
Lost Artefacts | A Game of Thrones fic

Roberts rebellion goes on a lot longer than usual, Jon is two years older than Robb, he finds that he can no longer stay in his home so he travels across the narrow sea to seek fortune and adventure. Discovering relics of ages that have long past. (Ignore the first synopsis it was actual dog crap, I’d also changed my mind about certain aspects of the story when during the first chapter but forgot to change it) Patreon.com/Captainalfie78Works I do not own a song of ice and fire or any respective works.

TheManUnderTheBed · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
27 Chs

The Starks

Jon wasn't feeling too good, while it did relieve him a bit that his mother and cousin didn't think badly of him, it didn't help that they had forgiven him so easily when he had not yet forgiven himself, walking back to the inn after promising his mother that he wouldn't try and run Jon was considering breaking it but he knew if he did that he'd break his mothers heart, he knew he couldn't run he still had work to do here, and his family deserved to know how he was doing.

Trudging down the hill from the keep to Winter town Jon was going to go and get his stuff, hopefully Tyene and Missandei were both there so he could tell them about the situation and take them up to the keep.

'I don't know if maybe I should just leave them a note and go alone, getting caught by the family is difficult enough but having to see Tyenes smug 'I was right' face will be even worse' Jon thinks to himself as he trudges through Winter town.

'Maybe I should give her the daggers I stole, that could distract her from throwing it in my face that she was right' Jon considers.

'Nah save it for her name day it's not too far away now, it is quite fortunate that hers and Missandei's name day fall within the same moon' Jon thinks to himself.

Finally snapping out of his thoughts he approaches the inn they are staying at and he walks into the door, before doing anything he approaches the back where the innkeeper served drinks and sat down, signalling with the raising of his finger for a drink. He drops a few copper pennies in front of him which are quickly collected by the innkeeper, he then proceeds to pour a classic drink of the north, a black beer. When it was given to Jon he immediately takes a big gulp, it had been a while since he had a strong bitter beer, he had been getting used to the fruity and sour beers they usually had across the narrow sea, however nothing could beat the northern blend it kept you warm on the cold nights and was one of the few beers that could be made year round.

Signalling for another Jon sees Tyene and Missandei doing down from upstairs where the rooms of the Inn were, Tyene took one look at Jon who wasn't much of a day drinker and knew what had happened, though she could not keep the smug smile from her face, Jon looks away from her quickly silently cursing, she knew him too well at this point he knew he wouldn't be able to keep anything from her.

Seeing Jon turn away only made Tyenes grin wider as she skipped over in a childish fashion putting her chin on Jon's shoulder. Missandei who hadn't spent much time with them didn't know what was going on but she could tell something was wrong, the last time she saw Jon he was going to sneak into the library to get what they need and now he's here empty handed and drinking.

"So has the greatest thief in Essos finally met his match" Tyene whispers into his ear making Jon groan.

"Who was it that caught you, perhaps they had a pet dragon to keep guard or maybe the children of the forest hiding in the bookshelves, or perhaps the gods descended as they knew no mortal could possibly stop the mighty thief" Tyene says with great exaggeration, Jon thought he might cry, you could guarantee the next time Tyene messes up he'll be there to tease her about it.

"So tell me who stopped the greatest thief in history" Tyene says shaking Jon by the shoulders.

"Maester Luwin caught me..." Jon grumbles out as his second beer is placed in front of him, he quickly takes another sip of it. He can't already feel the catlike grin stretching on Tyenes face when she hears.

"Oh this Maester must have truly had the wisdom of the crone to be able to outwit the man who robbed the Iron bank" she says with mirth.

"Tyene I get the point, you were right I was wrong my family are happy I am here" Jon huffs out, though admitting he was wrong to Tyene almost felt as bad as the time his ribs were broken by that Warhammer.

"See Jon that wasn't so hard" she says patting him on the back, Jon just downs the rest of his drink before getting up.

"Come we need to get our stuff we're moving it to the keep" Jon says to Tyene who nods her head.

"Why would we be invited to the keep" Missandei asked. Jon and Tyene both realise now that he never actually told her of his family. Jon pays the innkeeper and let's him know they'll be out of the room and to keep the coin they'd already paid. He then leads Missandei up to the room with Tyene following close behind. When they enter Jon checks they weren't followed and then closes the door.

He looks at Missandei who is curious as to why he brought her here "My mother was Lyanna Stark she was the daughter of the old Lord and is the aunt of the Current one" Jon explains to Missandei who's eyes widen in surprise.

"And my father was Rhaegar Targaryen, he was the heir to the throne before the rebellion years ago" he continued.

"My birth name isn't Jon snow but Daemon Targaryen, though it's not a name I use, it draws a bit too much attention, Targaryen's are a rare sight these days" Jon finishes giving Missandei time to process it.

Even in Naath they knew about the mighty Targaryen's who had their dragons and would spit fire across their enemies, the last remnant of the once powerful Valyrian freehold.

"Wow I have to say I did not expect the heir to the Iron Throne to be drinking in a tavern in Essos" Missandei says making Jon a bit sheepish.

"It's not really something that matters, my life is filled with adventuring and discovering these days" Jon says with a shrug.

"So that is why we were invited to the keep" Missandei says to which Jon nods his head.

"I wish he just would've approached them in first place it would've saved the time of him getting caught anyway" Tyene adds from behind.

