
Red Headed Industrialist

"We should just go after Number one Right now," Uncle Simon said again. For the last two weeks. Ever since he heard my plan he had ragging on me.

"One is fine Right now She just relocated to California we have a whole eight months until she gets caught shoplifting forcing them to Malaysia. Once those men find signs in the Egyptian desert of Ella, Crayton, Lexa, zophie, and the chimera. We can meet them and take them to a safe house. Eric Bird hasn't posted the Picture of Janus yet so the Mogs haven't caught him as long as you Keep your eyes on Eric Bird he'll lead us right to Janus and we can stop the mogs from ever getting the Lead of which direction the Garde split up and we can slowly bring them together without the protection spell from ever breaking." I explain my thought process again to my uncle but he just looks worried.

'I knew our first move was going to be a big one we were making a play but we could manage to get half of the Loric forces on earth in one swoop but this is the only time that it will be easy to get all of them because the mogs don't know about the second ship yet until they get and they just started their search for the garden. The government hasn't yet been won over by the Mogadorian technology.'I thought. 'the only people that I can't help are the greeters Every one of them has been caught by now and is getting interrogated and tortured by the mogs I could probably save Malcolm one day

We had been training lightly since I had made him my cepan. I know cepans don't have any special powers. But john really undersold how powerful the cepans are I mean even though cepans don't have powers they live twice as long and are stronger, faster, and smarter than regular humans. they learn faster. It's an effect of living in such an advanced society and doesn't compare to the strength of a grade but the private security guards that Uncle Simon had hired to spar with him were getting their asses handed to them. I know That You Cant even compare to the mogadorian Vatborn With their Enhanced strength and speed much less Piken and Krauls. These guys weren't pushovers either they were supposed to be the best of the best and Uncle Simon was taking them out on a daily Bases like it was a batman animated series and it was Saturday morning.

I would have found it cool if he wasn't kicking my ass as well I'd been playing the "I'm six" during training but I was making progress card quite a bit but Uncle Simon New Cepan Knowledge gave him The he still had limits of course but he treated me more like I was a preteen than a little kid since that day. I didn't mind that much. I still liked being a kid but I wanted to become stronger and I wanted to stop the mogs from ruining my world as they ruined theirs.

"you've got to come to the meeting with Mr.Dare the industrialist we hired to get us the warehouses off the books he is probably going to negotiate more money out of the deal," Uncle Simon said with a tone of Disapproval not completely agree with my reasoning."How are you sure Eric Bird Will find Janus? Without Janus Lexa and her crew won't Trust us. We might even Push them Towards the mogs we need an alternative plan."

"This will work Trust me We'll probably hear from the guys about Janus Within the week if we don't Then we Will go with plan B," I said in a firm Tone. He sighed Dropping it for now. We walked out of the training room." But how about this if we don't Find Janus we follow whatever your plan is for Egypt to get the crew from the second ship. and if we do you owe me one "No Questions asked, "That I can use anything I want."

" Fine ill take that action," Uncle Simon said full of confidence.

I walked toward the window of the apartment and looked out on the city of New York. Our Apartment was in the Penthouse of Swift Tower. I know Nine Would Move into The penthouse of the John Hancock next year but since we own the whole Building it would be much more secure even without Sandors Tech. Plus We bought out A private Security Firm we have 20 elite Guards working in the building at all times.

"What time is Mr. Dare coming?" I asked My uncle Simon from the Window Turning towards the huge TV In our Main living Room, The Kitchen was exposed to the room so we could talk easily.

"He said around 11 He's bringing his Family for brunch before we talk business." Uncle Simon Said. He then walked off to order the brunch from the Personal Chef we had in the building to be brought up at 11:30.

I looked at the clock it read 10:04. I nodded to myself, I went up to my room to take a shower. I tried not to get in my head too much I had plans for the future but for now, I kind of felt useless. I knew what the grade and ii couldn't fix it right now made me feel a bit sad. dressed in a slick suit that my uncle bought me for business meetings. He said that Upstanding Businessmen have to be conscious of their appearance.

I looked in the mirror I liked the way I looked in the suit but I still couldn't forget the fact it was the Devil's face staring back at me. That sent a chill up my spine. 'status' I thought.

Name: Damien Swift Age=6


str:30 agi:28 vit: 32

Int:250 charm: 250

Powers and Abilities=



increased intelligence-Super Big brain Stark Who?

increased learning/training speed-Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger, Smarter?

Devilishly Handsome- women want you, men want to be you(beware some men will want to be with you as well)

Devil's secret gift-?

Billionaire: Money is Power-Throw money at small problems it goes away

Good Hand-eye coordination- can catch and throw a ball

Basic Earthly Martial Arts- Anybody under ten should fear you

Basic Lorien Martial Arts- Ten-year-old Mogadorians Beware

Common sense- Don't walk into traffic

'Training is going well I'm improving at a fast rate probably by the time I'm 8 ill be able to take down uncle Simon even without My powers.' I thought with a vengeful smirk.

