
We’re it begins

There was a girl, a girl who's known all throughout her school. The fallen angel from hell, this girl's name was Mi-sun. The high school she went to used to be an all boys school when just recently it became co-ed. Mi-sun was one of the first girls to come to this high school, after many girls came, yet the population STILL fell down to 66% boys, and 34% girls. This causes harassment to the female students. This also causes the female students to fight for the male students, and the boy students to fight for the female students.

Overall things were unbalanced. But back to the fallen angel from hell Mi-sun, Mi-sun helped out anyone she saw who needed it, just like that she seemed to have gotten herself into something again, judging by the fact that she was in the principal's office right now.

"Mi-sun, my favorite student," says Mr. hyeong. "Just cut to the point, Mr.hyeong" replied Mi-sun with a straight face. "Oh Mi-sun, it's not like you don't know what you did," said Mr. Hyeong while slightly smirking. "I swear if you don't open your mouth in the next 1 second I'm gonna leave" she said while looking dead into Mr.hyeongs eyes. "Oh Mi-sun I know your mother is dead but I'm sure if she was alive she would be very upset at her daughter being in the principal's office everyday" he said. "oh so nothing was working so now you're going to use my mother as an excuse?".

"MI-SUN YOUVE GOT ON MY LAST NERVE" screamed Mr. Hyeong while clearly not looking happy. "WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO? CALL MY MOM?" Mi-sun yelled while smiling and squinting her eyebrows. "I can still call your father" said Mr. Hyeong while having a face that says "I won". "THAT MAN DOESN'T CARE ABOUT ME AND NEVER WILL" she screams while barging out of the principal's office.

When Mi-sun gets out she bumps into the girl who she helped. "I am sorry" said the girl who she helped. "For what" said Mi-sun while looking anything but interested. "You helped me while I was getting bullied and that's why you ended up in the principal's office, I'm sorry" she said while genuinely looking sorry. "Move," said Mi-sun. "Please wait" said the girl while pulling Mi-sun's arm. "What?". "C-can we be friends?" She said while looking nervous. "Friends" mi-sun repeated while giggling". "Yeah friends". "There's no such thing as friends. All they do is talk bad about the ones that didn't make it that day" mi-sun said. "NO THAT'S NOT TRUE" said the girl.

Mi-sun did not bother to argue farther, she walked away, but before she could the girl stopped her again and said "my name is ju-da". Mi-sun then continued on to her last class of the day.

When she walked in she saw a bunch of people surrounding her desk. She moved closer to see a girl wearing a hijab sitting on the seat across from Mi-suns. That's when Mi-sun realized all the kids were surrounding to see this girl who is a foreigner. Mi-sun yelled "GET OUT OF MY WAY" really loudly and everybody moved. Towards the end of the period Mi-sun saw these 2 guys walking in the hijab girls direction. MI-sun knew she could get bullied so she paid close attention. "Hey pretty thing" one guy said while the other guy grabbed her hand by force. Mi-sun got up, took her backpack off and swung it at the guy grabbing her hand. The guy fell down while the other guy yelled at Mi-sun for interfering. Mi-sun kicked him in between his legs.

And twisted his arm. The whole class was looking. She was so invested in that guy she didn't see the other one getting back up and aggressively pulling the girls hijab off. I-sun saw it and quickly took her jacket off and threw it on the girl's head while

The girl went to the bathroom crying and Mi-sun walked out of the class as she heard the dismissal bell. While She walked out she saw a guy who sits right next to the door stare at her as a kid would stare at their idol. She didn't think too much of it and left.

She got on the bus and then remembered she was out of milk, so she got off at the convenience store, it was nearby so she could just walk there to her home. She got the milk and got out but there she saw a crowd of people. She got curious so she moved forward to see what happened. There she saw a guy standing on the tallest building in the whole town. He was clearly trying to kill himself.

Mi-sun saw that everybody was staring at him but no one was helping him. She later found out that the police department had been called but yet hadn't come. The guy stepped closer to the edge and Mi-sun decided it was time for her to do something. She pushed through the people and started climbing the building. The guy saw that and suddenly stopped. Mi-sun couldn't climb all the way but made it close enough. She pulled off her belt and swung it at the guy and said "grab it". He was left in shock. Mi-sun started blackmailing him by saying that "I came to save you so if you don't grab this belt I will die along with you".