
Dream a little Dream of Me

As I lay on the couch in the jet, I studied the File on number 5 and his Cepan Rey. The Cepan is already showing signs of being sick The apartment they are renting in Canada. He leaves the apartment twice a week. Even though Rey only comes out very little Cody(5) sneaks out quite often during the week Not any where far just goes over to a park a few streets over feeds the ducks lays under this one tree.

When the two go out together Rey keeps a very short leash on Cody. an agent that was listening in on their training sessions and he is a very uptight man. Its no wonder Cody lost interest in his training when he went to the island. At least the others let the kids have a little leeway. Honestly I don't know how the old man is a Cepan he seems to just be bad with kids. Maybe its because he's sick or maybe because he lost his family on Lorien but he's almost taking it out on Cody through training. I doubt Cody even knows that his training is brutal compared to others because of his limited interaction with any one that isn't Rey.

Honestly I'm Contemplating even giving Rey the Amphisbaena. Sure it'll help build a relationship with Cody but I Don't really see a logistical advantage of a bitter old man added to the Loric crew his aversion to humanity is not a good sign too I know he's going to isolate himself for the benefit of safety but even now he when he believes they are safe he hasn't built any relationship outside of professional and transactional. Being the oldest Loric alive he might be able to convince the Loric to follow misinformation.

That's not a view on the man himself we all make mistakes but at least others have to have their theories checked by other people when your old you just have to believe in the first person perspective because their is no other view point.

For example John thought that he would have to go off planet to restore Lorien because Henri Misrepresented the information that Loridas the Loric Elder that performed the Charm on the nine garde. What if Rey decides to tell them that they need to go back to Lorien instead of fighting the mogodorians here. I will have to meet the main to make a final decision but this file doesn't do him any favors. I look up and notice Janus Staring at me.

I give him a nod tentatively. It breaks him from the stare he looks away. I've noticed of late the Loric have been a little distanced from me. I think it's because of Incident during training. I had been using training in the morning to train my somnokinesis. I was pretty sure that they hadn't caught on the whole 6 months. I usually don't knock the out unless i cover it with an attack. If i can't i just make them passively drowsy its usually early enough that its not weird that they ae still tired from the night before. There was this one match of kind of free for all battle. and I'd used a full sleep touch to Crayton's back i thought no one was looking but Zophia was behind me throwing a punch at uncle Simon. When I caught her eye she acted like she hadn't seen anything and I hoped she hadn't but the way Janus was acting it was doubtful she hadn't told them.

"Janus is there something wrong?" I Ask raising the little kid innocence a little to pull down his walls. He looked at me with a look of mixed feelings before deciding to answer.

"N-nothing just bored at how slow this earthly hunk of junk is." he responded mocking the plane to escape from my question.

"Are you Sure? If you tell me maybe i can help if there is something wrong." I tell him Uncle Simon Looks up from his book when Janus Stuttered it was obvious that something was wrong and this was the only time i could grill Janus on what the Loric are so off about because Crayton was sleeping soundly in the back of the plane. Janus seems to think for a moment.

"we know you awakened a Legacy which is great it means you are truly Garde and it will be a pleasure to fight the Mogs along side you. It's just on Lorien The earliest ever awakened Legacy except for aeternus which people are born with was a little under ten years old and it usually takes years to master but You are not even 8 and already in control of your legacy. It brings up many questions." he says. I nod along as he confirms my suspicions I'd been caught red handed. Though now I'm a bit confused shouldn't they be celebrating that along with One who has just recently acquired her Earth Quake Manipulation and generation and Telekinesis Shouldn't they be happy to have the first capable members of the Garde brewing.

"What questions Would That bring up?, " I ask choosing not to deny that I have legacies I can't tell them about the Gods and the real sources of my abilities because that would just create problems right now.

"Well... Since you Awakened it so Young is it because your Human? Or is Because you were chosen by Lorien? Or is because we are on earth and Lorien reacts differently on Earth? IF it is the last one it all raises the question Since you got your abilities so early why aren't the rest of the Garde should we expect the usual Patterns When an Outlier like you exists and there so few of The Garde left its hard to leave anything up to chance. Also your ability is a completely unknown one the closest thing we have ever seen is the Electric touch but we have never felt any shock from you." He spits the whole statement out so quickly like his brain was going to explode keeping it in.

"Well One thing I know for Sure the garde will get their powers just as usual Just as one is getting them Right now. I don't know why I've unlocked a legacy so early maybe it's to help protect the garde before they get their legacies I have no Idea. The ability has something to do with sleep it's not completely mastered but it's really great in close combat one touch and your seeing stars." i tell him starting of serious but ending in a jovial tone talking about my ability.

"sleep? Is it just putting people to sleep and making them drowsy," Janus asks. I smile.

"well there's that and then I can also see dreams a bit kind of manipulate them." I tell Janus.he looks extremely surprised but also very excited.

"what's Crayton dreaming right now?" he says almost yelling at me. I sigh and stand up and touch craytons leg.

Entering his dreams its like stepping through a fog you can't really see the ground but you can kind of feel the ground it front of your foot. I take a awkward step and I see him in chasing a tiger/panther animal that I don't recognize must be a Chimera form from lorien. behind Crayton is this woman after a second the animal turns and lunges at Crayton. I at first think it's trying to attack him but as it reaches him it turns into an animal with long arms qnd that's sorta cute kinda like a very fast sloth. he moves the sloth like creature to his back holding on to his shoulders as if it's a back pack and turns to the woman and he just waits as the woman runs she seems to be be getting shorter when she reaches Crayton arms she is just a little kid and Crayton throws her lightly in the air a few inches and then I see the child's face. It's ella.

it's such a heart whelping sight I kind of fall into watching them. I then pull back to reality.Janus is waiting watching me in awe AZ if seeing a zoo animal doing a back flip. I don't mind it's pretty cool even if it isn't a legacy.

"he's dreaming about a Chimera and ella running through a field I sat simply not giving much detail." I want to prove my ability but I don't want to obliterate his privacy.

"cool, your ability is very Versatile i wonder if it has any interrogation potential?"he wonders aloud.

"maybe, Hey shouldn't you be in the cockpit aren't we close to or landing coordinates in canada?."I ask him. He gets up as if hit by lightning rubbing his head as if embarrassed.

"was that wise?" Uncle Simon asked me as Janus closed the door to the cockpit.I knew he was talking about co fidung in Janus about my smonkinesis.

"they already sort of knew plus telling them some of my capabilities will let them see me as an asset ," I tell him. he grunts back and I can't tell if it's in approval or disapproval. I think back to Crayton. His dreams show how much he loves ella he may not have been chosen to be here cepan or father figure but he still loves her like daughter and I respect him for that. Even if he did try to manipulate me to see her as a little sister.

I wonder which Chimera that was in the dream it didn't seem to be Olivia she prefers a different form than panther type features.

I noticed the plane was starting it's decent.I looked out the window to see the plane going beneath the clod line. see you soon five.