I walked down the stairs to the main room when I heard uncle Simon opening the door. He welcomed and greeted the graciously and ushered them in.

"It's Good to see you again this is my daughter Rachel Elizabeth." Mr.Dare introduced his Daughter." unfortunately, my wife wasn't able to get able to come she had a dentist appointment."

I Froze in shock at what Mr. Dare had said. I looked at his Daughter and all at once, I knew another book that this world was formed.

'That's Rachel Elizabeth Dare the future oracle of Camp half-blood.' My thoughts raced I was trying to figure out how to deal with this rationally.

' Percy Jackson that's definitely a curve ball. But if there are gods why would they let the mogs take over.' My brain started hurting from the so I pushed those thoughts out of my head.

"This must be your nephew Damian that you couldn't stop talking about." Mr.Dare said.

"Yes, this is my little Damian I Didn't know that your daughter was Around the same age as Damian" Uncle Simon Said Conersationaly.

" Yes, she turns five in Two months" He Replied." Why don't we go talk Business and let them get to know each other a bit."

"That would be Fine the food will be served in a Half-Hour" walked towards the study. I thought about what to say. She Seemed A bit Timid. I Understood From what I remember she Had Been seeing monsters already and no one believed her. Makes it a bit hard to make Friends.

"Hi, I'm Damian," I said.

" I know My dad told me," she responded quickly.

"I know but my Uncle taught me it is always better To introduce yourself" I respond with a slight Chuckle she Blushes slightly.

"well then I'm Rachel," she said with a smile. we walked into the living room I Thought about telling her that I could see Monsters too that would make sure she isn't alone but I didn't know a way to tell her I knew without her asking how I knew she could see the monsters ya know. That's a lot to know. So I decided to befriend her and we would deal with it later. while we watched tv I started to think about what that would mean if PJO was real.

'Since I'm a little under two years older than Rachel and she was a bit older than Percy in the books. I'm probably two years older than Percy Which means Percy's 16th birthday is in 2014 and the lightning thief isn't until 2010 I could probably help Annabeth, Thalia, and Luke get to camp in 2005 if I somehow get a weapon that will hurt monsters(the blasters from the mogs will probably do it or maybe I could convince Number one or Crayton's chimera after I save her and her cepan) but I could focus on saving the Loric and training for the next three years until then.' i thought.

We had a lot of fun joking around. Rachel liked to read so we talked about books a little but she was also five so she hasn't read much. By the time uncle, Simon and Mr. dare were done the food had arrived and Mr. dare spent the whole meal kissing up to Uncle Simon apparently he had chosen to just throw money at Mr. Dare to keep him silent about. They left soon after with a matching pair of bright smiles Mr. Dare because of the money and Rachel has made a friend.

" Try to Financially support Mr. Dare Turning from Industrialization No Questions Asked," I said to my Uncle Simon when we were finally alone.

"why?" He Asked with a look of confusion.

"It'll be important to the future and It's a No Questions asked," I say Thinking about How Rachel would grow to hate that her Father hurt the wild and helped kill the God of the wild Pan. if we were in Business with him it would put of a strain on their relationship but if he turned her father away from that he could be seen as a hero in her eyes. A little manipulative but he truly wanted to help her.

"I didn't know you were such a bleeding heart environmentalist and You haven't won Yet we don't have," he said with a raised eyebrow. I guess h thought I was doing it to say the environment

"I'm not just... please," I said exasperated. He did his signature sigh.

"Fine Kiddo I'll take your word for it," he said after a while. His phone started to ring. I watched him as he was on the call he changed comically through a range of different emotions. He paused after he got off the phone.

"That was the PI we had on Eric Bird he found Janus. You were right." He said it as it pained him to admit. I knew we would find him but there couldn't possibly find him at a better moment. I started laughing at my uncle who looked so dejected.

" Shut up you little Con Man," He said hitting me lightly on the head. It took me a couple of seconds to collect myself.

"let's go to meet Him before he ends up getting Himself caught in a different way than Eric Bird," I said after my fit of laughter stopped.

"We leave in an hour I'm taking Logan And Richard with us," he said and abruptly walked off. Logan and Richard were The only two Guards that could come close to taking uncle Simon Down after he had become a Cepan.

" Cool Good idea," I said as he walked out. I Had scanned them during our training sessions and they were level 97 and 95 so I bet they could get lucky if we have a run-in and kill a few mogs. I plopped myself back on the couch to wait until we would leave.

I'm not planning to make Rachel the love interest but I don't know if people voted for her I guess I would but that's a while down the road either way.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Andrew_Alsbrookscreators' thoughts