
Lord Vicnan's Bride

" you will be fine," he says before letting go of my hand and about to leave. I didn't even realize when my body reacted. Jumping to a standing position, I caught his hand. Immediately I felt that electricity once again. What is this? " you need something?" "Who...who are you?" Throwing my question, There was a long silence between us, we stood staring into each other's eyes, and I notice he was debating what to say or how to say it. Is it that difficult to answer such a question? " someone who brings you evil and sorrow," he said making me confused. Slowly taking his hand away from my grip, he turns to leave once again, but I stopped him again " ok, can I at least get your name?" " you won't be needing it" he slowly turns to leave" also. Stop getting yourself in a complex situation " with that he vanished into the crowd. I turn in confusion to see the bartender wasn't even paying attention, no one was. No one saw what just happen. Who the hell is that man? Cleopatra is a young surgeon who recently lost her job and her mother. She tries to figure out what her next step in life will be and feels completely lost Until a strange man appears in her life. Saving her not once but twice. Who is this man? Or what is he? She knows very well that he was nothing human and as days pass, She finds herself growing more curious about this man. Not able to forget those unique purple eyes, the need to see him. like a force pulling her. Who is he? What is he? How can she find him?

Slay_kwen1975 · แฟนตาซี
27 Chs

Chapter 18

I jumped. " holy shit," he said in shock while I smiled at his reaction. Under the rain, I thought about my conversation with Edward. I knew he won't be able to do much, they are humans after all and we are dealing with dark creatures but I need every help I can get. I was told that word already got out about my mate, surely Asura will not be the only one after her.

I know a lot of my enemies that work with humans. they will surely use them to get to her, that is where Edward comes in.

Just when I was about to leave I sensed it. that familiar scent, faint but I could tell. I have known him too long to miss that scent. he was here, the only person with the ability to scare me. Asura. " Hh" panting, immediately I followed the scent into the woods, he was nowhere in sight but I smelt him, I have to find him, fast.

I wandered in the woods for a long time until I finally lost it, lost him. He was playing with me which frustrated the shit out of me " aaaarrrr " I yelled in frustration " I know you are out there and I will find you " I yelled again, knowing very well he heard me and I was responded by the forest silence " hh, hh, hh " panting


I lay on the bed thinking about what Vicnan said. I didn't get why I felt hurt by his words. I mean he was right. He never asked me to trust him but I do. yes, he saved my life twice but for goodness sake, he is a demon, someone I should fear, someone I shouldn't trust because he can hurt me anytime but I do. I trust him and I don't know why, I don't know why I always think about him and want to be around him. it can't be love, I don't really know him yet. something is wrong with me, I need answers and for reasons I know not of, I think he has the answers but claims not. Why would he? And the fact that he mocked my trust towards him, hurts

My phone beeped calling me out of my thought. I reached for it only to see it was a text from Edward. A smile made its way to my lips as I read it. He wanted us to meet again next week.


" you are going out with Edward ha" Vivian wiggled her eyebrow at me, sitting on my bed, while I focused on applying my make-up

" Vivian, please don't think too much about it " I rolled my eyes. " we are going out as friends ok "

" that is how it always starts. we are just friends, we are just friends and boom she shocks everyone"

" that is never going to happen, " I sang out, now she was the one rolling her eyes

"But why?... he is good-looking, rich nice and he likes you. what more would a girl want? "

" For goodness sake Vivian, let me be. he is not my type "

she raised an eyebrow at me "What is your type then " with curiosity in her tone

" I don't know " in deep thought. Guys like Edward use to be my type but after meeting Vicnan, I don't know any more. I want him and it sounds stupid when I say so. the thought of him made me remember the other night and I frowned. I haven't seen him since then and he didn't care to check up on me " I think I now have a thing for older guys " she gave me this look that says, seriously

" Edward is in his late thirties " she reminded

" I mean, way older guys " turning away from the mirror to see her irritated reaction

"Like the sixties? "

" you will be shocked if I say, way older than that " shrugged

" you are playing with me right now aren't you? " she frowned and I smiled in response " Whatever. just make sure you have fun today ok " She spoke like a parent and I nodded " Where are you two going anyways "

" amusement park "

"Are you two teenagers or what?"

" I suggested it. it has been a while since I went there "She stared at me for a while "What?" confused by her stare

" whatever. just have fun "

The day turned out better than I expected. I never knew Edward had such a fun and energetic side of him. He didn't hide the fact that he was scared of rides that had to do with height, which made me laugh. and he didn't take ice cream because he isn't on good terms with the cold.

The day went on well until I started feeling uncomfortable. I felt we were being watched and followed but no matter how many times I checked, I couldn't find anyone suspicious.

" here you go " Edward handed me a bottle of water he just bought

"Thanks" I collected, taking a big gap from it " hh" I felt relaxed. he sat beside me

" Are you having a fun time?" he seemed a bit worried, and this made me smile

" I am having a great time," I said out loud, putting a smile on his face " It brings back fun memories," I said to him

" you use to come here?" with full interest in his eyes

" Yeah... with my mom " The thought of her made my heart ache but still made me smile " She would bring me here whenever I had a hard time in school...."

" your mom is different from mine," he spoke in a low tone, and I think I sensed sadness in his tone. my eyes fell on him only to see him focused on no particular direction " She was strict. made sure I was an excellent student, excellent child, no time for fun "

"Are you the only child?"

" the only male child and the first child out of three " still looking lost "Should I tell you a big secret " finally looks at me and I nodded in response "This is my first time coming to an amusement park " My eyes fell wide open

" you are joking " finding it hard to believe

" I wish I was "

" then what do you do on holidays?" curiosity in my tone

" study, practice piano, go on business trips " Sadness flashed in his eyes and we fell into silence. surely, he had a boring childhood. I can tell from the look in his eyes

"Well. Congratulation on your first experience "Breaking the silence, I stood up and stood in front of him with his head lifted to look at me "You have hit the jackpot " I announced " because having me as a friend. I will make sure I show you what it is to have fun " he smiled at my words

" I am not a kid any more Cleo "

" it doesn't matter. who said grown-ups can't have fun " crossing my arms. he grins

" no one "

" Good. now get up. we still have a lot to do " Edward nodded at my words and stood up. suddenly my eyes fell in a random direction and I spotted him " Vi..." shocked. for sure it was Vicnan

" what is it " sounding curious. I didn't respond, just focused on that direction. has Vicnan been the one following us? immediately he vanished, making me wonder if I saw wrongly, but I won't fall for it. I knew his tricks well enough "What is it " carrying a worried look. Edward asked again

" oh... nothing, let's go," I said to him. Vicnan will answer to me later. why would he follow me here?