
Lost ashore

Goodnews_5039 · แฟนตาซี
34 Chs

Chapter Twenty-Five: Whispers of Deception

The group had settled into their new campsite, finding comfort in their unity and the routines they had established. As they navigated the challenges of their environment, a sense of normalcy began to take root. But unknown to them, an old adversary lurked in the shadows, plotting her revenge.

One day, as the group went about their activities, a seemingly innocent stranger appeared on the outskirts of their camp—a young girl with disheveled clothes and a forlorn expression. Her eyes held a hint of desperation, and her voice quivered as she approached them.

"Please, I'm lost and hungry. Can you help me?" Her voice was soft and plaintive, tugging at their hearts.

Ethan's compassion was immediate, his concern evident as he exchanged glances with his friends. "Of course, we'll help you. Come join us by the fire."

As the days passed, the girl ingratiated herself into the group, her presence welcomed with open arms. She told stories of her struggles and seemed genuinely grateful for their kindness. Ethan, in particular, took her under his wing, their camaraderie growing stronger with each passing moment.

Mia watched from a distance, her heart heavy with mixed emotions. She saw the way Ethan and the girl laughed together, the ease of their interactions. Though she kept her feelings hidden, a pang of jealousy gnawed at her heart.

One evening, as the group sat around the campfire, the girl looked towards Ethan with a smile. "Ethan, can you show me more about survival skills? You're so knowledgeable about these things."

Ethan's smile was warm as he agreed, their camaraderie evident in their shared interests. As they moved away from the campfire, Mia's gaze followed them, her unease growing.

Lily, who had noticed Mia's subdued demeanor, leaned closer. "Are you okay, Mia?"

Mia's forced smile did little to hide her inner turmoil. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just tired, I guess."

As the days turned into weeks, the girl's presence continued to influence the group dynamics. She became a source of fascination for Ethan, a companion who shared his passion for survival skills and exploration.

One day, as Mia found herself alone with Lily, her feelings spilled out in a whispered confession. "Lily, I have to admit something. I like Ethan. But seeing him with that girl…it's making me feel so jealous."

Lily's understanding gaze met Mia's, her voice gentle. "It's okay to feel that way, Mia. Just remember that our bonds are strong. No matter what happens, we're here for each other."

Unbeknownst to the group, the seemingly innocent girl was none other than Aria, the vengeful spirit who had targeted them before. Her facade of innocence was a mask for her obsession with Mia and her desire to tear their bonds apart.

As the group enjoyed a peaceful evening by the campfire, Aria's gaze held a sinister gleam. She had infiltrated their ranks, sowing seeds of doubt and jealousy with her every move.