"Come let's get to the keep, hopefully they'll have some proper wine, I can't stand the bitter piss you northerners drink here" Tyene says with a look of disgust before starting to pack her belongings. Jon and Missandei join her though the latter doesn't have much in the way of belongings.

They leave the inn and head to the keep, Jon having a mix between anticipation and trepidation, while Tyene was looking forward to a soft bed she could get fucked in and a bottle of wine, hopefully something sour like Dornish red. Missandei was just happy that she would get to meet Jon's family.

Heading up to the keep they are greeted by Catelyn before they even make it outside, she looks excited and happy that Jon had come back, she knew Jon would never break his promise to her but seeing him come back in the flesh gives a level of reassurance that a promise does not.

She immediately hugs Jon again almost taking him off his feet.

"I'm happy you're back, so are you going to introduce me to your lovely companions" Catelyn asks looking at the two girls.

"Of course mother" Jon replies quickly pointing at Tyene.

"This is Tyene Sand she is my long time partner we have worked together for years" Jon then points at Missandei.

"This is Missandei of Naath, she is our friend and someone we are helping with a problem at the moment" Jon concludes looking back at his mother.

"Very nice to meet you all, I have rooms prepared for you both, please treat our home as your own" Catelyn says with a large smile.

"We appreciate your hospitality Lady Stark" Tyene says with a small bow, Missandei following close behind.

"Please call me Catelyn, it's nice Jon has brought such lovely ladies home" she says with a smile before leading them all inside the keep.

"Jon, the girls rooms will be the ones besides yours go and head up and drop your belongings then come to the great hall for supper" Catelyn tells him to which Jon gives a nod.

"The girls are going to be so happy that you're here, it's a shame that Bran and Rickon are not here, even if they were quite young I'm sure they have some fond memories of their big brother" Catelyn says with a smile as they walk through the keep.

"Where did they go? are they okay?" Jon asks in a slight panic.

"Don't worry they've just been fostered, Robb thought it may be good for them, they were young when their father left so it hit them harder than the girls" Catelyn says sombrely.

"Oh I see" Jon says in a guilt ridden voice, that Catelyn seems to detect.

"None of that Jon, I won't tell you again you have nothing to be sorry for" Catelyn says reprimanding Jon to which he quickly nods.

Tyene smiles widely at this "Wow I think you'll need to teach me how to make him listen to fast, usually the only time he admits fault is when we've started dodging arrows" Tyene says with a chuckle.

Catelyn narrows her eyes at Jon "You haven't been getting into trouble again have you" She says making Jon gulp.

"No... of course not, you know me I'm fond of books I'd never go out of my way to break the law" Jon says feeling sweat drip down his face, Tyene tries to hold her laugh behind her hand, even Missandei seems to crack a smile when she here's Jon's ludicrous statement.

"Mmmm well we can hear about what you've been up to at dinner, now go and get freshened up I'll see you soon" Catelyn says before leaving the group on their own.

Jon leads them to their respective rooms were they all proceed to get ready, the girls don't really own many fancy clothes so they were their dresses that they wore in Essos for the heat.

Jon didn't change his look he just switched his tunic for a fresh one before heading out and waiting nearly an hour for the girls to come out, they all headed to the great hall together. It seemed Catelyn had made sure it would be empty, usually the Starks would let the guards and servants snd anyone who lived at the keep eat in the main hall as they believed it created a good relationship between the lord and his subjects. But it seems Catelyn wants this to be a private family affair.

As Jon walks into the hall he is hit by a two blurs one red and one brown.

"Jon!" They both shout as they hold tightly onto him.

"Sansa! Arya! Gods you've grown" he says as he reciprocated the hug.

"Where have you been! You never wrote!" They both said in unison again making Jon sweat a bit as he gave a helpless smile.

Arya and Sansa grew up being cared for and spoiled by their older brother, whether it was teaching Arya how to hold a knife or helping Sansa with her embroidery or dancing he did it for them.

When he said he was leaving for the citadel years ago they begged him not to go, but he patted them on the head and assured them he'd be back a few years at most, but then after the awful situation that happened he had to leave Westeros behind and he never came back.

"I'm sorry for not writing, can you forgive your stupid brother" Jon says looking at them.

"Fine but you have to teach me how to use a sword"

"There's a new southern dance that recently came I need a partner"

They both say at the same time, they then look at each other and glare.

"I asked first!" They say in unison.

'They really haven't changed, so similar and opposite at the same time' Jon thinks with a shake of his head.

"Come now girls I'm sure he'll have plenty of time to spend with both of you later but now we are having dinner" Catelyn says sternly, the girls pout but obey their mother and sit down, the girls and Jon join them all. The last to enter the room was Robb.

"I apologise for my tardiness, being Lord is a lot harder than father made it look" Robb says as he sits down next to his mother and they all start eating.

"So Jon, why don't you introduce your companions here" Catelyn says to him.

"This is Tyene Sand I met her in Old town after my first year there and this is Missandei of Naath a recent acquaintance who we are working with to find something" Jon simply says missing out on the details.

"Naath? Where is that?" Arya asks having never heard of the place.

"It's in the summer sea Lady Arya, not many people know as butterfly fever is deadly to all those not born on Naath" Missandei explains to her.

"Please don't call me lady enough people here do" Arya grumbles.

"Very well, Arya" Missandei says with a little chuckle.

