
Ch 26: Wonders of Knowledge

" talking "

' thinking '

[ System ]

{ Author Note }

'I don't know what I was expecting to get, but it wasn't that, but I can definitely see the use of it.' I morph into a small fish, teleport to Godzilla, see where he is, and quickly swim around his lair.

'So this is your home, big guy,' I say to Godzilla through a new link as I continue to swim around his lair and see what there is to see. 

'I thought I told you to leave me alone.' Godzilla says through the link as he opens one of his eyes to look around his lair but does not see me, causing a bit of confusion in his eyes.

'You did, but I had nothing else to do, so I came to your lair to bug you for a bit before I did something else,' I say through the link as I finish looking around Godzilla's lair and swim towards his eye.

'Well, you have bugged me so you can leave. Where exactly are you?' Godzilla asks as he then looks at me in my small fish form, and his eye just blankly looks at me with a look that says why do I bother.

'You have a point, and I believe you see where I am now, but I will be leaving after all. After all, that was a satisfying reaction, so have fun, my friend,' I say through the link as I swim away and morph back into my usual form.

'Don't call me your friend.' Godzilla says through the link as I close it, causing a fake tear to come out of my eye. I can tell he sees it as I enter my inner world, which he questions but just shrugs off so he can go back to sleep.

'Messing with him is going to be a lot of fun while I'm here.' as I look over my inner world to see that it has expanded a good bit as I teleport into my inner worlds, Hollow Earth, to see several Kaiju's and MUTO's fighting to show supremacy or simply avoiding each other.

{A/N so no one gets confused. When I put MUTO's, I mean all of the monsters in Godzilla; when I put Muto's, I mean the actual species.}

'I feel like this place will be getting very hectic in the future once it's fully populated with the MUTOs from here, though with time, it will all fit together, and they will adapt to tolerate each other's existence.' as I look at all of them look at me then quickly run or fly away as I head towards a mountain that I sense is hollowed out in the middle and exuding a massive amount of radiation.

As I quickly end up in front of the cave, I teleport within it and towards what looks like a spire in the middle of it. I take the Muto eggs out of my inventory and place them around the spire in rows so they all get equal amounts of radiation and hatch quickly.

'Well, I have the Muto eggs placed safely. Now I need to go hatch the Tulkun egg out in the ocean as it looks like it will hatch the moment I take it out of my inventory, and I should probably eat this Woodsprite already.' as I teleport out in the Safe Shallows of my inner world and take the Tulkun egg out.

As I take the egg out, it quickly hatches as I thought it would. It quickly looks around to see where it is as it starts to acclimate itself to the ocean around it and starts to swim slowly around me but also starts to grow quickly towards a more mature form as it quickly reaches an adult form, causing me to teleport it into a deeper part of the ocean as it then stops growing and swim around happily.

'Now, last I checked, that's not how animals work, especially when maturing, but I guess I can work with it and just call it a day.' I then teleport out of the ocean and watch the Tulkun continue swimming around in glee as the surrounding animals all seem to gain a hint of excitement whenever it's around.

'Well, that's a thing, but it's not completely a bad thing. If that is how everything will work, when something hatches, this is going to quickly just seem like ARK, which might be a good place to go. However, I also see that being a bad place because of the corruption.' I teleport onto a mountain, looking over the forest as I take the Woodsprite out of my inventory and watch it quickly multiply into three.

'My inner world really does have some strange properties, though I guess it's for the better with how quickly this place can populate itself. Let's see what we can gain from eating this Woodsprite finally.' as I grab the Woodsprite with my telekinesis and quickly eat it.

[DNA Absorption]

Woodsprite DNA

Mutations Gained: Hivemind

'That wasn't the Mutation I was expecting, but I don't see how I can use it as Hiveminds are used between those of the same species or someone with multiple bodies, and I currently fit neither of those categories, so how will I use this?' as I look over my inner world and think of a way for this to be properly used besides it just age in my collection of Mutations.

'Maybe I can add things to the Hivemind by willing it or something else, but there has to be some way to make this useful, as I see a good way for it to be used.' As I teleport in front of a Na'vi and morph into my Na'vi form, I put my hand on his shoulder to see if I can use my Hivemind that way.

As I see if it works, I see nothing happen. I then quickly cut my hand and make the Na'vi swallow my blood to see if that works, but I don't feel a connection form at all and then just let the Na'vi go to try a different method that might work.

'So having someone ingest some of my blood or putting my hand on them and wanting them to be added to it doesn't work so maybe it is a needed thing for me to use in the future or it is for a more of a psychic use one where I have to added them to it that way then it would work.' as I spread my telepathy across my inner world and try to add the Na'vi and Humans to the Hivemind and see it work slightly before it fails.

