

Chapter 7

Letters and Raiders




When Harry woke up the next morning he felt somebody's arms around him. He recognized this person as Sirius, the man he would never forgive. How did he find him? Everything from last night came to him as a blur.

He carefully slipped out of his godfather's grasp, hoping that he wouldn't wake him. He went over to the mirror, gasping at the sight that he saw. Hi face was covered with bruises and his left eye was swollen shut. His arms were also covered with bruises. He also noticed that he was wearing a pair of Sirius' pyjamas.

He spotted the clothes that he had been wearing the night before drying over a vent. He grabbed them and quickly threw them on. He found a quill and a piece of parchment on Sirius' night table and quickly scribbled Sirius a note telling him that he would be with his friends.

He put the note on Sirius' chest and silently made his way, trying not to wake Remus. He walked down the now familiar street full of stores in desperate need of renovations He spotted the Raiders hanging around a beat up car.

"Hey guys" Harry said as he ran up to his gang

"Wow! Harry dude, nice marks" said Daniel "Is that what happened yesterday?"

"Yeah" Harry grunted. He obviously wasn't happy "And now because of those idiots my godfather found me and I'm stuck living with him again"

"Man, that really sucks!" said George

George handed Harry a cigarette and lit it for him. Harry popped it in his mouth and took a puff.


Sirius stirred and opened his eyes. He noticed that Harry was no longer next to him. He began to panic.


There was no answer.

"Harry, where are you?"

Still there was no answer, just complete silence. Sirius noticed that the pyjamas that he had lent Harry were now on the floor and that the other clothes were gone.


Remus ran into the room. He knew from the expression on Harry's face that something was wrong.

"What happened?" Remus asked

"Harry's gone!"

"Oh no! Not again!"

Remus spotted a piece of parchment on Sirius' bed.

"Look Sirius, there's a note!"

Sirius ran over to the bed, and grabbed the parchment. He read what was written on it.

"It's a note!"

"What does it say?"

Sirius read the letter aloud:

"Sirius, I left the house early to go hang out with my friends. Don't worry about me, I'll be back later. And please don't go out looking for me!

P.S. Just because I wrote you this letter doesn't mean I forgive you.

Sirius was relieved that Harry was okay. But did he have to add the P.S.?

"We're out of milk. I'm going to pick some up" Remus said suddenly

He left the room and made his way into the kitchen. He grabbed some money out of a glass jar and left for the convenient store. As he was walking down the street he noticed the Raiders.

Remus had seen this group in muggle newspapers whenever they would get into trouble. He was not very fond of them. But it was one of the boys in the group that caught his eye. The boy was Harry. Something he was holding also caught his attention.

A cigarette!
