
Lost Artefacts | A Game of Thrones fic

Roberts rebellion goes on a lot longer than usual, Jon is two years older than Robb, he finds that he can no longer stay in his home so he travels across the narrow sea to seek fortune and adventure. Discovering relics of ages that have long past. (Ignore the first synopsis it was actual dog crap, I’d also changed my mind about certain aspects of the story when during the first chapter but forgot to change it) Patreon.com/Captainalfie78Works I do not own a song of ice and fire or any respective works.

TheManUnderTheBed · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
27 Chs

Valar Morghulis

Speaking another language: -Hello-

Jon stood at the table with a map of the Dothraki sea in front of him, he had spent several days in here refusing to leave the War Room until he came up with a viable plan to beat the Dothraki army. He asked Rhaella to take care of Joanna as he couldn't afford to have any distractions, though he didn't explain what he was doing, Daenerys would likely offer herself to stop him from doing something this stupid.

No matter how he thought of it a straight fight would be a massacre, even 5,000 well-equipped men with spears would break upon the Dothraki riders numbering up to 40,000. He sat down again slamming the table in frustration as he pours himself a mother cup of wine.

"I see you're not having much luck then" His companion states from across the table, his usual smug attitude dripping from his words.

"Fuck off Jaime... if only the smart Lannisters were present, with my luck I got stuck with the dumb one" he replied to him getting a laugh from Jaime.

"If my Father were here he would've married Daenerys to the Khal a long time ago" he states humorously.

Jon smiles and then a silence drops over them, they both knew what kind of situation they were in and it weighed heavily on both of them though Jon a lot more so.

Jon leans back in his chair "Do you think about the men you've killed?"

Jaime nods his head "In my dreams mostly, and it's usually your grandfather"

"I think about them all, it's the only way I can be certain I've not succumbed to madness" Jon states solemnly.

"And now I'm about to add 40,000 people more to the graves beneath my feet, who will most likely die screaming as I can't afford to give them an honourable death" he continues.

"I spent a fair amount of time guarding King Aerys and I can say with certainty you two are nothing alike" Jaime says with a tired look on his face.

Jon snickers, he then looks at Jaime a bit more seriously "You can't stay with me in this tent forever, I hope you realise"

Jaime frowns his smile disappearing from his face as he takes a deep drink from his cup "I think it best that I do not show my face to her"

Jon shakes his head "Best for who?" He replies.

Jon then sighs as he leans forward "Speak to my Grandmother Jaime, you have the chance to say to her all the things that you wished you could say when you thought she died"

Jaime looks conflicted, though Jon knows he's gotten through to him, no matter how much he may poke fun at him he knows that under all of his arrogance and bravado, Jaime has the heart of a knight and when it comes down to it he will do the right thing.

"Now leave me be while I try to get us out of this mess that our leaders have gotten us into" Jon states with exasperation.

Jaime not concentrating simply nods his head as he gets up and leaves the tent lost in his thoughts.


"Aegon you need to consider this carefully" Jon Connington said as they were in his tent having a discussion away from the other commanders.

Aegon frowns, he didn't like the direction this conversation was going "It's absurd Jon, I can't betray my brother like that"

Jon grabs his shoulder "We don't have a choice when he takes those 5,000 men he'll be slaughtered and we will be at a worse disadvantage and find ourselves dying on this hill"

Aegon shook his head "I think we should have faith in him, he's not the type to lead one astray"

"Aegon think carefully! You are a king, if you die you will never be able to get revenge for your family, the Targaryens will never retake the throne it will all end here with you!" Jon shouts desperately.

"Once Jon takes the 5,000 and engages the Dothraki we need to leave with the rest of our men and go onwards" he continues.

Aegon fidgeted uncomfortably "I will consider it"


Jaime stood outside a certain tent, he'd been there for a while not having the courage to step through the threshold, he'd avoided seeing Rhaella ever since he found out she was there. He was so relieved that she was alive and with her family but it caused the unbearable guilt he felt for years to come back in full force.

He can still remember it as if it were yesterday, he was only 15 name days and he stood guard outside the queen's chamber with Jonothor Darry his fellow brother. He'll never forget the screams as Aerys raped her and hurt her.

*We are sworn to protect her as well*

*We are, but not from him*

Those words haunt him more than the time he killed Aerys, his biggest regret in life was not walking into the room and stabbing him through the back then and there. The Kingsguard was supposed to be the peak of what a Knight was and yet we stood by and let one of the kindest women in the seven kingdoms get raped and abused.

He didn't deserve her forgiveness, but he wished to apologise regardless. However, he found that he couldn't enter it was as if his body refused. Jaime decided that he should come back another time there was a chance that she was busy regardless so he wouldn't want to distract her.

However, as he goes to leave the tent opens "Uncle Jaime! Is Father done yet? Tell me!" Joanna said loudly as she grabbed him by the hand yanking him by the hand into the tent. Inside he sees Jon's red-haired wife and the tall woman, but sitting down at the table is the person that haunted his dreams for so long.

She didn't look a day older than when he'd last seen her, when she saw him she smiled which almost turned him into a blubbering mess. He didn't deserve such a thing from her not after he stood and watched what happened to her.

