
Ch 6: The River

" talking "

' thinking '

[ System ]

{ Author Note }

As he is swimming his anger starts growing more seeing that he swam through his entire territory. 'this filthy peeper dares swim throughout my entire territory. I swear on everything I embody and my name as the raging leviathan I will kill you'.

(MC's POV)

'well, I guess it's time to head into the bulb zone now though I should probably watch my back now as Jagras seemed pretty scared of the kelp leviathan by the way he was talking about him'.

'what's wrong with one more thing to worry about besides other changes I don't know about'. as I start swimming out of the mushroom forest towards where I killed the Beta Kadachi.

'ahh the beautiful bulb zone and its purple bioluminescence' while I slowly swim around the giant bulbs looking at the passing Eyeye's and the occasional disrupts between Bonesharks and Ampeels.

'well, I guess now is as good a time as ever'. while I quickly dart forward and bite into the ampeels head as my fins slice through the Bonesharks exoskeleton.

'I just casually killed one of my cousins and I don't seem to care though this is a really random time to be thinking about that'. as I stare at the Boneshark I just bisected.

'I feel like this should bother me'. while I contemplate my weird thoughts as I start tearing into the ampeel to see what it tastes like and see what I can hopefully gain.

[DNA Absorption]

Ampeel DNA

Mutations Gained: N/A

'Apparently, I just need to stop eating this kind of fish because I'm not getting anything from them. though the ampeel tasted pretty good though I'm course to see how the Boneshark tastes i don't feel like cannibalism'.

'though I will try the big guy in the floating islands at some point hopefully he can give me something good though the big guy looked closely related to Bonesharks so probably not'.

'but for now, let's see what else I can find while I'm here and then head to the mountain after exploring this area'. as I start swimming around the bigger bulbs shrinking myself to the size of an ampeel to swim easier.

'there sadly doesn't seem like there is much else to explore besides it being pretty it is kind of empty as even the beta Kadachi are easily avoidable if you put out a higher voltage than they are'.

'I guess I will just head to the mountains and hopefully find something tasty there and get some new stuff'. as I quickly swim out of the bulb zone swimming towards the mountains.

'well, it's as bland here as it was in the game'. while I look over the rock walls that go up to the island that I will later explore. 'but for now let's see if I can find anything cool or at least eat a reaper'.

as I start swimming around the base of the mountain and the several ridges around it finding nothing but the occasional Hoopfish and peeper. 'well I guess I should have expected this though maybe I can find a reaper to snack on'.

I then start quickly swimming between the ridges and see a reaper in the distance and dart towards me while quickly opening my mouth to bite its neck.

But it quickly turns and slaps me with its tail. 'I wasn't expecting that so let's have some fun then'. I then dart towards the reaper but its surprisingly agile and flexible body moves before I can get him as he tries to grab me with his mandible.

'nice try'. As I let the reaper grab me I quickly send out a massive pulse of electricity around me causing the reaper to die and turn crispy. 'well that was beautifully convenient though now it's time to eat'.

[DNA Absorption]

Reaper Leviathan DNA

Mutations Gained: Dense Body and slick form.

as I finish the last bite of the reaper I feel my body burn as I feel my muscles get more dense and my body elongate letting me be more streamlined.

'well this is a great haul and thankfully I didn't get the mandibles as they would have just gotten in the way. But more importantly, me having these two are going to let me move faster even though I'm getting so big'.

'but for now, let's see if I can find a cave crawler so I can get on land and maybe get into the facility'. as I shrink myself and start searching through the caves around the mountain and quickly find a cave crawler.

[DNA Absorption]

Cave Crawler DNA

Mutations Gained: Gas Exchange Membrane

While I finish swallowing the cave crawler I feel my entire body burn intensely as a small layer of see-through membrane grows on me letting me absorb gases from the water to fuel basic bodily functions making it where I don't need to breathe or eat anymore.

'who would have thought that little guy would be so useful'. as I swim out of the cave and near the surface of the water jumping out of it while mid-air I open my mouth to catch a Skyray before changing into one.

[DNA Absorption]

Skyray DNA

Mutations Gained: N/A

'well, I guess that makes sense though I can shift into one now which is useful'. while my body gets close to hitting the mountain I tilt my body to the left causing me to turn

'sadly the cave crawler became a bit useless though at least I can fly now which is awesome now let's get to exploring this place as this island looks ten times bigger than the game just like everything else has'.

I then dive down towards the island and start maneuvering myself between the bulbo trees while seeing a lot more animals than I was expecting. 'I wasn't expecting to see land animals this soon'.

while I perch on the tree and see a cave crawler being eaten by a lizard. 'it kind of looks like an alligator which kind of makes sense since this is close to the kelp which forms a small swamp the higher it gets'.

'though, for now, let's see what else I can find though I assume everything is going to be semi-aquatic as otherwise it wouldn't make as sense'. as I dive down and enlarge myself to eat the alligator-like animal.

[DNA Absorption]

Crocshark DNA

Mutations Gained: Regeneration

'wow, that is a really dumb name for your species I'm sorry though your mutation is useful'. while I morph into a Crocshark and start slowly walking through the forest.

