
Lord Vicnan's Bride

" you will be fine," he says before letting go of my hand and about to leave. I didn't even realize when my body reacted. Jumping to a standing position, I caught his hand. Immediately I felt that electricity once again. What is this? " you need something?" "Who...who are you?" Throwing my question, There was a long silence between us, we stood staring into each other's eyes, and I notice he was debating what to say or how to say it. Is it that difficult to answer such a question? " someone who brings you evil and sorrow," he said making me confused. Slowly taking his hand away from my grip, he turns to leave once again, but I stopped him again " ok, can I at least get your name?" " you won't be needing it" he slowly turns to leave" also. Stop getting yourself in a complex situation " with that he vanished into the crowd. I turn in confusion to see the bartender wasn't even paying attention, no one was. No one saw what just happen. Who the hell is that man? Cleopatra is a young surgeon who recently lost her job and her mother. She tries to figure out what her next step in life will be and feels completely lost Until a strange man appears in her life. Saving her not once but twice. Who is this man? Or what is he? She knows very well that he was nothing human and as days pass, She finds herself growing more curious about this man. Not able to forget those unique purple eyes, the need to see him. like a force pulling her. Who is he? What is he? How can she find him?

Slay_kwen1975 · แฟนตาซี
27 Chs

Chapter 2

" let's sing a song full of hope, full of pain " my ringing tone 'close to the sun ' took over the silent room

  " turn it off Cleo " Vivian winged throwing her legs like a baby. The both of us drank all night and didn't even realize when we fell asleep on the ground in the sitting room. Stretching my hand out, searching for the phone

  "Why don't you sing along my friend...."

  " Damn it, Cleo, get that " winging

  " am trying " I forced my eyes to open so I could see what I was doing, my head banged like hell. And my body felt so damn weak. It felt like everything in my stomach was going to come out the next minute. Finally spotting the phone under the pillow on the floor. I reached for it, not caring who it was I took the call " Damn it, it's 4 am..."

  " Cleo... It's your mother" that familiar voice panicked

  " What.!!.." The sleep in my eyes instantly cleared up when I heard him mention my mother. " What is it, Weston "

  " Weston ?" Vivian sat up at the mention of her boyfriend's name

  " Your mother....we are losing her "

  " Damn " I didn't care to listen to what else he had to say. I ended the call instantly and stood up

  " What is it ?" Vivian stood up as well as she noticed something was wrong " Cleo? "

  " My mom... it's my mom " rushing to the door, I struggled with my sneakers and heard her from a distance

  " I will grab the car keys " not giving her a response, there was no time. I rushed out of the apartment wearing only my red shorts and a white sweater that I usually wear to sleep. Got into the elevator and in the next minutes I was running down the cold, dark street.

  " Ha, h, h, " panting and trying to hold back my tears. I was losing her and I knew it. She was leaving me today. My mother, the only reason I keep going, trying to work out my life and now she is leaving, she is leaving me. I always knew she didn't have much time even when the nurses tell me to have faith. But I didn't know it will be today, I have to get to her. I have to see her and at least, tell her I love her and I appreciate all she has ever done for me. Even when my father left, she was there, she didn't give up. She kept trying and struggling to make sure I had a better life and even when I messed up she will smile and tell me to do better next time " mom....am coming"

    A familiar black Lamborghini truck stopped beside me " Cleo get in " Vivian called. Without hesitation, I got in and we drove to the hospital

    I got to the hospital and ran to her room " Cleo, wait " Weston called

  " Where is she, " I asked still heading to her room

   " Cleo....." He was cut off when I opened her room door and my heart instantly dropped to somewhere around my knees. There she was, covered with a white sheet. Everything disconnected and the monitor was already turned off, no sign of breathing " am really sorry.....we did our best " he spoke with a low tone which broke my heart even more

  " m..om " I wanted to step forward but my knees felt heavy. My knees fell to the ground as the tears I have been holding back rolled down my cheeks " mom " almost like a whisper " mom am sorry " I cried out. Vivian who just appeared next to me went on her knees and wrapped her arms around me. She holds me close " she..... She's gone "

  " I got you " whispers to my ear " I got you "

  " She is gone Vivian, she left me " sobbing

  " it's ok, I got you "


   " Cleo come on now....you have to eat something" Vivian called from outside my bedroom door. It's been two days since I left the hospital and I haven't left my room since then. I didn't even know what I was doing in my bedroom for two days. To be honest I wasn't crying or beating myself up. I just remained inside doing nothing. I didn't want to see anyone or talk to anyone. I just wanted to be alone, by myself, wondering what comes next in my life. My mother is gone now, and my job, and I am certain that I will soon be sent an email, I didn't have children or a husband to watch over so my life is as good as over. Nothing left, right?

   I heard another knock on my door " Cleo you got another mail...." Vivian called out and waited for a response, but I didn't give her any " it is from that man again. Dr David " I rolled my eyes. For the past two days, Dr David has been sending me mails at least twice a day which was becoming irritating. I didn't know what he wanted if he was trying to apologize or something else. Vivian knocked again " Cleo please come out " Damn, didn't she have work to go to " Cleo, at least say something, you are making me worry " I felt bad for her. She did nothing wrong and I am punishing her for no reason. If only she will just ignore me and move on with her life, when ever I am ready I will come out. But no. She is not that kind of person. She will keep calling out to me until I respond " Cleo I am waiting outside your door and I will wait here until you come out "

      It's been two hours and I could still sense her presence by my door side. She just had to make things hard for me to ignore. I threw my bed sheets off my body and an irritating smell hit me. Out of curiosity, I sniffed my armpit " arrh " my heart almost stopped due to the terrible smell " I need to shower " whispered under my breath. I pushed myself out of the bed and as my feet touched the ground I realized how cold the weather has gotten in just a few days.

   I made my way to the door, turned the handle and opened it. " aaaa" Vivian landed on her face. Immediately she stood up, dusting her hands on her shirt " oh my. Cleo "

  " Were you sleeping ?" Shocked. She was clearly sleeping, anyone could tell from her eyes. I can't believe I really thought she was waiting for me when she was sleeping

  " No..no I wasn't " she lift her shirt to wipe her face " thank goodness you are finally out "

  " Don't you have work or something? Why will you choose to seat here and wait for me " I scolded angrily

  " Ungrateful brat. Come here " pulled me in for a long warm hug. " I was so worried. I thought you would commit suicide or something " she spoke to my ears

  " Killing my own self is going to be painful. Why will I do that "

  " Thank goodness you thought that way " she pulled away with a warm smile " come, I'm sure you are hungry "Vivian locked arms with mine and then dragged me to the kitchen.

  " You cooked ?" Confused

  " No I ordered chicken " she replied as she pushed me down to the dining chair so I would seat

  " Oh. I was surprised for a moment there " knowing very well she didn't know how to cook. I watched her open the refrigerator and brought out the chicken go then put it in the microwave. She sets the timer and came to join me at the table

  " How are you feeling ?" Worries in her tone

  " Just " I shrugged

  " You know I don't like it when you don't give me a straight answer "

  " What do you want me to say? I don't know how I am feeling. I don't know if I am feeling down, sad or depressed, Or happy. I don't feel anything "

  " Oh "

  " Do you want to do anything or....."

  " I will go for a walk later today "

  " That sounds nice, I will..."

  " Alone " I cut her off " I want to go for a walk, alone "

  " Oh.. sure " nodding in understanding