
Chapter 1. How it at started...

Since the introduction of the internet, games have populated and etched into the brains of the children. They were now turned into sports and they had tournaments with championships and everything. In a two roomed house, situated near the industrial area lived a boy who was also interested in games. Sadly his mother, who lived with him was poor and they could hardly make a meal.

This boy was Jin and he used to go to the stores and cafes to help his mother with the expenses. His father had abandoned them for a rich lady and they were forced to live here. The air was polluted and it was very unhealthy but they were used to it.

His mother worked in other houses and as a house maid, cooking and cleaning. But they were happy. Jin would go to the cafe and play the popular games after he talked with the store owner who was kind enough to let him. He created an account for a game which was popular those days and played online.

His mother did not know of this and he was just playing for fun. Later he was proficient in the skills of the game as it was an MMORPG. Spells, cultivation methods, weapons and relics were used in the game. The game brought happiness to him and he was happy even though he was bullied in school.

One day he was walking down the street from his workplace at the cafe and he met one of his bullies. He tried to change the road but they had already spotted him from afar.

" Hey, poor boy what are you doing this late at night, don't you know that the streets are filled with wolves!!! ".

"Please let me go i dont have any quarrel with you,please let me go!! " Jin said as he was backing away from the guy. He was told by his mother not to fight with anyone. So he kept his cool and did not fight.

" You cannot tell me what i cannot do boy,you peasants want to suck of all of our wealth and then make us the same as you, i hate even the smell of you,i don't know why you want to breathe the same air as you. Today i will eliminate you from the face of the earth!!! " he said as he approached the guy with bad intentions.

He then brought his body guards with their baseball bats and then they started to beat the hell out of him. They left when he was half dead and laying on the middle of the road. Never did this thought cross his mind that he would die without even reaching twenty, still a virgin and away from his mother.

"I need to get to my mother somehow.....ahhh ..um" he grumbled as he crawled in the direction of home.

His mother was at home not knowing what had happened to her son. Then after a while she heard a weak knock at the door and she thought it was the wind. But then it happened again. She just made the choice of checking if it was really the wind. When she opened the door , her son in a pool of his own blood by the door.

" Son what happened to you no.. no.. no" she then sounded as she was crying already.

She was really a sweet woman. She took care of him since the day he was abandoned. His father did not even care. Seeing her only life in a sorry state, she was broken. She took him to the bed and lay him on it. He was already on his last breath as he had lost so much blood.All he could say was,

" Mother i am sorry i could not take care of you and please try to be happy after i am gone okay" his last and final words. They were filled with regret and unwillingness. She cried and wept for her son who just ceased breathing.

While in dark space somewhere, Jin was floating and he could not see anything. " What happened where am i, am i not dead?" he looked around the darkness and saw a light further down in the abyss.

He floated to that space and as soon as he reached there he was sucked into the space there, only to hear a voice speaking.

" Its been a while since someone came into this space, guess you must be one of the souls that resent how they were treated, you look good.. ummm" the old man had a feeling of unfathomable pressure radiating from him .

" Where am i?" he asked looking around.

"This is where one goes before he reincarnates into another world, only if he or she has unfinished business in the world that he came from, so now lets start the process shall we" the old man said as he went back to his seat and started making seals with his hands.

"Who are you old man ? " Jin asked as he looked straight at the old man.

" Its been so many years since i used my name, but they used to call me Old man Tai" he said as he completed his seal.

" Now to get this started which of these do you like"

<A divine artifact that can teleport you to any world>

<A beast taming art>

<A system that can unlock as you grow stronger>

There was a silence as he looked at the old man to see what was happening. It was just like those webnovels where they would ask one to choose how to be reigncanated.

" i have always wanted a system that can listen and do what i want" he said and the old man moved to the next page or hologram, whatever it was

<Type of hair color, skin color, eye color and body type>

" I would like my hair to be black, i am going to keep my current skin color, my eyes i like them blue, slim but not thin body and finally long hair." he said as he chose how he was going to look.

" Now choose the element you want to use"






" What is a paragon?" he asked

" This is the term used to call those who can master all the elements and create new elements from combination of other elements" the old man said.

"Paragon it is then" Jin said as he was sire of his choice.

<Divine beast bloodline>

<Demon bloodline>

<Normal bloodline>

" Divine beast bloodline of course in all of my games they were awesome "

<Azure dragon>


<Black turtle>

<White tiger>

Then he asked," can i choose two, as it is my life i can choose two right" he said as he was pondering.

" Can you handle two bloodlines? " the old man asked .

" I have seen it in the games and they had two bloodlines" he said as he was firm on his decision.

" Okay, you can" the old man said

" i want to have two, the demon bloodline and the azure dragon bloodline, i have been nice to people for too long" he said with determination.

" Okay the last one what kind of system would it be? " this was the last option.

" I want to learn the cultivation methods that are no longer existing in the world that i am going, so it will be Lost cultivation System ". with that he could twerk rest after he was in the world.

" Good luck young man i hope you make it out alive and do not die early, its going to be hard for you with all those chosen parameters haah" he sighs as Jin was then transported out of the black space to the world he was reincarnated to.

This was the beginning of his second chance at life.