"Hey! Cunt! I'm talking to you, what has Jon been doing all this time!" The red-haired woman shouted as she waved her hand in front of him.

Snapping out of his thoughts "He requested I not tell you, I think you'd better hear it from him anyway" Jaime replies attempting to keep the tremble from his voice.

"Ygritte why don't you go and bring him some food, Brienne would you mind taking Joanna for a while," Rhaella asked getting nods of confirmation from both of them as they both left the tent leaving Jaime and Rhaella alone.

"You look well your grace" Jaime said with his head looking at the floor as if he were a child.

Rhaella giggles slightly "Your grace? I haven't been a Queen for many years Jaime so please call me Rhaella"

Jaime nods his head still looking at the floor "Why won't you look at me, Jaime?" She asks in a gentle voice.

Jaime clenched his fists as he tries to keep the tears from his eyes "I wished to apologise your grace" he says not answering her question.

Rhaella sits there her legs crossed as she looks at Jaime, she doesn't say anything and just allows him to speak. "I was weak and I failed to protect you... I knew in my heart what the true noble thing to do was but I couldn't do it"

"I do not expect forgiveness, but finding out you were alive has made me wish to confess and take any harsh words you may have for me" he continues.

"Look at me Jaime" she commands, Jaime finds himself obeying almost immediately.

Rhaella stands up and approaches him "You won't have my forgiveness, Jaime," she says making his heart clench.

"I knew my husband rather well, and I know that he would have rather burned the city to the ground than hand it over to the usurper" Rhaella states.

"People know you as Kingslayer but that is far from what you deserve, the Warrior charged you to be brave, The Father charges you to be just, and the mother charged you to defend the innocent" Rhaella continued

"You say you failed but that is far from the truth, only 15 name days and you embodied what a true knight is, you saved everyone in Kings Landing, you are a truer knight than I have ever met and your heart is true," she says as she puts her hand over his chest.

Rhaella then smiles at Jaime "So you will not have my forgiveness Jaime as there is nothing to forgive, but I will say something you deserve to hear at least once"

"Thank you Ser Jaime Lannister for protecting the innocent and being a true knight" It was at that point that Jaime couldn't hold it in any longer and the tears fell from his face, Rhaella smiled and hugged him hoping that the pain he had carried for so long would finally disappear.


Jon sat at the table in the War Room his plan would most likely work, but it wouldn't be honourable not that he was concerned with such things and regardless of how he felt he would still go through with it. However, he is snapped out of his thoughts by Ygritte walking into his tent with a plate of food.

Jon looks at her and smiles "I thought I asked not to be disturbed" he said jokingly only receiving a rude gesture in return.

Ygritte comes and leans on the table next to him "The Golden twat said you were having problems in here"

Jon snickered at the name he'd have to remember that one "I am going to be leaving soon..."

Ygritte nods "Where are we going?" She states with a blank face.

"You are going nowhere... I am leading 5,000 men to lead an attack on the Dothraki" he says emphasising the fact that he would be going alone.

Ygritte snorts thinking it's a jest, but when she sees he's not smiling her face forms a frown "Are you touched? People are saying there are 40,000 riders"

Jon doesn't say anything and continues to look at her, this pisses Ygritte off as she grabs him by his tunic "You bastard! You don't get to do stupid things while expecting us to sit around and wait to hear if you're still alive " she says with a fire in her eyes.

"I am yours and you are mine, if I belong anywhere it's by your side" She continues her grip getting slightly weaker.

Jon smiles at her and pulls her onto his lap "You are mine and so I will take care of you, but I need you to take care of the others. I only trust you and Val to keep my family safe"

Ygritte leans her forehead into his "I want to fight by your side..." she says in a low tone.

Jon runs his hands through her thick fiery hair causing her to purr as she rubs her body on him "One day I promise we will fight together but not today, this is a battle that no one should have to be part of"

She lifts her head from his giving him a questioning look "I have a plan to win this battle but I've had doubts whether I should-"

"Do it" she simply says.

"40,000 or 100,000 I don't care, kill them all as long as it means you come back to us" she says kissing him on the lips.

She then withdraws her lips from his own "Promise me you will kill whoever you need to" she asks

Jon hesitates, he wasn't a killer or a soldier he only wished to spend his life adventuring and maybe settle down in a keep somewhere... but he couldn't, he had things he needed to do before getting that Keep him and Tyene always talked about "I promise"

He says firmly getting a deep kiss from Ygritte in return.

She kisses him passionately her tongue dancing around his mouth entwining with his own, Jon can feel himself stiffen under his breaches as the short red-haired girl rubs her hands down his chest, she disconnects from the kiss panting heavily a pretty flush on her face. Jon lifts her and places her on the table making Ygrittes excitement increase "Ever since you first stole me I've wanted you to fuck me, every time you'd hold me I could feel it rub against me, I spent so many nights thinking of you with fire between my thighs"

Jon leans down and kisses her neck getting a sultry moan in return "I stole you, and now I'm going to enjoy fucking my wife, I'm going to shoot my seed into you until your belly grows heavy with my seed" he whispers into her ears making her clench her thighs. Jon removes her tunic her pale soft skin coming into view, she was skinny and had an athlete body type the only fat being her breasts which were only a little more than a handful with pale pink nipples standing erect at the tips. Jon kissed down her body trailing his tongue down her collarbone, Ygrittes hands run through Jon's hair gripping them as she closes her eyes revelling in the pleasure of his tongue.

