
New way, New Life in Another World

Somewhere at the very top of an snowy blue mountain which is as tall as it seems like reaching the heavens, where the violent tempestuous winds are blowing heavily, where the chances of survival of life is absolute null. There lies "Skylight" an hidden village, with countless waterfalls surrounding it, those waterfalls lead to a Great lake in between the village center, where at the center of that great lake lies an huge Dragon statue with ancient script written pedestal. That dragon statue represents "Apollo, an dragon god" who is known as the ruler of Heavens( Sky) with the reputation of being the Notorious War God who once made the sky fall over the whole world to bring chaos and destruction wiping out more than half of the world's population millenniums ago. Right below that huge statue is an Ancient Dragon Temple where Dragon gods are worshipped, it is also used as an training ground to learn arts & magic (both related to combat & non-combat).

Niko)- Hey! I'm still new to this and it's just a training match. Can't you go easy a lil bit, you old geezer !!? (throwing tantrums)

Drake)- Just who are you calling an old geezer, huh !? And I go easy on you is out of question, just die you bastard!!! (pulsing veins)

Niko)- *sigh* Can't be helped, huh! (with dropped shoulders)

— It all started few weeks ago, that day when I came to my senses and realize... "That life is what we can call an unpredictable set of events". I came to know that I got spirited away from my own world to this world "Zex", where phantasm & magic is still in existence. Unlike the things I have seen & read so far on anime, mangas, and novels where protagonists got spirited away to another world which is still on it's prime development in terms of science & technology. This world is far too advanced and is still progressing further on it's development while still taking good care of ancient & nature, pretty much like heaven huh! I still don't know why I got spirited away to this world..... Well whatever, it's an headache for me... though not more than this old geezer on front of me. He's EL Drake, he may seems like an fragile maiden, but you know the saying "appearances are deceiving". He's the Master, an strongest & finest fighter among all the peoples of Skylight. And the reason why am I training with him, obviously to get strong and there's another... no no, the most important reason of my life now, Kelly Drake. She's my cute and clumsy goddess who saved me from instant, or should I say terrible death. Ever since I got to this world, that person's the only one who took care of me, even though I was an complete stranger keeping my distance from everyone. Don't know how or when but she became the only light in this darkness, in this loneliness for me. That's why, I decided to live for her and do my absolute best for only her as long as I exist. Y'know, she's quite a looker, her looks definitely from her mother cause I don't see any thing good on this old geezer. Whenever, I think about her strawberry pink skin with those icy blue eyes, and her innocent cute smile that she make with those red glossy lips... I always find myself lost in her thoughts. And her long shining silver color hair which resembles countless falling stars on the night sky, always made my heart skip beat... I really can't stop thinking about her 24/7. But, to be with her I have to pass "Trial of Dragon God Temple" and also "Tame a King Dragon"... The Elders of Skylight throw these trials on me out of nowhere... *pulsing vein* Just who do you think I am, huh !!?! Just cause, I'm the first outsider who make it here alive in millenniums, out of some dumb luck doesn't mean I'm some kind of a hero or something !!!!...... Well, anyway, I have to do this.... even if it kills me. But, I won't let death be the hindrance between me and my love anymore.—

Drake used 'Blink' an skill to enhance his speed beyond super human level while turning the ground around Niko's feet into a swamp field using an Earth type elemental magic –Earth Bind– to restrict all his movements while commencing his final blow an combo of hasty punches & kicks from all direction. Niko didn't move from his spot even a bit while evading all the punches & kicks with only his upper body flex movements lucidly. Then, he punched him on the gut which made him fall backward with a jump.

Drake)- What !!? (stunned)

Niko)- *smile* I'll do my absolute best, no matter who came on front of me. (clenched his fist)

He used "Physical enhancement" an skill to achieve super human strength, while also focused his magic energy to escape/negate the –Earth Bind–. Drake got overwhelmed by that determination & burning passion of Niko. He smiled while taking an defensive stance to counter him. There Niko launched an axe kick with full strength which got easily blocked by one hand.

Niko)- I'm already doomed. Won't you go easy on me, even a lil bit ? We are gonna be relatives soon. Y'know. (with wry smile)

Drake)- Who do you think I am, your friend or something ?