'well this form is bad for movement but besides that, it's not bad though I want to find a frog and then get out of here'. as I continue to slowly move around the island.

'it seems like I'm sadly out of luck but let's leave here and get looking for the purple tablet so I can get in the facility in the future'. as I morph back into a skyray and start flying around the island.

'why can't I find anything I want to find though I guess that's to be expected as not everything goes my way so I will just come back in the future and go explore the blood kelp and actually finish this world'.

I then fly over the south of the island and dive into the water and quickly become my usual form as soon as I make contact. 'it's nice being back in the normal attire'.

'good old water I was out of it for 2 hours but god did I hate it. Now let's go through the blood kelp and go help the empress'. as I quickly swim towards the blood kelp and swim over the floating islands.

'Just as creepy as I would hope'. While I overlook the twisting white vines between the ocean walls with blood crawlers going over them and puncturing blood sacs.

'I kind of just want to get through this area then get out of here. Though I do have some inner satisfaction of how this place looks even though it's so unsettling and also I need to kill the guy charging me'.

while I quickly turn around and see a giant white leviathan charging me with its mouth open and ready to try and take a chunk of me but contrary to his expectations I shrink myself and let him swallow me as I start eating him from the inside and putting him out of commission.

'yup still fucked up but still so efficient'. as I tear through the leviathans innards and quickly make it to his heart and eat it within a few bites.

[DNA Absorption]

Prowler Leviathan DNA

Mutations Gained: paralysis poison and conductive saliva

while I finish swallowing the last bit of the prowler leviathan I feel my already poison change and have the ability to stun something as well as make it more conducive to electricity

'you know what I'm not even going to question the second mutation and just move on and try and get through this cave so I can get into the lost river'.

I then start to look around as I swim into the large entrance in front of me while also looking around for anything new. 'well he's definitely new because I don't remember anything looking like a lionfish in the game'.

as I look at the lionfish eating the blood crawler in front of me and decide to quickly charge him and eat him in one bite which thankfully worked as I start to swallow him.

[DNA Absorption]

Rathian Lionfish DNA

Mutations Gained: poisonous spines and acidic poison

as I finish swallowing the Rathian lionfish I feel my spines grow small poison glands letting anyone who touches them be paralyzed, poisoned, and burned from acid. while I also feel my recently evolved poison gland also gains a small acidic touch.

'well, it's nice to know I pretty much have an all-killing poison though let's get through this initial part of the cave I want some ghostrays'. while I swim past the white vine and into the lost river.

'This place is both beautiful and terrifying I like it now let's get to dining as well as exploring'. while I start to swim forward and admire my surroundings while also keeping a look out for any ghostrays.

'well there is a Ghostray so let's have a small meal'. as I shoot forward and quickly eat it in one swift bite and swallow.

[DNA Absorption]

Ghostray DNA

Mutations Gained: acidic blood

while I finish swallowing the Ghostray I feel my body gain a small tingling for a split second as my blood is now just as acidic as it is poisonous letting anyone who bites me regret their life to the point they wish they were eaten.

'now that's another great upgrade but now we go over to the disease facility as there is a quick upgrade there that will be incredibly useful there but let's also eat a river prowler before that as well'.

as I swim forward completely ignoring the sound of the ghost Leviathan behind me as I quickly eat a river prowler and then quickly get out of there.

[DNA Absorption]

River Prowler DNA

Mutations Gained: N/A

'to be expected honestly though for now let's get past this next ghost leviathan as I don't want to kill it as that would be pointless'. I just decide to quickly swing a right and swim past him before he notices me and makes it to the disease facility.

'now here comes the best part'. as I look over the facility and shrink my size then send out a pulse of electricity and quickly swim inside before the door closes behind me.

'well that worked perfectly but now it's time to find the sea dragon egg'. I then slowly swim forward and look over the small worker bot as I swim past him and make it into the room with the egg and warper parts.


{ A/N Well I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter I would like to apologize for the hectic schedule as I have been busy with work as well as clubs so it's fun but when summer break starts I can hopefully make a more steady stream of chapters.

But besides all of that, I hope you enjoyed the cliffhanger before getting a really big boost in power because that sea dragon is going to send him places. though back to the usual I will put it below so I hope you like the updated status.


Species: devouring leviathan

Name: Livyatan

Titles: Devouring Leviathan and Giant Slayer

Length: 43m (141ft)

DNA Assimilated: 38




1: Help The Sea Empress

2: Become Leviathan Class (Complete)

3: Explore


1: Added system function

2: unique mutation

3: ?

[King of Bones]


1: Become the ruler of the Floating Islands


1: random mutation

[King of the Forest]


1: Become the ruler of the Kelp Forests


1: random mutation

[King of the Grasslands]


1: Become the ruler of the Grassy Plateaus


1: random mutation

[King of the Bulb]*


1: Become the ruler of the Bulb Zone


1: random mutation

[King of Blood]*


1: Become the ruler of the blood kelp


1: random mutation

[King of Ghosts]*


1: Become the ruler of the Lost River


1: random mutation