"What about you Tyene" Sansa asks curiously, she loved the dress Tyene had it looked like it was made in the dornish style for extreme heat.

"I was born in sunspear, but I spent most of my time with my sisters and cousins in the water gardens, my father and uncle liked to have a big family being raised together to form stronger bonds" Tyene explains.

"And who is your father if you don't mind me asking" Catelyn asks.

"Oberyn Martell" Tyene says bluntly as she sips on the wine she was given, it wasn't a sour type like they do in Dorne but any wine will do at this point.

"The Prince of Dorne"Robb says very surprised.

"The Red Viper" Arya says excitedly.

"The very same" Tyene says with a smile.

"I'm surprised he was okay with you leaving with Jon" Catelyn says with a shake of her head.

At her words Tyene flashes an awkward smile while Jon goes a bit pale, needless to say they are both looking guilty of something making the Stark family narrow their eyes.

"Well... we didn't actually get the chance to tell him, before Jon asked me to go with him" Tyene says shyly as she rubs the back of her head.

"Jon..." Catelyn says sternly, the tone of her voice says shivers down his spine giving him flashbacks to when he misbehaved as a child.

"Did you take this girl with you without asking for her fathers permission nor to even let him know" Catelyn asks seriously.

"Well I'm sure he knows now, Tyene sent plenty of letters, I'm sure he's absolutely fine with it" Jon says with an unconvincing smile.

The girls can't help but laugh at the chastised Jon even Robb manages to crack a smile at the situation, but his face goes serious again and he prepares to get to the reason why he made this dinner a private affair.

"Jon" Robb says lightly as he looks at his brother.

"I want to know what happened, I won't force you to tell me, but all we heard was rumours, we want to know from you" Robb says to Jon with the rest of the Stark family nodding in support of the question. Jon sighs, he hoped that it wouldn't come to this but he does owe them this at the very least.

"I'll tell you, but could you tell me what happened with Ned, after I fled I only got the bare essentials of news" Jon asks Robb who nods.

"After what happened in Old Town and your parentage was discovered a lot of questions started getting asked, though when the king put out a declaration for your execution as well as forming a hunt for you, Father rode down to Kings Landing" Robb explains.

"I don't think he expected to come back as he left Ice at Winterfell and only took the smallest of retinues" he continued. 

"From what I heard from his guards he marched straight into the throne room and declared if the manhunt was not called off and the declaration was not rescinded then there would be war with the North" Robb says in awe at his fathers bravery.

"From what they said the king got so angry he picked up his warhammer and smashed it into the ground next to father, but he didn't so much as flinch only staring at his friend"

"He said you had committed no crime and that the fault lay with himself for hiding you and that he had committed treason, he offered to take your place in the execution to make things right and avoid a war" Robb said sombrely. This made Jon wince, he knew his uncle cared for him but to hear how far he was willing to go, he did not think he deserved such care.

"The king was about to smash his head on the steps of the throne room when the hand of the king interceded, he calmed them both down and with some compromise they settled for Ned being banished to the wall and you being banished from Westeros" Robb concludes. Jon thinks that even after hearing the full story he has no closure, he in fact feels worse than before knowing how far his uncle went for him.

He feels Tyene and Missandei both hold his hands under the table in an attempt to comfort him.

"Jon, do not feel sad for father, he is alive and well, last I heard he has replaced old Jeor as Lord commander" Robb says to Jon trying to comfort him.

"The fact is father had not done anything no other member of our family would've not done for you" Robb says to Jon giving him a warm feeling in his heart. They all say there sombrely for a moment before Jon snapped out of it.

"Alright I guess I should tell you what happened" Jon says to them getting a nod of agreement back.


"Come on Jon you don't have to do this what do you even need to coin for anyway" a younger Tyene asks as she and Jon walk through the markets of Old Town.

It was getting busy as of late, the Hightower's were throwing another tournament in honour of the royal family visiting, for knights and lords this was a chance to gain renown and honour and some gold but for the small folk it brought in many different traders from all over Westeros and Essos eager to sell their product, it was a nice break from the monotony that is the life of the small folk, being able to try different wines and different food without having to pay to bring them there was like a dream come true.

Jon had just signed up for the melee once again hoping to try his luck once again, he did manage to win a melee in High Garden last year which is how he got the coin to build his beloved Princess Lyanna, though it was a close call Garlen Tyrell was a fierce opponent but Jon managed to feint him out in the end stealing the win.

"I want to buy my own land and maybe build a small keep" Jon says drawing out a laugh from Tyene.

"Oh and what're you going to do read books all day, maybe get yourself a little meek housewife" Tyene says mockingly.

Though it hurt to say that, at this point in time Tyene and Jon were only close friends as when she had first introduced Jon to her father he took one look at him and narrowed his eyes before telling him to leave, he said to Tyene that you may be with anyone your heart desires except for him. At the time Tyene did not understand why and had cried for a while because of it.

Of course it was because Oberyn instantly recognised the face of Rhaegar Targaryen in Jon as his nephew and niece had similar face structures, especially his nephew.

Jon didn't care, what he was actually planning on using the money for was to buy a manse in Pentos for him and Tyene once he finished his Maesters chain, he never planned to take the vows but he would learn as much as he could.