Though it only seems to get better as he reaches her nipple, he latches onto it gently sucking it "Mmmm, keep doing that..." she whispers, he grabs her other breast with his hand pinching it getting a small squeak of surprise from her, Jon rubs her breasts lightly and slowly increases his speed which draws increasingly louder moans from the wildling girl. He finally unlatched from her nipple, the surrounding area around her nipple is a pinkish red, when he looks at Ygritte he can't help but smile at the look of disappointment on her face that he stopped.

Jon grabs her boots and throws them away revealing soft small feet, he then nearly rips off her breeches and small clothes finally seeing Ygrittes naked form. Her legs were skinny but muscled from her time beyond the wall and between her legs was a mop of fiery red hair that hid her slit, even from where he was standing he could smell the aroma coming from there and it sent a pulse of wanting straight from his nose to his cock. Jon took off his tunic revealing his strong corded muscles thick from an active lifestyle, he then took down his breeches and small clothes revealing s long hard cock, he dwarfed Ygritte whose smaller frame and height looked minuscule in front of Jon.

He grabbed her by the legs moving them apart in an aggressive manner getting a surprised yelp from Ygritte, he kisses her thighs moving inwards, and he can feel the heat emanating from her cunt, the smell drives him crazy making him want to thrust his cock in without waiting, but he waits and decides to reward Ygritte for being so patient. His lips brush over her soft curls damp with her nectar, and his tongue runs over her slit lightly "Ahhhhh, keep doing that" she moans her hands pushing onto his head as her legs tighten around him slightly. His tongue twirls around her nub sending her sensations that she'd never felt before as her nectar kept gushing out onto his face. Ygritte who had only ever pleasured herself with her hands had now been opened up to a whole new world of sensation and she knew she'd never be able to go back to before "GODS!" She feels herself explode as her whole body is filled with a cascading pleasure that pulses throughout her body. She lies back on the table panting heavily as her sex throbs, she looks up at Jon with half-open eyes and sees he has a smirk "That was only the beginning" he states.

Jon grabs his cock and guides it into Ygrittes sopping-wet sex "Gods! You feel so tight and warm, I can barely fit my cock in you" He groans as he forces the tip of his cock into her "AHHHHH" she felt Jon's cock sink into her cunt, the thick piece of meat was spreading her so much she thought she'd split open, it touched every part of her, parts she'd never known even existed. He finally managed to get his whole cock inside her, his balls rested on her pale cheeks, and Jon grabbed her legs placing them on his shoulders and kissing her ankles and calves. Moving his hips back he takes out his cock from her sex which fights him every step of the way, the suction he felt from her tight hole was unreal and it was intensely pleasurable, Ygritte moaned as he slowly moved his cock out of her as she fry the large length rub against her sensitive areas, she had just finished under the attentions of Jon's mouth but found herself reaching her peak once more. Jon felt himself getting close too, he had spent a long time in that wheel house not able to relieve himself inside Arianne so his balls were full and eager to be spilt.

He thrusts his cock in at a slightly faster speed, Ygrittes eyes widen as she grips the edge of the table, Jon can't get enough of the pale red-haired beauty beneath him "I'm not one of your fragile ladies! So fuck me proper!" She shouts at him getting a smirk in return. Jon grabs onto her leg and pumps into her roughly, his cock going in and out of her wet hole rapidly "Ughhhhh, ugh" Ygritte who was unprepared for such forcefulness can only make noises as she barely grips onto the table.

"Gods! It's coming Ygritte! Are you ready? You wanted my seed! Well, be ready to take it all!!!" He shouts as he thrusts as hard as he can his thick cock pounding into her, all she can do is moan as she lays back her red hair sprawled all over the table. Jon leans down and kisses her, forcing his tongue into her mouth as he feels his balls start to twitch and his cock start to throb, Ygritte has been finishing every couple of minutes, her sex was continuously squeezing him as if he was getting massage on his cock.

He couldn't hold it anymore his thrusting increased and he felt his seed start to flow from his balls as he shot line after line inside of Ygritte who seems incoherent. He could tell it had been a while as he didn't stop shooting after his usual eight shots and it kept pouring out. Jon groans in pleasure as he forces his cock as deep as it will go soaking every inch of her cunt with his seed.

He breathes out as he removes his cock from her collapsing into the chair behind him, he looks at Ygritte who lies on the table rubbing her belly, he can see the large amounts of seed he shot into her start to overflow and pour out. He is ready to go again but it looks as if Ygritte is at the point of falling asleep not having the stamina for this activity.

Jon can't help but smile as he carries her to the small cot that he had brought into the war room and tucks her into bed watching her quickly drift off to sleep. He was lucky to have two wives that cared so much for him, whether she intended to or not she steeled his resolve, he didn't want to kill so many people but knowing what he had to come back to and what was at risk he'd kill every single one of them with a smile on his face.


