
Lord of the Zerg

August Cross, a man of genius intellect is the inheritor of the bloodline of an intergalactic ruler. With the power bestowed upon him, he manipulates the laws of the universe, climbing the firmaments of power and opening up worlds. Read along as he constructs civilizations from the ground up, and as he fools, and combats primordial existences that transcend time.

TwinEyes · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
1 Chs

Chapter 1: Augustus “August” Cross

Augustus, or August, as people call him, was walking home after quite the long day.

He had just quit his job, and he could only resign himself to the 75 acre land he inherited from his rich aunts and uncles.

He and his family was full of success.

As a result he considered everything mediocre.

He couldn't consider himself the most intelligent person on the planet, but he knew he was naturally high above the average.

With this confidence, work ethic, wisdom, and knowledge he had been gifted, he soared throughout life, applying to the best school on the planet, scoring at the top of his class every year.

With all the money left to him by his family, he willingly stayed in school for more than a decade, getting a PHD, and going down in history for being an academically impossible anomaly.

To the outside world, it seemed as if he knew everything!

Even if there were things he didn't know, or things he couldn't understand, it wouldn't take more than a moment for him to grasp their concepts.

His mental prowess was almost considered magical!

Though behind the mask of this genius, there was but an average man, who hoped to live a life where he wasn't shackled by material things like money, or his reputation.

And to escape these shackles, he did everything in his power.

But of course, he had a little bit of help.

"Zero, do I have the authority to integrate your full power?" August asked the empty air around him, his face planted into his bed.

<You have the authority.>

A mechanical voice echoed within his mind.

<Do you wish to completely integrate the Zeroth Gene of the Zerg Lord..?>

"Mmm… Yes I do." August groaned, rolling over onto his back and glancing up at the high ceiling above him.

<Prepare for discomfort.>

Before he even had the chance to brace himself, he experienced the most soul wrenching pain he had ever experienced to date.

Taking into account the fact he was a 38 year old man who had walked all walks of life, that was quite the accomplishment…

His groans sounded throughout the entirety of his house, reverberating off the walls as he thrashed around in his bed.

In but a moment, he had lost consciousness, and a voice sounded within his head.

<You have successfully integrated the Zerg Lord's genes into your genetic sequence. You have acquired the bloodline of a Legendary lineage.>

August wouldn't wake up for another 3 days, during which his body underwent drastic changes.

His already white skin became porcelain, as if he was a marble sculpture. His messy brown hair became pitch black, and grew in length.

His features became sharper, his jawline becoming more pronounced and his adam's apple protruding from his neck.

His pupils lost their color, turning white and being laced with a light blue.

Even his fat receded, and his muscle grew, transforming his body into a lean masterpiece.

His height too increased, growing to almost 7 feet tall.

Overall, he looked like an celestial being straight out of fairy tails…

His long eyelashes fluttered as he was jolted awake.

"Did it-…" He muttered sitting up straight as he felt the pulse of energy shoot through his very existence.

The fragmented memories of thousands of lifetimes streamed through his mind, his eyeballs rolling to the back of his head.

The rise of the Zerg Lord in every substantial era of the universe played on a reel in his mind.

From his perspective, it was many years of knowledge filling his mind, but in reality it was less than a few nanoseconds.

"…" He tried to stand, but his legs were limp.

His mind was moving so fast that he could barely perceive the movement of his body.

His rate of thought was incredible.

Millions of thoughts appeared in his head, his body unable to keep up with the speed his mind was moving.

From his perspective, everything was moving in slow motion…

<An extraordinary bloodline ability developed by generations of the most powerful Zerg Lords.>

Zero, the embodiment of all previous Lords, spoke in his head.

<Your brain has been transformed into a silicon structure, and you have successfully become a half silicon-based life form, capable of incredible calculation.>

"Wow…" August thought to himself, analyzing the abilities of the Zerg, and the knowledge that came with integrating it's genes.

Scouring the recent, and less fragmented memories of the Zerg, August absorbed all valuable information.

The previous incarnation of the Zerg was the ruler of an intergalactic civilization, that was once the top power within the universe.

She valued quantity over quality, and used to value in a way that achieved both quality and quantity at the same time.

She shrunk her civilization down to the quantum level, and used her ability as a high-level creature to ignore the laws of the universe.

She comfortably let her people live within the quantum realm, gathering energy that allowed for their tiny bodies to soar through the levels of life.

In the end, she controlled a gigantic kingdom of quintillions of powerhouses that were so tiny they were invisible to the human eye.

She was almost unparalleled within the confines of the universe.

"Yet in the end she still failed…" August lamented.

From the information he obtained, the universe was a vast place, with billions of beings capable of destroying planets.

From the skewed and fragmented memories, August was vaguely able to remember the first 10 firmaments of power.

There were the first 9 levels of mortality, where an existence would climb through the ranks of both physical power, and soul power. Then, at the peak of the 9th realms, they were required to grasp the nomological laws of the universe before they could step into the tenth realm.

The realm of...

August couldn't quite remember, but he knew for a fact that the first 9 levels were unnamed.

His eyes drifted off into space, slowly moving as he absorbed all the information given to him.