"Coin is coin Tyene, what do you think pays for all the wine you think I don't notice you taking from my room" Jon says with narrowed eyes. Tyene suddenly looks away from Jon suddenly finding the stalls to be a much more interesting sight, twirling her finger through her shoulder length hair, she saw the way Jon looked at some of the high born ladies so was growing it out for him.

"Be careful, idiot, you may have won in High Garden but I hear that some of the Kingsguard may compete in this melee" Tyene says with worry in her voice. Jon smiles at her and pulls her close kissing her on the head.

"I'll be fine Tyene and if I don't win I can always go delving into ruins for gold" he says jokingly, making Tyene smile again.

"Well the melee is going to be starting soon so you better go, and win it" she says before kissing him on the cheek and going to find her father who was watching, Oberyn had a mishap with a rather corrosive compound and hurt his hand so he couldn't compete in the melee this time.

Jon had already signed up for the melee a week ago and had set up his own tent in an area they assign to participants, right now he was going there pushing past the crowds finally making it there, though little did Jon know he was being followed by someone wearing a cloak. Blonde curls spilled out her hood and the black cloak badly hid a red and gold dress.

Jon had gotten into his tent and was taking off his acolyte robes that he wore around the citadel, unfortunately the were mandatory some shit about equality in the search for knowledge.

Jon was currently topless when his tent opened and the hooded person came in, turning around Jon saw the golden blonde curls and the red and gold dress and immediately sighed.

"Why so sad my dragon" the person says in a noticeably female voice.

"You know you shouldn't be here, I'd rather my head not adorn the gate of Kings Landing" Jon says to her while she chuckles a sweet laugh coming closer to Jon tracing her soft delicate hands over his well muscled frame.

"You know I'll never let you go" She whispers to Jon as she bites his ear sucking on it has she pushes her sizeable breasts into Jon's chest.

"Cersei you can't keep visiting me" Jon says to the woman pushing her back a bit her hood lowering in the process, in front of Jon was someone said to be one of the most beautiful women in Westeros, with curly golden hair and beautiful emerald eyes she had a curvy figure and breasts much more ample than the average lady. And currently one of the few people in Westeros who immediately looked past the Stark colouring and saw Rhaegars face.

Ever since she arrived in Old Town and had seen Jon it was like she was transported back through time to when she was only 10 name days and she saw Rhaegar for the first time in the tournament at Lannisport. In that moment she had forgotten about Jaime, about Joffrey about her husband, seeing Jon had stoked the fires of her infatuation and for the last week she had been visiting him. At first Jon was respectful as one would be when presented with the queen but it seemed nothing he did would make her go away, she immediately said she knows who Jon's real father is making him panic but to not worry as she wouldn't tell anyone.

Cersei felt like a woman years younger than she was when she was around Jon, he seemed to brood a lot just like she had seen him do during the feasts, it was painful for her to spend any time away from him.

"I'll let you do anything to me you know, and I'll do anything to you" she whispers into his ear stroking his already hard cock in his breeches, having one of the most beautiful women in Westeros push their body on you would make any man hard so Jon wasn't too ashamed but he was quickly loosing his will to resist. 

Cersei goes back to kissing Jon's neck pushing him towards the cot "I want you so badly Jon, I've missed being away from your father was promised to me so long ago but he's gone now, so I want you" she says between kisses. 

She pushes him onto the small cot almost tearing off his breeches his hard cock slapping onto his toned stomach, before Jon can stop her she's already in her knees putting his cock halfway down her throat making Jon moan and grip the edge of the cot, this was the first time he'd experienced something so intimate.

Cersei was moving her head up and down desperately, stroking his thighs and trying to get her head down all the way to his groin, Jon is surprise when he feels Cersei grab his hand and put it on her head, he gets the message and he shoves her head down  she relaxed her throat and her nose reaches his groin being tickled by his pubic hair enjoying the musky smell emanating from there.

Finally Jon couldn't take it anymore and for the first time ever he unloaded his seed into a woman. Cersei lifted her head off of his cock and looked at him, even if she was a bit crazy Jon had never seen a more beautiful site than the woman with a lust filled gaze looking at him with a slight blush on her cheeks. Unable to control himself anymore he lifts the queen up and put her on the bed, he nearly rips off her dress exposing her large breasts, her nipples were large and her areola were the size of gold dragons, Jon felt himself stiffen fully again as he looked at her slim waist and wide hips, a bush of golden hair hid between her thighs but Jon didn't pay attention to that for now as he was too busy placing kisses along her shapely legs reaching a dainty foot, finally at the end of her body with her legs up and her back placed on the bed Jon spreads her legs.

She's panting by this point in anticipation for what was coming she was finally going to get a Targaryen like she should've so long ago, the fact that he was the spitting image of Rhaegar only made her what it more. Jon looked at the flower between her legs and felt his prick throb with anticipation, her sex was dripping making a mess of his cot.

Finally Jon couldn't take it anymore and put his cock straight into her with one thrust instantly bottoming out in her sex.


Jon kisses her on the mouth stopping her from moaning too loudly lest they be discovered. He has to slowly collect himself for a moment, the velvety wet grip of Cerseis cunt was testing his ability to not release his seed, though Cersei wraps her arms and legs around his body and looks at him in the eyes, he could see love, obsession, adoration and lust in her emerald green eyes.