Jon watched from the hill as his men marched and made their way to the location he'd given each of the commanders, he turns to see the cavalry that he'd requested get ready to move out "Hey! Take that armour off you cunt! You are not heavy cavalry anymore so make your horses and yourself as light as possible unless you want the Dothraki to run you down!" He shouted at a knight who intended to mount his horse with his armour.

Jon sighed as Oberyn came next to him with a smirk on his face "Are you enjoying your command? The knights don't seem to respect you, they only listen because you are the king's brother"

Jon glared at him "You know I hate this, but I don't have a choice because the leaders we have are idiots"

Oberyn chuckles in agreement "Selling your aunt to a horse lord, a suitable idea from a Connington, it's no wonder the Targaryens lost the war"

Jon smirks "Why are you, I doubt it's to see me off"

"No intend to join you, I am interested in how you plan to win and it seems you need all the spears you can muster" Oberyn states.

Jon shrugs "You are not wrong, but plans can go wrong I wouldn't wish for you to die so meaninglessly, Tyene would cut my cock off if she found out"

Oberyn shakes his head in mock sadness "Such a fine cock going to waste, borderline treason"

Jon laughs at the joke with Oberyn however they are both brought out of it when Brienne approaches in full armour and a pack. Jon looks at her and sighs "Brienne... I want you to stay here and help guard the girls"

Brienne nods her head "I wish to accompany you as a guard, Rhaella and the others all agreed, they won't allow you to send me back" she states bluntly.

Jon sighs as Oberyn laughs "It seems women are the one weakness of the great Targaryen Prince"

"Alright Brienne but you'll follow my orders completely, understood?" He states sternly getting a nod from her.

Jon knows that it's time to leave but he has to do something beforehand, he leaves Oberyn and Brienne and heads towards his target. Walking to a tent he enters seeing the people he loves most in this world, Rhaella was teaching Joanna High Valyrian as it was her heritage being a Targaryen.

As soon as Joanna sees Jon she moves for the table and runs to him "Kepa!!!" She shouts as she hugs him tightly, she had not seen him for a while as he had been engulfed in his planning, if Joanna had shown he would've put it all aside to do what she wanted which is why he couldn't have her there.

Jon smiles at the young girl "I see your Grandmother is teaching you some High Valyrian, how is it going"

-Very well- Joanna says enthusiastically as she looks up at him with her violet eyes.

-She has taken to the language well, though it is not surprising it is in her blood- Rhaella says with a smile.

"Well, I hope you'll learn more by the time I get back" Jon says though this puts a frown on Joanna's face.

"Where are you going..." she asks in a low voice as her eyes began to water, Joanna was very attached to her father since for her entire life she didn't have one and she still wasn't secure in believing that he wouldn't leave her again.

Jon kneels and cups her face "I have to go and fight some bad people, so I can protect you and our family"

Joanna looks up at him with wide innocent eyes "Will you come back?"

Jon smiles at her "Always" He then kisses her on the head and stands up heading to the other love of his life.

Rhaella stands from the table looking as elegant as she always does her curly silver hair tied behind her head. Jon wishes he could've taken her right then and there but with Joanna in the room and his impending departure, he couldn't. Instead, he settles for grabbing her by the waist and kissing her deeply her hands go to his face as she closes her eyes accepting his tongue into her mouth and melting into his arms. Rhaella felt that it was wrong when she first kissed Jon all those years ago but now she couldn't imagine anyone else, she'd spend her whole life waiting for him and she'd do it again if it meant feeling what she did when he kissed her and made love to her. She sometimes wishes that she could bare him a child but she finds it to be unlikely as she'd never had much luck with children.

"Be safe and come back to me..." she whispers as their lips pull away from each other, Jon smiles at her and nods his head.

"When I come back I'm going to fuck you until my balls are empty" he whispers in her ear making her blush profusely and slapping him on the arm.

Jon hugs the girls one last time before heading out of the tent and going to join his army.


They had finally arrived at the location where Jon had chosen the battle to take place, it was around half a day's ride south from their camp closer to the old Valyrian peninsula. He had seen the rocky formations and knew he had to see them, when he rode down here on horseback he found the perfect place to fight, it was a long valley that had high hills on each side, it would be impossible to climb those hills as on the side facing the entrance were jagged rocks. It reminded Jon of the time he saw the bloody gate in the vale, it was the perfect place to fight, however unlike the vale he didn't have the supplies to rain arrows down to kill 40,000 riders so he needed to come up with a different plan.


"All of you hurry up! I want you to move the dry grass into the valley! I want it soft enough that a lady could fall asleep on it!" He shouted as he continued to command the troops

"Is there anything I can do Jon?" Brienne his companion asks in a light voice.

Jon sighs but then smiles at his tall companion "Just stand there and look pretty, I hope I never have to command troops again it is truly awful"

Brienne blushes slightly though she maintains composure, before they left Ygritte had told them of the time Jon spent with her in an attempt to make them jealous, she wouldn't admit it but it worked very well. Brienne sometimes thought that Jon might have liked her but then her thoughts go back to Ronnet and the rose and she immediately dismisses them, no one could like someone such as her, she was barely a woman as painful as it was to admit. But she had still gotten lucky and Jon had come into her life and she had such amazing friends. Which is why she lied to him, the girls never asked for her to guard him, she wanted to because she loved him... as a friend and maybe something a little more. And so she would give her life to protect him and join him in this apparent suicide battle.