In but a few moments, the normal speed of time seemed to resume, and he swiftly stood up, speeding towards the door.

"With these abilities…" A smile grew.

"I could theoretically control entire worlds with just a tip of my finger!" He almost cried out in aw as he slipped through his back door, grabbing his coat on the way out.

He found himself in an expansive land, a forest full of trees before him.

"Like the previous Zerg, I can create organisms that function perfectly down to the quantum realm…"

There was a large open space in front of him, as the tree line didn't start for quite a while.

About an open acre or two, within which his house resided.

Within the land he owned, there were 2 open spots, one being 25 acres, and the other being 15.

August used a few moments to take in the view before he continued his trek.

He strode into the forest before him, his eyes darting all over the place, his pupils dilating while he flicked his fingers.

To an outside viewer, he'd only look like an extremely paranoid person, twisting their neck at every turn.

Though this was not the case.

Under his breath, if one listened closely, they could hear the words he muttered.

"[Viral Induction]."

As he said these words, a small, invisible particle would shoot from his body, and merge with a foreign life. These foreign lives would show resistance for a moment, but they would quickly succumb to the influence of the Zerg bloodline that had invaded their bodies.

Doing this, he was getting a feel of how it felt to be entangled with another existence.

Due to the combined efforts of the previous few generations of the Zerg, they had successfully become a race that was had grasped the Quantum law, turning themselves into existences capable of operating on the smallest level of life.

"Mmm…" August hummed nervously, as he walked straight towards a tree.

His eyes darted all around it, analyzing every inch.

As he stepped closer, his body started to blur, his mouth opening to sound a few words.

"[Quantum Avoidance]." As if it was just a object of light, August walked through the tree, his every atom breezing by the molecules of the tree.

To him, it was an exhilarating feeling.

It was an incredible ability!

"I've arrived." August muttered, stepping into the 15 acre clearing before him.

It was relatively square, and unbelievably expansive.

"Hmm, designate [Zerg Land]." He spoke, a light wave of particles spurring from his brain, as the 15 acres in front of him was layered with a metaphysical aura that one could sense, but not quite see.

Immediately after this, he stepped further into the boundary, examining area around him.

"This is perfect, though it could go beyond." August smiled, turning around and stepping back into the forest.

It only took him approximately 5 or so hours, but a good portion of the land was transformed.

Small bumps protruded from the dirt, tiny streams moving around them. There were even jagged mounds with stones within them, acting as miniature mountains.

The most shocking of all was the presence of the almost insignificant trees, those that were the size of the average males finger.

August was able to just barely manipulate the matter, placing it where he wanted.

It was quite the strain on his mind and body, as he had yet to ascend the Firmaments of Life, and he was only a mortal.

He had to burn the few minuscule particles of fat he had left in his body just to create the lands under him.

"I'm quite the artist!" He chuckled.

He stood above the sandbox world below him, opening his palm and facing it upwards.

Alongside having the ability to convert other existences to his bloodline, he was able to create them from scratch!

With just a mental command, his eyes flashed a pale blue, and life sprouted within his palm.

A small quantum spore wiggled around his hand, having been converted from a small piece of his flesh.

"The Zerg Lord really holds a miraculous variety of abilities…" August muttered, "Being able to manipulate the laws of the universe with such ease is incredible!" He marveled.

At this very moment, he had been transformed into a Quantum Existence, with relative control over time, space, life, and evolution.

In simple terms, the bloodline of the Zerg Lord was likely the most heaven-defying bloodline there ever was!

With the manipulation of the laws of Time and Life, August was capable of doing simple, yet complex things.

He had the ability to speed up the cellular division rate of a creature, making it's body and mind overclock, experiencing thousands of years within a day.

With the use of his [Cellular Division Rate] and [Quantum Offspring], he could spawn single celled organisms, and increase their speed of cellular division to evolve the creatures in but in instant.

This was the Zergs round about way of controlling wisps of the complex law of Evolution.

If he turned it up to the max, it would be equivalent to 1 million years of evolution passing in a singular day.

But of course, the average creature could not perceive such a speed of time.

If he wanted to have these organisms functioning properly, the max amount of cellular division he could put them under, while still having them able to perceive themselves, was 1000 years in a day.

But he would not need this for now.

A few small organisms appeared within his palm, being condensed by the conversion of his blood and some skin cells.

"One million years in a day." He spoke dropping the microorganisms into the land, and pushing forward his palm and creating thousands of more.

They fell into the oceans of water, the tree filled lands, and all the other locations.

This event would usher the very first era, the Era of Evolution.

It would be an explosive period, almost three hundred thousand years of pure biological advance!

And August could only smile.

He pulled out a pen and journal from his jacket pocket, opening it and scribbling down words.

It was quickly closed, and August took a seat in a chair he had gotten for himself long ago.

He sat down outside the boundary, where the life inside wouldn't be able to perceive him, as it worked as a shield for those inside and out.

He would only observe, and take notes.

Within the journal on his person was only a few sentences.

[The First Period, the Era of Evolution]

[In the beginning, life bloomed. The thousands of species evolved and adapted, conforming to their environments. He could only observe.]