, in the Federal Judicial Circuit, but also garnered a reputation, for doing every single thing "by the book and only by the book of law". The Judge who issued the warrant of arrest for Macio Judge Nicholas Graham had unfortunately by no fault overlook the small fact that Ricardo Macio had turned state witness in a case that was now so hushed up from the media and the public, that any mention of it put one squarely in the spotlight and on the receiving end of all interested parties questioning your interest. This case was known by all including Dana and Bianca as the Delta bluegate scandal or Delta bluegate investigation. It entailed all the suspected corrupt Crime bosses in the Federation, being accused of colluding with other unknown forces, outside of Indomnia, to have the President of the Federation, Larry Eiderman, either assassinated or through their channel of corrupt and smaller crime bosses, kidnapped and held for a massive ransom. Crime in Indomnia was at an all time high, and Dana and Bianca were recruited into the F.O.D, at a time when the law enforcement agencies were at their wits end to prove any of these allegations. Speculation was rife that the threat itself, was either orchestrated from within F.O.D or some unknown forces in law enforcement agencies. Not even the Senate itself had any true leads or other information on this serious matter. It also didn't help matters Dana thought, that the now deceased but still loved Mayor of Indomnia, Mayor Mark Cato was found brutally shot in his office at the City Hall district and no suspects or fingerprints or any other clues were left at the scene, the video footage of the night in question bore no clues either, as it had been wiped clean from the video cameras facing the outside passage door to the Mayor's offices. His Secretary was off sick and the cleaner on duty that night cannot recall seeing anyone suspicious, entering the the building or the Mayor's offices, the night guard downstairs saw no such suspicious person, all was quiet and the visitor's log book shows the last visitor to have left the building was logged out at about 5:45pm, All this puzzled Dana and the worst part of it all she thought, was that now Captain Ndluzi had assigned Dana and Bianca on this case, she was feeling the pressure from the Senate, the Imdonia Mayoral Committee and the two political parties in the Federation, that insisted this horrific murder be solved.

It also didn't help matters any further that Dana and Bianca had no leads to go on, the local police precinct, was also not forthcoming with any new leads or information and their Captain insisted that F.O.D handle the matter alone. This Dana observed with twisted humor, was the case that could make or break herself and Bianca. She thanked and cursed the Captain in her mind solemnly.

While Dana still stares off in thought listening to Bianca and watching her finish off the last of an amazing breakfast, she thanks her and watches her carry the breakfast tray out of her bedroom to go wash up and get ready for work. She remembers the strange mysterious looking man and goes back to her bedroom window, to get a better look at him, as she look out and searches for him around the point in the park he stood, she notices he is gone. Dana frowns on her forehead and dismisses it as just as just her overtired brain playing tricks on her. She sighs a great sigh and tidies her bed and puts on the counter alarm clock radio on her bedside night stand, then she goes off her bathroom and gets into a shower to get ready, for what she suspects will be another messy, drama filled day at the F.O.D offices.

Meanwhile at the back kitchen area of a downtown pizzeria in Farenheight, a covert discussion takes place.....

Man with bowler hat:" What were you thinking summoning me here of all places?!!!!Don't you know or do you choose to be unaware of how risky it is meeting in the very same area she lives in?"

Man with Griffin ring on his finger:" I am not in the least interested in your fears or feelings this evening or any other!!You need to be reminded I think of why I sent you here, and why you work for me and them! I have no time for blasted dramatics, and they are getting impatient with you, and with her, at least the only thing you seem to do right these days is watch her movements, they told me to tell you that the time is drawing near when she will face her first major challenge, have you arranged everything? For you sake I hope so, their patience with your incompetence these days is growing very, very thin."

Man with bowler hat:" you need not remind me of my work or job description Sir, I apologize for my mood, yes everything is in place just as they asked, she will not even suspect a thing, and we have plans for her partner as well, yes we will ensure that Bianca does not become a problem for us in the future."

Man with Griffin ring on his finger:"Excellent! I leave you now, travelling to this miserable happy suburb with its deliriously happy families makes me sick, they expect me back for a meeting by tomorrow, I am leaving this in your hands, do not make me regret this decision and don't forget, we're keeping a close eye on you and your team to pull this off. :

Man with Bowler hat:"thank you sir, you can count on us, enjoy your trip and see you soon". Without another word spoken, the mysterious man in his navy suit glares back at him and gets into an unmarked limousine waiting for him, as the limousine departs the other Mysterious man with the bowler hat spits on the floor and mouths out curses, as he thinks of the difficult task they set for him. He will have to make sure everything is precisely executed and a twisted grin forms on his mouth as he leaves the restaurant. Dana Phiri-Rutherford, will soon know what the expression, thrown in the deep end means.

It's tough to stand up to one's Dad, especially when you are a girl. I'm proud of Dana for standing up for what she believes in.

RaffyAngel1980creators' thoughts