Jon watched on as the entire valley was being filled with dry grass by the nearly 5,000 men there, if it blew away they put it back, Jon did not let them stop until the Job was done, he had 950 archers that he'd taken from Black Balaq since the man refused to give him the summer islanders to take on a suicide mission, similarly with the elephants he had none as this was seen as a fool's errand. But that didn't matter he didn't need any of that. He set the camp at the other end of the valley having half his men block off one side. The other men would be stationed in a dozen natural caves that surrounded the area of the entrance to the valley.

Luckily the golden company were used to building fortifications easily, Jon had been allowed to take some materials and right now they were constructing a makeshift gate that the men would hold as they stood in a line. The archers would lay flat on their bellies on the hills and wait for the Dothraki to enter the valley and would fire as soon as they did.

Oberyn walks to Jon as he oversees the army "Jon while I admit this is a good plan I don't think it will make a big enough difference even if every single man kills a single person you'd still need to kill 35,000 more"

"Then everyone better kill 8 people," he says with a smirk, leading Oberyn to smile and shake his head.

"Don't worry it is not the end of my plan, there is more but you'll have to wait and see" he says with a mysterious smile.

"The battle should be happening soon, the light cavalry should've harassed their camp by now and should be leading them this way" Jon states with a serious tone as he looks down at the valley beneath him.

'This needs to work...' he told himself though it seemed more like a prayer than anything else.


As Jon stood on the hill, a sense of anticipation filled the air around him. He could feel the impending clash with the Dothraki horde, and the weight of his plan hung heavily on his shoulders. Below him, the archers lay in wait, their fingers gripping their bows with focused determination.

He could hear them now, the sounds of thousands of thundering hooves sounding across the evening sky, it was almost time and Jon would either win or he would die as there could be no between, he clenched his axe tightly as it thrummed with the power he was ready to slaughter them all. He had something else in his hand as well a large bottle akin to a wine bottle, he gripped it tightly as if it might drift away if he did not.

The Dothraki, numbering around 40,000 strong, thundered towards the valley with an almost primal ferocity. Jon's horsemen, led by seasoned warriors, rode hard for the valley, they were exhausted from having to ride non-stop, and they were terrible riders when compared to the Dothraki which led to them almost being caught by them multiple times, only forgoing sleep and riding hard were they able to make it to the valley.

The horseman burst into the valley riding through the large groove in the earth, relief was evident on their faces as they knew they'd made it. The horsemen expertly manoeuvred through the terrain, leaving the valley through the other side, the Dothraki followed them inside which turned out to be their greatest mistake thousands of thousands of Dothrak had now realised they'd been led into a trap. With precision timing, the gates swung shut, effectively sealing the Dothraki inside the valley. The spears attached to the gates acted as formidable obstacles, further hindering any attempt to escape.

As the trapped Dothraki realized their predicament, panic and chaos spread through their ranks. Jon's men stationed at the entrance of the valley burst forth from their hiding places, adding to the confusion as they blocked any potential escape routes.

Jon's heart pounded in his chest as he watched his plan unfold. He knew the success of this strategy could mean the difference between victory and defeat. His eyes scanned the battlefield, assessing the situation and making split-second decisions as he led his forces with a steady hand.

The Dothraki roared and raged, attempting to break through the gates and escape the valley, but Jon's plan had effectively cut off their path. The archers on the hill, following his lead, unleashed a volley of arrows, raining down upon the trapped horde.

Jon stood at the top of the hill, overlooking the valley below where the Dothraki horde was now trapped. With a stern expression, he gave the order to his archers to unleash their volley of arrows upon the trapped enemy. The archers, positioned on the high ground, released their arrows with deadly precision, cutting down the Dothraki by the hundreds.

As the arrows rained down, the Dothraki attempted to fire back, but their efforts were futile against the advantage of the elevated position. Jon watched the devastation unfold, his mind focused on the next phase of his plan.

"Hold your fire, target the ones who try to charge the gates" he simply commands.

Taking a large bottle in hand, Jon poured its contents down onto a spot below, soaking the area with an unknown liquid. With a grim determination, he then seized a torch, hesitating only for a moment before he hurled it down, striking the liquid below. In an instant, the valley erupted into a blazing inferno as the wildfire ignited.

Because of the dried grass they spent days collecting and piling into the valley the wildfire spread rapidly, consuming everything in its path with an insatiable hunger. The screams of the men and horses trapped in the valley echoed in the air, and the sight was terrifying, Jon saw the faces of the Dothraki as they were packed together burning and screaming for any salvation but finding that there was none, he made sure to remember as their skin melted and peeled off, as their bodies fell off their horses and they got trampled, this was a complete massacre.

Despite the horror of the scene unfolding below, Jon's resolve remained unyielding. He knew the wildfire had been a drastic measure, but he believed it was necessary to ensure victory and protect his people from the relentless Dothraki horde.

As the valley burned, the archers continued their assault, ensuring that any attempts to escape the flames were met with swift and deadly consequences. Jon stood there, witnessing the devastating outcome of his decision, his mind filled with conflicting emotions.