Niko)- You are like a father to me......*vein popped up*... But, at the same time you are my worst enemy when it comes to my—

Drake)- Then, why don't you just die already !? (with a devilish grin)

Drake tossed him far away to other side of the Great lake without thinking of the consequence. There,

Drake)- Hmm.... It feels great to get rid of a bug, before it started bugging you. (satisfied look)

When Drake was enjoying his victory while also instructing other trainees, he sensed something coming straight towards him with full force. He got to his battle ready stance unable to find the position of attacker. There,

Drake)- Now, who's bugging me ? Is that him.... not a chance, he can't tame a king dragon on his level right now, unless he's on my level.... a dragon, huh!

He turn his gaze upward and saw a girl with azure scaled dragon diving upon him. They landed right on that spot where Drake was standing before.

Drake)- As expected from my daughter, diving in for her important person.

Kelly)- You dummy !! why did you do that with my Niko ? (with anger & worry)

Drake)- I- I can—

Kelly)- You can just go there too!! And don't get back home unless my Niko is with you. "Kie" (her dragon's name)!!!!

— kyyyaaahhhh !! —

Kie tail slapped Drake to the same direction where Niko was tossed to.


Few hours later, Drake & Niko got to home which is an small mansion at south-east part of Skylight. They were in completely tattered state with burns & bruise all over them.

Niko)- Seriously, why did you tossed me to the "Dragon Nest" ?! It's all your fault that we are in this state now.

Drake)- Hey hey! it's not like I did that intentionally. (averting his gaze)

Niko)- If you weren't my Kelly's father than I could have burried you somewhere in this yard, long time ago. And y'know, that will truly be intentional. (with wide grin)

Drake)- ....*pulsing vein*.... You bas–

When both of them were about to start another fight on the front door. Kelly opened it while greeting them inside with an smile. They entered inside while turning their back towards each other. After having an nice hot bath and dinner. Drake & Niko were having there usual conversation in the living room while Kelly is at the kitchen,

Drake)- Oye! freelancer, when are you gonna leave my house ? (Skill used – "Intimidation")

Niko)- After your death, you old geezer. ("Intimidation resistance applied!")

Drake)- Stay away from my innocent daughter ?

Niko)- I can't, cause she robbed me off everything.

Drake)- If I haven't saved you that day then....

Niko)- You aren't the one who found me though.

Drake)- You are getting on my nerves. (pulsing veins)

Niko)- That's great, hope you die cause of nervous breakdown. That will save my precious breath from getting wasted on an old geezer such as you.

Drake grabbed him by collars to intimidate him further but he don't even budge. From the kitchen Kelly called out to Niko for help. He got to kitchen using Skill – "Instantaneous Movement",

Niko)- What do my Kelly need help on ?

Kelly)- I need my Niko to keep looking at only me for now.

Niko)- Y'know. I ain't an stalker type.....

He get close to her and embraced her from behind while also helping her on work which made her blushed with embarrassment.

Kelly)- You aren't hurt during today's training, are you ?

Niko)- I was, but I am all okay now. Cause my Kelly is here to take care of me.

Kelly)- ....*smile*.... I'll take care of my Niko as long as I exist.

Niko)- And I'll take care of you, me and.... that sneaky old geezer behind that door.

Drake quickly left the spot before Kelly could scold him. She leaked a long sigh to let go of her anger and,

Kelly)- My Dad is impossible.....

Niko)- No, he ain't. He's just overprotective for your sake.

Kelly)- But why ? I ain't that little, I already am an adult and soon gonna marry the person I love more than my own life.

Niko)- You dummy, It's parental nature to be overprotective when it comes to their childrens. Which my Kelly will understand when we will have kids of our own in near future.

Kelly)- ...*intensely blushed* Ch- Change the topic.... it's embarrassing, t- to, discuss that right now?!! (flustered)

Niko)- Nope. (smile)

She swiftly finished her work on fluster, and tried to ran away from him to hide her embarrassed face. But, he grabbed her hand and pull her to himself, then embraced her tightly.

Niko)- I won't let you go, no matter what the situation is and no matter who came up. This time, I won't lose anything, to anyone.....

— Cause I ain't like him, I ain't Niko —(inside of his mind with devilish grin)