
Reinforcements Are Here Again, Reinforcements Are Down Again!

Editor: Atlas Studios

May 1st, Tuesday…

Pei Qian's impression of 2012's May Day holiday was supposed to be on the 29th, 30th, and 1th. However, in fact, it had changed from the 28th to the 2th. Obviously, there have been some subtle changes in the development of this world.

However, this was obviously a good thing for Pei Qian. He was already very unhappy with the behavior of 'taking two days off to make up for three days off'. Many times, he would have to take three days off to make up for it. In the end, he would have to take two Saturdays. It could be said that he took three days off, but in reality, he only took one day?

It was much more reasonable to arrange for holidays like this.

What's more, Pei Qian felt that it was a good thing for the company to have more holidays and less employees to work.