He repeated the phrase "Valor Morghulis" to himself, acknowledging the harsh reality of war and the toll it exacted on both sides. He understood that each life lost carried a heavy price, and he bore the weight of the choices he had made.

Brienne looked at the sigh in horror as tears fell from her eyes she'd never seen such destruction and death before, the images that haunted her the most were the broken men who walked around with a smile on their faces as they were engulfed in green flames, their eyes had burst from the intense heat and they wondered around until they got trampled or simply died. She couldn't bare to look at the scene and turned away.

Oberyn looked at the scene with a grim expression, even one with as many years as himself found it difficult to watch and eventually, he stopped looking, but when he looked at Jon he hadn't turned away once, he watched as they all burned no expression on his face, the only sign of emotion being the tears that poured down his face, he watched the entire time never blinking and never turning away.

Eventually, the sounds started to die down and eventually, the whole valley turned silent, the only sound being the cracking of fire and the sounds of the men throwing up at the smell and sight of what lay below them. After the final cry of the last man stopped Jon blinked and turned away he wanted to be alone but as he went to walk off he heard something that terrified him. It was the sounds of hooves lots of them, he ran to the cliff and saw that around 100 golden company knights were riding towards them with 5,000 Dothraki horsemen following close behind.

Jon felt his anger bubble under his skin more than he ever had before, he knew why this has happened. Those 100 men had turned traitors and defected but when they realised the Dothraki had split off men to go after them they realised they would not be able to escape and so they led them back here hoping to have safety in numbers. Jon felt like his anger was going to explode out of him his muscles tightened so did his grip around his axe.

"ARCHERS NORTH OF THE CLIFF!!!! ENEMIES APPROACHING!" He shouts and they all kick into gear heading to positions.

Jon turns to Oberyn "I need you to get the men at the other end of the valley and lead them around the valley, the wildfire is still burning so we are cut off, I'll buy you as much time as possible" the man nods running off in the opposite direction.

Jon then heads off with Brienne in tow, there was a narrow passage that led from the cliffs to the entrance of the valley though it was narrow and hard to climb through, however, it would be enough for them.

"FORM A SQUARE PREPARE FOR A CAVALRY CHARGE! SHIELDS IN FRONT PIKES BEHIND" Jon commands as the men get into formation. Jon stands with them they are outnumbered 2:1 and would need to hold to give Oberyn time to get here.

Jon stood tall, rallying his men to hold their ground against the relentless charge of the Dothraki cavalry. The 2,500-men square formation braced themselves as the oncoming hoard thundered towards them.

As the Dothraki drew near, they unleashed a volley of arrows at the Golden Company infantry. The thick shields held firm, offering some protection, and only a few men were taken down by the deadly projectiles.

With a deafening roar, the Dothraki cavalry crashed into the pike-wielding infantry, their horses impaled on the long, sharp pikes. The Golden Company's cavalry charged back, defending the formation's flanks and engaging in fierce combat with the Dothraki riders.

The battle was fierce and brutal, the clash of steel ringing through the air as both armies fought for supremacy. The Dothraki warriors showed their skill and ferocity, but the Golden Company's disciplined formation and strategic use of pikes allowed them to hold their own.

After what felt like an eternity, Jon recognized that their square formation was beginning to waver under the relentless onslaught. With a quick decision, he yelled the command to go loose, releasing the formation and transitioning into a more flexible and fluid combat style.

The battle devolved into a chaotic melee as a significant number of Dothraki warriors dismounted to engage the Golden Company soldiers on foot. The once-ordered ranks now dissolved into a whirlwind of individual combat, each soldier fighting for their life with a deadly intensity.

Jon stood with his axe in his hand as he cut down an approaching warrior but he then saw something that made his anger go from bad to explosive, the knights who he thought to be guarding their flanks were taking the opportunity to ride away, they hadn't come back for safety in numbers, but to stick the enemies on us so they could safely get away.

Jon had never felt so enraged he stood there amid battle breathing heavily as steam seemed to come off of his body and finally, he just couldn't hold it in anymore "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" A loud roar is heard throughout the battlefield as Jon picks up a sword duel wielding with his axe.

In the heat of battle, Jon's rage consumed him, propelling him forward as an unstoppable force. He charged into the fray with reckless abandon, his axe and sword slicing through the air with deadly precision.

With a mighty throw, he sent his axe hurtling through the battlefield, splitting open the head of a Dothraki warrior. In one fluid motion, he summoned the weapon back to his hand, dispatching another opponent with a swift strike of his sword.

Time seemed to blur as Jon moved with lightning speed, his movements fueled by a potent mix of rage and skill. He hurled his axe again, this time sending a Dothraki flying from his horse. With a swift parry, he deflected an Arakh and followed it up with a devastating kick to the knee, crippling his attacker.

As he spun around, his sword found its mark, beheading another Dothraki warrior in a single, deadly sweep. Jon's prowess on the battlefield was unmatched, cutting down dozens of foes with every swing and strike.

In a display of supernatural strength, he launched his broken sword at a mounted rider, ending his life in an instant. Despite the collision with the horse, Jon's sheer might allowed him to grab the animal's neck with both hands and effortlessly hurl it aside.