"The first time is always fast, hurry and release your seed inside me so we can start again for longer" she says in a sultry voice kissing the side of Jon's mouth with her plush lips, Jon decided not to hold back and put his arms around her beginning to thrust into her as hard as he can, he keeps kissing Cersei during this to contain her moans but soon he can't hold it anymore and he starts to spill out inside Cersei, her legs wrapped around his waist to prevent him from leaving so he had to stay inside her as he shit line after like of his seed into her, the feeling of Jon's seed hitting the entrance to her womb managed to push Cersei over the edge and she erupted as well, her sex contracting around Jon's cock almost as if it was milking it.

They were both sweaty as they lay there in a lustful haze, though Cersei could feel Jon's prick start to harden again inside her which made her smirk.

"I think you have enough time for one more before you have to join the melee" she whispers, the throbbing she feels through her sex is enough to let her know he agrees.

He gets up and lifts her legs over his shoulders her dainty feet going on either side of his face, he then takes his cock and pushes it back into her sex drawing another moan from her though a lot louder because of the angle it went in.

And for the next 20 minutes Jon fucked Cersei in every position he wanted, those befitting of a lady and those that even a whore would charge extra for, nothing was off limits to Jon.

Jon her finally got on his armour and made it to the big ring where the great melee would take place, he could see Cersei sitting in the centre of the stands overlooking the ring with the rest of the royal family apart from the king.

Looking around in the ring Jon saw a lot of opponents that he did not recognise, which he took as a good sign though he did see something he did recognise, it was the white cloak and silver armour that drew his attention.

'Fuck a kingsguard' Jon thought to himself in a panic, but he calmed himself down and took a closer look.

'Not blonde so not the Lannister and not old so not Barriston' Jon thought calmly realising he still had a chance at winning.

Jon checked the straps on his armour, he didn't have much so he neglected to buy a helmet opting to protect his arms and chest instead. These things were rarely deadly so the chances of someone trying to take his head off were low.

Suddenly a speaker came down to the field raising his hands up to quieten the crowd, the crowd quietens after a few minutes all the competitors are at different corners of the ring, finally the man speaks loudly.

"Welcome to the Old Town Melee my friends, here we find the best warrior amongst these fine men in this here courtyard!" He says loudly drawing a cheer from the crowd.

"Though I'm sure you've noticed that the King has gone" The man says suddenly drawing in confused mutters from the audience.

"I'm afraid King Robert had to leave, but right here in his place joining the Melee is" The man says stopping just at the end in anticipation, pointing at the tunnel that he had just came through.

Suddenly Jon can hear heavy boots in the tunnel that the speaker had just came through, the clanking of armour and the shaking of the wooden tunnel were the only things that could be heard as the audience and participants all held their breath.

"The Demon of the Trident!!!!" He announces with all the fanfare he can while the crowd goes absolutely wild. Finally the visage of King Robert Baratheon exited the tunnel and he truly looked every bit the image that his moniker claimed.

Standing at 6,7ft tall he wore  a sleeveless black tunic with gold accents embroidered in the shape of a stag, he wore thick chainmail armour though it didn't cover his arms which were still thickly muscled. He must not have planned to join the melee as he did not wear his stag armour that was well known, though anyone in Westeros would recognise the weapon he had in his hands.

Roberts famous Warhammer, the Dragons bane, aptly called that after the trident was far larger than a warhammer had any right to be, even looking at it Jon knew he wouldn't be able to wield it and yet here Robert was walking and holding it with a single hand.

The King was a man of pure violence, A born fighter and his body reflected that, even after all these years the man had only gotten stronger, there was never a day where he didn't spar or pick up his hammer.

'I'm so fucked' Jon thought to himself. As he considered whether he should leave now and save himself from the potential broken bones.

'No I want a new life with Tyene I need this coin' Jon thinks to himself.


"Very well everyone take positions and get ready" The speaker says before heading to the edges of the ring before climbing out.


Jon immediately focuses and forgets about the King and now focuses on those in his immediate vicinity, he was only 13 name days though he was big for his age and agile he would look a tempting target for someone who wants an early victory.

Looking to his left he sees a noble looking man head off in a different direction after looking at Jon probably trying to find more worthy targets. However a large man though not as large as the king was on his left, he had a big beard and a barrel chest with a big gut, he held a two handed axe in one hand and as soon as he saw Jon he smiled showing rotting teeth.

'Too easy' Jon and the man thought at the same time.

"I am Haftan and be grateful that it will be I who sends you to your gods" the man says as he approaches Jon.

"Two swings" Jon simply says in return with an empty expression on his face.

"Two swings what!" Haftan shouts at him.

"Two swings until you're no longer a fighter, yield now" Jon says as he holds up his sword, holding it inline with Haftans body.

"AHHHHHHH!!!" Haftan screams in anger as he charges Jon recklessly and goes for a side swing, making the mistake of putting his whole body into the swing, Jon exploits it almost immediately by kicking at the leg he had in front of his body, the momentum from him winding up his swing makes him fall straight on his back. Though Luck doesn't seem to be on Haftans side as the loose grip he had in his axe allowed it to turn and he ends up falling onto his own axe.

"Shit, guess I was wrong" Jon sighs walking away from Haftan who was struggling to pull is own axe from his back.

Jon looks around and sees that many others had finished their fights and were now searching for other opponents. Jon took this opportunity to look at the king and saw him swing his hammer making contact with what looked like a Lords son or a squire, probably a lords son as a squire wouldn't have the ego required to believe you could beat the king.

