

Chapter 2

Sirius' Mistake




"Where the hell have you been? Do you have any idea what time it is?" Sirius yelled.

Harry opened and closed his mouth wordlessly, he had nothing to say. He had never seen Sirius get this angry before. It was scaring him.

"It's eleven o'clock, I asked you to be home at nine! Another hour and I would have had the Aurors looking for you! Where in the almighty universe were you?"

"I-I lost track of the time. I was having too much fun. I was going to call you but I forgot"

"Did you have any idea at all that your godfather might be worrying his head off and afraid to call the Aurors because there is a 99 percent chance that Fudge would send you back to the Dursleys . But of course, like usual, you were to busy having fun!."

Remus who had been sleeping on the couch was now awake, watching them wide- eyed.

"Padfoot come on..." Remus began, but Sirius turned on him.

"You better keep your big, fat mouth shut Remus! You're always taking Harry's side about everything!"

"I said that I was sorry!" yelled Harry.

"Of course you didn't mean to" Sirius said "You never mean anything! All you say is a bunch of stupid rubbish! You never think, actually you never even use your head at all!"

"Sirius, please calm down! Stop screaming!" yelled Remus

"Shut your fucking mouth Remus!" Sirius yelled back

"Don't yell at him!" Harry shouted

Sirius turned away from Remus and slapped Harry so hard that it knocked him against the wall. Harry's head banged against the wall causing him to fall to the floor.

Suddenly it was deathly quiet. They had all frozen. Sirius had never hit Harry before. Never. Remus' mouth was wide open. Sirius ran over to Harry. Harry was still lying on the floor his eyes closed shut.

Harry quickly open his eyes as Sirius ran towards him.

"Harry are you okay? I'm so sorry!" Sirius cried

"Don't touch me! Don't you dare touch me you monster!" Harry screamed

He jumped up from the floor and ran out the door as fast as he could.

"Harry!" Sirius yelled

Harry continued to run. Sirius ran out the door.

"Harry, I didn't mean to!"

But Harry was already gone. Nowhere to be seen.

Harry was running away. It was clear to him that Sirius didn't want him around. But even if he did, he still wouldn't stay. Nobody would ever hit him again.
