In the Tranquil Sun province of the empire, there exists an unremarkable lordship known as Snow Eagle Territory! This is the home of the Dong Bo clan, the clan of our hero Xue Ying! His father, a commoner turned noble; his mother, a noble who abandoned her clan for love, and his brother, an innocent toddler. But peace cannot last forever, Xue Ying’s peaceful life is shattered, and the only way to reclaim it is through power!
Chaotic Origin Prisoners were constantly being tortured and punished. Their sufferings would occasionally become heavier. Given enough time… they would be tortured to the extent that they had to go out for a 'patrol'! Otherwise, the pain and suffering would only increase .
Only when they left their territories for a patrol would cultivators have a chance to kill them.
In their territories, the Chaotic Origin Prisoners were too powerful. It was nile impossible to kill them. But once they went out for a patrol, the further they were from their territories, the weaker they would be.
"Quiet Icy Mountain Master is going out on patrol today?" Xue Ying's eyes brightened. He immediately continued, "Let us not delay then! Let us hurry and set off."