As soon as the hammer hit his shield it crumpled under the hit throwing the poor lad through the wooden fence surrounding the ring.

'Lesson one of fighting if someone is bigger than you don't let them hit you too often, and if your opponent is Robert fucking Baratheon with his warhammer don't let them hit you at all' Jon thinks to himself, he then makes contact with someone who gives him the same creepy smile his previous opponent did. Though it felt out of place on this man as he was a Kingsguard.

'What kind of Kingsguard, looks at a boy and smiles at the thought of hurting him'

"I am Ser Meryn Trant, please try to put up some fight I do love a struggle" he says quietly so only I would hear him.

"Oh don't worry I think I'll be fine, you're not the blonde one or the old one so you're probably just slightly better than a city guard" Jon says with a cocky smile, Meryn's face turns as red as his beard as he charges Jon swinging his sword down upon him.

Jon dodges and notes that the knight did have some basic ability in swordplay but he could also tell he never worked hard at it.

Jon blocks a side swing from the Kingsguard, he foolishly tries to use his superior strength to drive Jon backwards thinking it'll rattle him, though Jon just pivots to the right while keeping his sword in the clash, when he's at the side of Meryn he hits him in the helmet with the bit of his sword ringing his ears.

Meryn starts swinging his sword around aimlessly trying to hit anything, thinking he might get into trouble if he cut his hand off Jon just settled for a simple disarming, hitting the cross guard of his sword with his blade it falls directly out of his hands. Jon then holds his sword up to his neck.

"Yield" Jon simply states, for a minute it looks like he might refuse, the shame of losing to a boy in front of everyone no doubt making his anger bubble like nothing before.

"I yield" Meryn Trant spits out, venom leaking from his voice.

"Maybe after this you'll get lucky and I can give you a few pointers on how to use a sword" Jon says with a smirk getting a laugh from the observers close by, Jon walks off to notice most of the competitors are out with only a few left, two people who had tried to team up against the king did not fair well as with one swing he managed to hit both of them. Now the king was waiting for Jon, he felt like he was up against a wild beast, though suddenly he hears footsteps behind him he jumps to the side seeing a sword pass through where he just was.

Jumping into action he spins around hitting him with the flat of his blade ringing his helmet again. Though he doesn't get a chance to do anything else.

"STOP!" The voice of Robert Baratheon booms out as he stops leaning on his warhammer and approaches the duo that was just fighting.

As he approached Jon and the Kingsguard both went to their knees as was expected when the king addressed you.

"Rise" Robert says and both Jon and Meryn get up.

"Not you..." he says to Meryn using one hand he pushes down on his shoulder forcing him down to his knees, the knight groans in pain.

"You are here to represent the Kingsguard and if I wasn't here you would be representing me" Robert says in his powerful deep voice.

"Y-yes your g-g-grace" Meryn squeaks out still in pain.

"Do you think it is befitting of a Kingsguard to attack a man with his back turned after he has yielded" Robert asks calmly though his whole body emanated danger.

"N-no your grace" Meryn stutters out.

"Then why may I ask did you do it" Robert says like he is speaking to a child.

"T-t-that Bastard besmirched my honour" Meryn spat out looking at Jon who was standing off to the side.

"Honour?" Robert says in a confused voice.

"Honour..." Robert says in a more severe voice sending a chill down anyone who could hear.

"HONOUR!!! WHAT HONOUR I DONT SEE ANY HERE!!!" Robert shouts out grabbing Meryn by the neck lifting him off his feet.

"YOU ARE A TALENTLESS WORM WHO COULDN'T PROTECT HIS KING FROM A BOY WHORE WITH A WOODEN SWORD, YOU HAVE MORE TALENT BEATING LITTLE GIRLS THAN FIGHTING MEN" Robert continued with his voice booming throughout the ring, his grip on Meryns neck tightening, the knight at this point was frothing out of his mouth. Robert then sighs and let's him down.

"It would be bad luck for a king to kill one of his kingsguard, so I will let you off with a warning and let you go" Robert says.

"T-t-thank y-you" Meryn barely manages to breath out looking up at his smiling king.

"You may go, but the hand you attacked with stays with me" Robert says simply before grabbing onto his right hand and squeezing.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" Meryn starts screaming as Robert squeezes his hand crushing the bones in his hands and wrist. Meryn screams even louder, to the point where nothing but air comes out of his throat as no more sound can escape. Robert then used his hand to grip his arm and hold him in place as he rips his arm off, Jon has to stop himself from being sick as he sees his arms skin and muscle tear giving way to fragmented bones.

Finally Robert managed to detach his hand and then through his body to some nearby guards.

"Take him to a Maester, don't hurry" Robert simply says throwing the arm over his shoulder.

"Now that is out of the way I believe it is time to discover who the winner is" Roberts says with a smile.

"You" Jon simply says getting a booming laugh out of Robert.

"HAHAHAHA, Come now maybe I can make it interesting for you, how about 20 times the prize of the melee so that's around 400,000 gold dragons" Robert tries to tempt Jon into fighting and not yielding. Jon takes a few minutes to consider it and ends up looking at Tyene who is in the stands with her father.

'Fuck' Jon thinks to himself.

"Alright I agree" Jon says already regretting the words as soon as they come out of his mouth.

"HAHA Good I knew the son of a Ned would not disappoint" Robert boomed out clapping Jon on the shoulder almost hitting him over.

