
Frightening/ed Army

Seven days later -- Planet Greenland

Five kilometers from the Steepy Hill

*bam* *bam* *bam*


The voices of birds, small animals, and even huge beasts resounding from everywhere, trembling…

A terrifying sight was rapidly approaching the hill.

Tens of thousands of horse-sized beasts that look like a mixture of lions and tigers, each of which is ridden by a person who can use the first stage of law... a knight. behind them were several beasts that look like rhinos, the length from head to tail of each of them not less than 60 meters, carrying on their backs the nests of swarms of dangerous-looking insects

Then, a large army of humans consisting of at least 3 million individuals could be seen, it is true that most of them are mortals or in the Energy Foundation realm *Can not use the heavenly laws yet*, but each one of those soldiers was burning with fierceness and fervor, their appearances alone say then came here for blood!