'Okay, so I can make it work that way, but it seems like something is stopping it, so it must be the fact that they don't have any thoughts and have been working off instinct, which means I need to find a way to give them sapience though if that's the fact it might work with adding Jörmungandr since I know he does have sapience.' as I spread my telepathy towards Jörmungandr which he quickly notices as I then try to add him to the Hivemind which I see quickly work and then hear a deep voice.

'So we can finally talk, master. I was wondering how long it would take for you to form a link between us, though you making a Hivemind works better.' Jörmungandr says through the link with clear happiness that we can talk now.

'You have been waiting for me to form a link. I guess that makes sense, but how come you are the only one here that seems to have any sort of sapience.' I ask as I wonder why Jörmungandr is the only one with a thought process and knows what they are doing.

'It's because I act as the world barrier whenever the world needs to expand because there is something new. I grow in size to fit what is needed for your addition, though I don't know what will happen when another planet will need to be added.' Jörmungandr says as he starts to wonder what will happen when another planet needs to be formed.

'Well, that makes sense for you having sapience, and when it comes to there being another world, it will probably either be that there won't be one, you end up with a sibling which wraps around that world, or you end up growing to the size to wrap around a solar system.' I say through the link as I ponder my speculation and hope it will be the first or second option.

'Hopefully, I will end up with a sibling as this gets kind of lonely, though the Purple Death has kept me company, which is nice, but I should probably let you get back to your affairs master.' Jörmungandr says through the link, and he then recedes his thoughts from the Hivemind.

'That's a thing to note down for the Hivemind. You can recede your thoughts from it, so it's mainly optional, like the Precursors in Subnautica, though in the future, having it like that is probably for the better. I'm not seen as a paranoid god.' I then teleported over to my now more lively Arctic region to see the Frostbite leviathans no longer constantly fighting and the Glow Whales with friends now.

'This is much better to see it this way, though now I should probably either do some experimentation with my powers or actually start reading through my Knowledge tab.' as I start to contemplate what to do with my free time before I head back out to annoy Godzilla.

'Let's finally start reading through the Knowledge section, though I also want to see if I can treat it like Google and have multiple tabs open and just look at the same thing between them to see what is the same and what differences there are.' as I open my Knowledge tab and able to treat it like google as I start to look over useful metals and ores I can use in the future.

'If it's how I assume, all the metals from those worlds should be here as well with the same properties they had there, which means I should have unobtanium, which I'm changing the name of to Pandemonium because of how much chaos it caused on Pandora as well as it taking reference from the name of the planet.' as I watch the Knowledge tab for Pandora change as the name of the ore switches to what I have named it.

'Well, that's a nice feature, though I wonder what properties Pandemonium has now that I can actually see its properties are it being incredibly strong for how light it is and even able to defy gravity, as shown with the Hallelujah mountains, and it is also a superconductor.' as I continue to look over the property list of the metal and see that it is an amazingly well-rounded metal.

'No wonder they wanted it so much. It is even incredibly resistant to both ranges of temperature. It is just as acid-resistant as glass, though the only problem with it is that it seems for it to be properly formed is that it takes a thousand years minimum, and how it can absorb pulsing Psionic energy, which gives it the ability to defy gravity.' as I continue to look in awe at the list as my head starts to pop with ideas on what I can do with it.

'I know what metal I will be using when I make an armor for my Na'vi and Human form as well as the weapons for them. With enough time and learning from going through this tab, I could learn how to make some very cool things, though I probably won't need anything like that by then.' I then looked over a different tab and over several blueprints of Jaegers and the ones I currently have from Oblivion Bay.

'I could probably make an amazing Jaeger with Pandemonium or just upgrade and repair the ones I currently have which is a long list as a lot of Jaegers went out of commission in battle.' as I look over my inventory and see my weapons and all the Jaegers while steaming food sits next to them both.


{A/N Well, I hope you guys liked the chapter, though it was mainly slow and just side stuff as I want to delve more into what he can actually find from his Knowledge tab, and once he leaves this world, he will actually be able to put it, all to use and actually start making things.

However, I would like to know what you guys have been thinking of the Fic so far. As is hard to tell as no one has really been leaving reviews, and I want to find ways to improve this as it is my main way to spend my time when I have free time.

But I will now put the usual below and make the usual updates to the Auxiliary Chapters.


Species: Devouring Leviathan

Name: Livyatan

Titles: Flaming Disaster, Savior of Dragons +7

Length: 295m (967ft)

DNA Assimilated: 231


[Makings of a King]


1: Kill Ghidorah

2: Help Godzilla

3: Prevent the death of Mothra

4: Explore


1: Unique Mutation

2: Memory Influx

3: Knowledge

[Return to Monke]


1: Kill Skar King

2: Help King Kong


1: Random Mutation

2: World Kit

[Be a Pest]


1: Annoy Godzilla

2: Annoy King Kong


1: Random Mutation

2: Mothra's Favor