But this was only the beginning of Jon's hidden power. Feeling the weight of the battle pressing upon him, he decided to unleash his secret magic. With a powerful leap, he brought down the top of his axe, and from the ground, ice spikes shot up, impaling the unsuspecting Dothraki warriors around him.

The battlefield around Jon became a frozen scene of carnage as his ice magic wrought havoc on the Dothraki forces. He fought with a newfound ferocity, his rage amplified by the unleashing of his formidable abilities.

In the chaos of the battle, Jon's eyes locked onto the imposing figure of a Dothraki warrior, only this man was bigger and taller than the rest and his braid hung longer, this man could only have been Khal Drogo, the man he believed wished to take Daenerys away from him. Fueled by his anger and blinded by rage, he charged at the Khal, his axe flying through the air in a deadly arc.

Khal Drogo, a seasoned warrior, deftly dodged the incoming axe, but Jon didn't give him a moment's respite. With a powerful clothesline, Jon sent the mighty Khal crashing to the ground. He immediately seized the opportunity to disable his opponent, grabbing Drogo's hand and breaking it with a crushing grip, causing him to howl in agony.

Mounting the Khal, Jon unleashed a torrent of punches upon him, his rage pouring out with each strike. He then hoisted the dazed warrior by his throat and sent him flying towards an incoming horse, causing a painful collision that left both man and beast reeling.

The battlefield fell silent as onlookers from both the Dothraki and the Golden Company watched in awe and fear at the spectacle unfolding before them. The once mighty Khal Drogo now lay wounded and defenceless, while Jon approached him with unwavering determination.

Drogo attempted to rise, but Jon swiftly kicked his knees, forcing him back down. Walking around behind the fallen warrior, Jon grabbed him by the head, a chilling determination in his eyes. With a gut-wrenching display of strength, he started to pull, causing the Khal to scream in agony.

In full view of both their armies, Jon's relentless grip tightened, and with a raw display of power, he ripped Khal Drogo's head from his body. The gruesome sight of the once feared Khal's head held aloft by Jon sent shockwaves through the battlefield. Jon was covered in sweat and blood as he roared in his victory over the enemy leader.

The Dothraki paused, and some started to retreat however it was too late. Oberyn had led the rest of the men around the long way and in a pincer manoeuvre had crashed into them from behind, they would be no escape for them they would join those who died in the valley as the men soaked the ground with their blood.


Jon sat in his tent his armour and shirt removed as he wiped the blood and sweat off of his body, in the end, they lost 1,000 men all due to the cowardice of those 100 knights, he would make sure to execute every last one of them. He knew they'd be reporting his death to Aegon and Jon Connington.

Oberyn entered his tent equally bloody but with a large smile on his face "It seems to be an overwhelming victory my friend, you should hear them chant for you out there, some believe you a God of War who descended to smite his enemies"

Jon shakes his head at his words not finding the will to smile at the moment "I'm as common a man as the rest of you"

Oberyn frowns and sighs, the amount of respect he had gained for Jon could not be measured, in another life, he may have been his father in law so he thought it his duty to try and cheer him up "Rest easy Jon, we have won and have taken hardly any casualties"

Jon turns to him his eyes still hard "1,000 men lost their lives because of the cowardice of 100 men, I will rest easy when I execute them myself"

Oberyn sighs "What has happened today will haunt my dreams, but do not take the responsibility of it all onto your shoulders"

"Aegon, Connington, the Dothraki and even my brother share the blame in putting you in this situation, you got us out of it so regardless of how you did it try and rest easy that you've saved everyone" Oberyn states before clapping him on the back once more and leaving his tent.

Jon knew he was right but it didn't make it any easier he always thought of himself as a scholar first, though he couldn't help but chuckle at that thought 'What a joke'

It was times like this when he missed Tyene almost unbearably, she had a way of knocking him out of his melancholy. He sat down on his chair grabbing the cup of wine that was on a small table thinking about his lost love.

He snapped out of his thoughts when Brienne walks in, she was covered in sweat though had managed to keep herself relatively blood clean, she smiled when she saw Jon happy that he wasn't injured, today had been one she would remember for years to come, but she didn't let it spoil her opinion of Jon, he did what he had to do to protect everyone and she was grateful.

Jon thought Brienne was beautiful, she was a bit taller than she was but not massively so, she was muscled and had a large build and while she was rather flat-chested for her size she had large muscles behind thick from a life of constant training. Though her features were still delicate, she had high cheekbones and thick lips with large beautiful eyes like sapphires, her blonde straw-coloured hair was short and a similar length to Jon's but it only helped her eyes shine more.

Jon had made his attraction clear to her on occasion but other than blushing she gave no opinion, he'd now be more forceful and if she pushed back he would know she wasn't interested. But his blood still ran hot and seeing her in his tent was making him lose control.

"Brienne... take off your armour" Jon said in a low voice as he say there without a tunic.

"P-P-Pardon" Brienne stutters out at Jon's words.

Jon gets up and approaches her akin to how a wolf approaches his prey "I said to take off your armour and the rest of your clothes" he whispered lowly making her shiver.

Brienne gives Jon an awkward smile "I-Is this some sort of jest?" She says while laughing in a fake voice, boys had done this to her before only to make fun of her body or do something more horrible.