"How did you know I was his son" Jon asks.

"The colouring, you're the spitting image of Ned when we were in the vale, gods that brings back memories, I'll have to tell you them at the feast tonight" Robert says getting a nod back from Jon.

Jon gets into his fighting stance he was mostly self taught but had learnt from a few teachers over the years, one being Garlan Tyrell who taught him the secret to fighting more than one person and Sandor Clegane who taught him how to fight people bigger and stronger than himself, though why he knew how to do that was still a mystery to Jon.

'First rule, don't get hit' Jon thinks to himself as he rolls out of the way of the enormous hammer that was wielded with frightening accuracy. He can feel the ground under him tremble from the impact. But it worked and he was now behind Robert.

'Second rule be fast and hit their weak spots' Jon thinks again as he lunges towards Robert to stab him in the back though aiming for a non lethal stab. Then what happens next completely shocks Jon and everyone in the audience.

Robert Baratheon put two hands on his warhammer as soon as he realised that Jon had rolled behind him and when he knew Jon had went into the lunge he jumped up using his abnormally strong arms and core muscles to hold himself upside down balancing on the thick base of his warhammer.

Jon realised he'd been had, he encountered no resistance when he lunged so he's right now standing where Robert just was. A fraction of a second later Robert leans forward completing his flip bringing his hammer with him with the momentum, this makes his warhammer hit Jon square in the chest making him fly 10 feet backwards.

'Third rule, if they are big and strong and a weird fucker don't fight them' Jon thought on the third rule and was silently cursing Sandor for such a useless rule.

He was having trouble breathing, he looked down and realised that his armour was dented inwards, taking the brunt of the force. Jon removes the armour throwing it to the side as he catches his breath and stumbles up. Robert was respectfully waiting leaning on his hammer as Jon got his bearings.

Jon picked up a shield from the ground that had been discarded at some point. And got ready for another bout with the warrior king.

Robert smiles as he lifts his hammer from the ground. What comes next as a flurry of one handed strikes where Jon knows he cannot block them as they'd break through his defence instantly, even parrying them is risky as he'd need to do it perfectly otherwise he'd end up with a broken sword or shield.

Ducking under a swipe Jon thrusts his sword forward aiming for the arm that carry's the hammer, Robert jumps back and then boots Jon with his huge leg though Jon manages to block this with his shield so the force is mostly negated but he still flies back a few feet.

Jon had something he thought might work, any sort of damage on the king would be a win at this point. Jon waits and continues dodging trying to lead the king into making an overhead swing.

As soon as he does Jon jumps back while he jumps he throws the shield directly at the kings hand aiming for the fingers holding the hammer. They impact and he can almost hear the crunch of some of them though the king barely reacts. Jon's not finished yet though as he uses the hammer as a base to jump and launches a knee directly to the kings nose giving him a nose bleed pushing off his shoulder Jon's plan was to bring his sword down slashing him down his torso.

However Jon had not noticed that the king had grabbed his other leg when he hit him in the face. and just as he was about to bring his sword down on him Jon feels himself change directions suddenly as the king winds up is arm before slamming Jon into the ground.

"Ahhck!!!" Jon spittles out as he feels a rib break and his head grow dizzy from the impact.

'How did my father ever fight this monster' Jon thought to himself.

Though the king didn't want to damage Ned's boy too badly so he through him away and Jon rolled all across the ring. One woman and one girl in the audience were close to tears but one was better at hiding it than the other.

Even Oberyn felt bad for the boy, having to fight a man who never left his prime but increased it at the age of 13 name days.

"You've done well boy, it's been a while since anyone has made me bleed but it's time to yield, I'm sure I got one of your ribs in that slam" Robert says to Jon who looks to be struggling to get up. His face his battered and bruised bloods leaking from his nose and there are cuts over his face.

"I'll Win!" Jon spits out, though even Jon didn't believe in his own words. It was no longer about the coin or Tyene, Jon stood there facing down this monster of a man because he wanted to prove he was stronger.  Robert smiles as he finally has someone who can understand himself, he begins to approach Jon hammer in hand.

Jon glares at Robert his violet eyes shining in response, this causes Robert to stop and pause, the smile falling from his face as Jon's glare reminds him of something so long ago.

*She didn't love you Robert I'm sorry cousin, please it's not too late we can still overthrow my father, please I want to return home to Lyanna and my family*

*Its too late for that Rhaegar, I would've listened to you once upon a time and you could've ruled with me as your hand... but you fell in love with the wrong woman...*

"You're him..." Robert says in a low voice an emotionless facade on his face. Though Jon is just confused as he glares at the king looking for any weapon that may be near him.

"I heard the rumours that Lyanna had a son but I dismissed them, my friend Ned wouldn't lie to me" Robert continued

"But it seems things are not what I thought and Ned did lie, perhaps because he's my friend I never saw passed your stark colouring, but that glare you gave me" Robert says.

"It's the same one Rhaegar gave to me before I caved in his chest" Robert says a chill running down Jon's spine, the one man in Westeros that he didn't want knowing about his father and he had just found out.

"It seems history is doomed to repeat himself and I must once again..."

"WIPE OUT EVERY TARGARYEN INTO EXTINCTION" Robert shouts the last part nearly shaking the earth beneath his feet as he holds up his warhammer.

'Fuck this isn't good' Jon thinks to himself though he is confused as to why he isn't panicking more, then realised that he must have hit his head really hard.

Robert charges, for the first time in the fight Jon sees him run and it feels more intimidating than a cavalry charge Jon dashes to the left picking up a sword just in time to dodged the hammer his hair being thrown all over the place from the wind pressure. It seemed Robert wasn't playing around anymore and he had started using two hands to hold his warhammer.

Jon was barely dodging anymore, he couldn't help but wonder how such a big man was so fast but it didn't matter now, Robert switches from two hands to one has he uses and overhead swing to hit Jon.

Jon dodges but his grabbed by his clothes with Roberts over hand and he winds it up and spins around throwing Jon nearly 30 feet into the air and hitting into the inclined wooden stands where people sat to watch the event.

Cersei couldn't help but let a few tears fall, she was about to see her Rhaegar die all over again and she could do nothing.

Tyene was a different story, she thought to jump out into the ring ready to fight the king if it meant protecting Jon, she was held down by her father though as she screamed and cried as she was about to witness her closest friend and man she loved die.

Jon felt like he had just been ran over by a horse, but he still managed to pick himself up weakly, though Robert didn't have a smile on his face anymore, he started to approach the stands his warhammer dragging behind him, this had changed from a fight to an execution.

Jon looked over the edge at the top of  the stand, below the benches seemed to be a grid wooden support beams Jon got an idea but it was risky and he knew it had a very little success rate. Jon manoeuvred his body so that it looked like he was trying to get away when in actuality he was trying to get Robert into the perfect position.

Now the beast was standing before him on the place that he had thrown Jon so the wood was damaged.

"I dream of killing your father every night, it seems the gods have blessed me in order for me to add the son" Robert says before raising his warhammer high up before bringing it down.

Oberyn covers Tyenes eyes, she doesn't need to see her friend getting crushed like an egg.

Cersei watches on, she deserves to see this for her weakness to do anything about it.

But to both their surprises Jon moves at the last second summoning all of his strength to push himself through Roberts legs rolling down the stairs. Jon ends up hitting the wood now weakening it enough that he falls straight through getting caught in the support beams bellow.

Jon looks slightly amused though though he can't really laugh because it hurts, he runs as fast as he can straight to his tent.

"WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR GET HIM NOW!!!!!" They hear Robert boom out as the whole structure seems to groan.

They chase Jon into his tent but as they go in a flash and explosion of smoke catch them off guard as they come out of the tent coughing their guts up.

Tyene can see Jon sneak off so she elbows her father in the face before running off the find him.

Jon was trying to get to the harbour he had a pouch full of gold and whatever he had in his bag but it would have to be enough he didn't have time to go to his room.

Though Jon groans his pain has he's gets hugged by Tyene who nearly tackles him, she's still crying not having gotten over the whole ordeal.

"Tyene I have to go I can't stay here anymore" Jon says to her sadly. But he can't stand the thought of leaving her. 

"Please come with me, I'd rather go back to that arena right now than have to spend the rest of my life without you in it" Jon says to Tyene making her smile.

"You idiot, you should've asked me that years ago" she said before kissing him passionately.

"Ow ow my ribs" Jon says ending the kiss.

"Come we need to get to your ship and leave" Tyene says to Jon grabbing his hand and pulling him to the Harbour.

(Flashback End)

"And that's basically how we left Westeros" Jon concludes the story, his family looking at him in shock.

"Did you really Fuck the queen"

"What was it like fucking the queen"

"I can't believe you fucked the queen"

All three Stark Childers said at once earning a stern reprimanding from their mother.

"I couldn't believe he fucked her either, and here I was saving my purity for the man I loved while he gives it to the first blonde with big tits" Tyene pouts making Jon sigh snd Missandei laugh.

"I'm glad you told us the story Jon but I must ask as the current lord, why are you here in the north" Robb asks.

"We are looking for an Artefact, the chalice of winter" Jon replies to him.

"We found evidence that our great grandfather got it from Braavos, so naturally we came here to see if there was any records" Jon explains.

"Chalice of winter, pfffft has old nan been telling you stories again" Robb says with a chuckle.

"I think there's a chance it might be real, we won't stay long, we'll be heading beyond the wall soon" Jon says making Catelyn and Robb freeze and look up at him.

"Jon I don't think it's a good idea for you to head there now" Robb says to Jon.

"Why not i can handle myself" Jon states.

"Jon... every since Ned joined the watch for the first few years nothing happened but after the King was given some time to cool down he realised he missed his brother so he went north to try and release Ned from his vows but Ned being Ned refuse, so he now spends most of his time in the north going beyond the wall and fighting the wildlings, I've even heard a rumour he slew a giant" Catelyn explains.

"So what you're saying is the man who hates me most in Westeros and probably Essos is in the one place I need to go" Jon asks getting a nod back from Robb and Catelyn.

Jon just sits there and doesn't say anything.

"You know this could be a form of divine justice for getting away with robbing the iron bank" Tyene says

"You ROBBED WHA-" Catelyn yells but Jon's already hopped out of his seat and ran away.

(AN: woooooooo I could've broken this into two chapters but I've already broken my word since I need to do another Winterfell chapter next though it's defo the last one, this is the longest chapter get at 9,500 words. Hope you enjoyed it let me know what you think, ya know imma start putting teasers at the end to see if you can figure out the next chapter so join me soon in)

A Tale of Two Brothers