Jon looked at her in the eyes before kissing her, Brienne tenses as his lips impact hers and his tongue slips into her mouth, she can't help but make a small sound as he massages the top of her mouth. Her eyes close as she feels herself drift away in the pleasure of this kiss, she'd never felt anything like this in her life and it made her feel like weeping.

Her heart starts to race as he removes his lips from her own, her mind races with thoughts coming to the conclusion that he must've hated it and that's why he stopped. But instead of saying anything he starts to unstrap Brienne's armour, this makes her breathe heavily as his hands run over her body. However when he removes her breast blade it finally makes her aware of something.

With a blush she looks at him "I haven't scrubbed my body yet, I still have the sweat of the battle on me, at least allow me to wash myself" she says desperately.

Jon looks her straight in the eye and shakes his head now allowing her to move "B-But I must not smell pleasant please allow me to-" before she can finish Jon licks from her exposed collarbone to her neck tasting her slightly salty skin "Ooooh" Brienne finds herself saying as her skin burns with pleasure where his tongue licked her. He continues undoing her amour till the only thing left was her cloth clothing.

Jon with his cock fighting against the fabric of his breeches pulled her tunic off of her and is met with small breasts and the large nipples, her body was muscular thought there were some sort parts, he saw a bead of sweat drip down the valley of her breasts. He moved down and kneeled taking off her breeches and small clothes, the aroma of a woman who desired you was addicting, her honey blonde pubic hair was soaked with the juices of her sex some of it even dripping down her legs. She had never had a man touch her in her life so this didn't surprise him.

He kissed her thighs and her waist going to her hips "These will birth me many children" he said to her in the heat of the moment, even that simple sentence had the effect of sending pleasure rippling through her body. He lifts her legs up and takes off her boots kissing her muscular calves before standing up.

Jon then cups her face "I'm going to fuck you now, after that you'll be mine, if this is not what you wish you may dress back up and leave and we shall go into tomorrow being the friends we are"

Brienne nods her head slowly her blush only serving to make her face even prettier, Jon gestures her over to the bed and she walks over climbing on and staying on her hands and knees believing Jon would prefer it this way. Jon removes his boots and breeches before walking over to the bed his long cock bobbing as he did.

When he does approach and climb Brienne feels herself be lifted something that she wasn't used to being her size, Jon placed her on her back placing himself between her legs "I want to look into your beautiful eyes as I release my seed inside you"

Brienne feels herself get a bit teary, this was how she fantasised about knights when she was younger, that they would rescue her from the life of torment and disappointment and take her away and love her.

Jon kisses her again and she wraps her arms around his muscular back, she feels his cock prod at her entrance as Jon tries to line it up, Brienne's hand joins his and she grabs the tip of his cock feeling it's warmth before she places it at the entrance. She feels Jon's hips move forward as the tip of his cock pushes into her "Joooooon!!"she finished there not used to the pleasure she'd denied herself for her whole life. His cock continued to push into her as it squeezed him going further and further hitting more pleasurable spots that had lay dormant until now. Brienne spreads her legs wider instinctively wanting more of Jon's cock to penetrate her.

Jon latched onto her small nipples sucking on them as he pushed himself inside Brienne, she wasn't as tight as the other girls but she could squeeze her sex really tightly which when combined with the wet and warm feeling made it feel amazing. But Jon couldn't afford to wait forever and so he thrust quickly the last half of his cock going straight in "OOOOOOOOOH" she shouts as she finishes again her toes clenching as she wraps her legs around Jon.

The continuous clenching of her sex was intense and Jon would need to go fast or he'd spill his seed too quickly. Jon raised himself onto his arms and started thrusting his cock in and out of her, she moaned in pleasure underneath him his cock was thick and spread her wide and she loved every second of it. He kept on thrusting until she finished again only this time she sprayed him with her nectar in an intense finish.

Jon wouldn't allow her to finish before he was done so he intensified his thrusting making the bed creak as he pounded Brienne into it, her legs hadn't unwrapped themselves from Jon and her hands were placed on his chest, Jon felt himself her closer and closer to finishing, he leaned down and kissed Brienne again making her eyes open wide and then close again melting into his affections. She wrapped her arm around his neck reciprocating the kiss, Jon started doing short strong thrusts as he got closer and closer, each thrust sent a ripple of pleasure throughout her body and she found herself finishing again only this time Jon was about to join her.

He removed himself from the kiss and whispered in her ear "Take my seed and become mine" he felt her sex clench unbelievably tightly at his words and it pushed him over the edge, she thrust as far as he could inside her as he shot like after like of his seed into Brienne's waiting womb. She squirted her nectar all over his cock and waist the warm feeling of his seed making her lose her mind.

Jon breathed heavily as he climbed off her his cock removing itself from her gaping sex, after a while Brienne goes to get up thinking they were done but Jon grabs her "You're mine now and I meant it" he says as he pulls her into a cuddle placing her head on chest.

Brienne drifted to sleep thinking that this must be the reward for everything she'd gone through in her life, and yet she still thought she was lucky.

(AN: So a big of a dark chapter but it won't be that bad Jon has Joanna to cheer him up, next chapter they'll be going to Kayakayanaya. I'll probably end this arc in a few chapters also considered a bit of a time skip before Jon's expedition into the grey waste)

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