
Ch 19: Memory Lane

" talking "

' thinking '

[ System ]

{ Author Note }

'It's time to do one of the things I actually planned on when I came here. I have to sort through all the memories I have from eating everything, as I have just been pushing them off. I've honestly been scared to look through it all and see what I might find, though thankfully, the description of it says the memories shouldn't affect me emotionally or mentally.' I look over the description one last time, then sigh as I delve through the giant mess of foreign memories.

'Well, let's start by sorting through the memories before actually going through them.' I swim into the giant mass of dreams I see within my head and quickly sort them from things in Pandora to those in 4546B.

'Okay, we now have a small sort, but now I need to sort through if it had a conscience or not, so let's start with Pandora as they do have a sapient race.' I swim over to the mess on my right and quickly sort the pile between Na'vi and the local fauna, causing a large pile of fauna. As I finish sorting them, they shift into showing what they looked like before they died, making it easier to sort through as I then arrange them in the order I ate them.

'Nice, now we have a good basis on what we have here, which is three Na'vi and the giant collection of fauna, though I only remember eating two unless this mutation is pulling the same thing as my inner world and has all the outcasts uniformed as one giant one I have to sort through.' as I stare at the grey-skinned Na'vi with its orange strips around its body and its bioluminescence being what seems to be a reddish-orange.

'If it does end up like my inner world, this will be very annoying.' I place my hand on the Forest Na'vi and immediately see his every memory from the moment of his birth to where I found him before his death.

'well, that's actually lacks luster, but I think I can use this in various ways.' I squeeze my hand a little harder on the Na'vi and get sucked back into his memories, specifically those of when he was being trained and put myself in the view of him as I start to mimic his moves to try and learn a basis of how to use a spear.

After I sit in the repeating sequence of his memory, constantly following the same movements until they are engraved into this form's muscles, I skip to the next memory he has of his archery training. I do the same as before, mimicking until I have the basics down and then use it.

'I am going to abuse this a lot more than I thought I was going to, ' as I draw the bow perfectly in his memory and land the air to the side of the target into a Fan lizard perfectly in its abdomen.

'At this rate, I'm going to have a real easy time learning things.' I leave his memories and watch him slowly start to disappear into brightly glowing particles as he disappears before my eyes.

'So that's what happens when I finish using them.' I turned toward my System and opened the knowledge tab to see if my thoughts were correct and to see if I could create entries for it. My guess was accurate as I opened the first entry, wrote down every little detail about Na'vi's memories, labeled it after his name, and quickly finished the entry to send it to a section I labeled as memories of the fallen.

'Well, that's one. Let's keep it going.' I then placed my hand on Reef Na'vi's shoulder and quickly saw all his memories, as I did with the Na'vi before him. The only things I could gain from him were learning how to fight while riding and his excellent gathering skills.

'I can learn both of those skills elsewhere, so I will just write your entry and send you off.' I take my hand off Na'vi's shoulder, causing him to disperse as I quickly write his entry the same as I have previously and send it to the same section.

'Now for the one I really don't want to delve into, ' I say as I look over the Outcast Na'vi, hesitantly placing my hand on his shoulder. I quickly get catapulted into the memories of hundreds of these Na'vi and what they committed, though thankfully, the perk of the mutation is that I'm not affected by it in any way.

'Jesus fucking Christ.' I quickly take my hand off the Outcast Na'vi. While quickly dispersed it as fast as I could, seeing that it only removed one of them after dispersing as the others had the stuff to offer.

'I'm happy I wiped you all out, but you guys just do not want to disappear, do you.' as I put my hand back on the Outcast Na'vi's shoulder and picked one of the more elderly Na'vi as he had trained his swordsmanship to the best he could. However, that revolved around how he killed those around him and relished in what he did.

'god, this disgusting Na'vi as I quickly watch the memories of how he swung his sword and blocked with it to learn as quickly as I could without needing to watch longer than I had to.

'I don't even want to look over the other ones again.' as I leave the old Na'vi's memories and start to hop between hundreds of them quickly. I see that while they all did undoubtedly horrendous things, they had outstanding skills in their craft.

'I won't even give them entries. Just write down the skills they did and how to train them well while using different methods, as I am not culling an entire small clan just so I can train my swordsmanship.' as I open several different entries and write down the several techniques they had, from fighting to crafting.

'they had so much to offer, but how they got to it is terrible.' I look at how they even developed the ability to forge metal and how one of them learned the benefits of metal weapons a day before I arrived and killed them all.

'Now that I'm down with them, I should be able to disperse them all, ' as I take my hand off the Outcast Na'vi and wave them away. They all fade into what looks like an army behind who I remember their Olo'eyktan being before they all start fading away, as the Na'vi before them did.

'it's good for them to be gone, but the way they just left is slightly concerning, but that doesn't really matter. It's time to have the most in-depth study of animals there ever will be.' as I start swimming towards the vast collection of fauna and start jumping between the memories they had while mainly just caring about how they lived and their cycle of life until I showed up.

'So it is possible to tame a Thanator. It just takes an offering of meat and a show of trust towards it.' I leave the Thanator's memories and write down the memories it had from its most simple interaction with nature, such as how it would attack Na'vi that came into its territory. I then quickly send this entry to the others I have made of the fauna for this planet, which I labeled as Nature's Interaction.

'Now, let's get back to it,' as I go back to jumping through the fauna's memories and writing down anything they do as best I can for these entries and the most relevance it might hold for others of its species.

'Okay, that is good. Now that we have gone through all of Pandora, I need to go through the memories of the stuff from good old home.' as I write down the last entry, which was the Great Austrapede, and several tips related to how you can deal with it and how it interacted with the world around it.

As I finish the entry for the Great Austrapede, I start swimming towards the pile of 4546B and sort through it the same way I did Pandora: I put anything with sapience to my primary attention and sorted everything else in the order I ate it and how relevant its memories might be.

'I guess we are starting with the Raging Titan first.' as I put my hand on the face of the leviathan and get sucked into his memories as I have previously. While I then start to look around and see a remarkable view of the kelp forest again around me and the swimming stalkers going out of their way to avoid me.

'God, I missed this beautiful sight.' as I stay in the specific memory to watch the waving of the green kelp and the sacs towards the top of the kelp stem shining in an orange radiance with hoverfish swiftly swimming around corners and stalkers being happily distracted by the occasional glare of light that bounces of something reflective causing them to swiftly swim after it and see that they have been deceived.

'Okay, now that I have soaked it all in, it's time to continue down the lane of memories.' as I let myself get sucked by the swirling of the Raging Leviathans' memories and see almost a hundred years of memories before I quickly end it with my maw.

'He is still an idiot. He decided to try and attack me even after my declaration with Grudges. I don't know how he expected to win, but he wasn't close to smart. However, his memories are a bit useful.' I continue to scan his memories repeatedly and see that the only thing of value is the memory of the kelp forest and the life within it.

'even in death and severing as a memory, you don't have a true use.' as I take my hand off the Raging Leviathan, as I watch him fade away before I open an entry for him and how he interacted with the life within the crater and keeping the memory of the kelp forest as a picture as the first thing when you enter his entry.

'Well, I guess the rest will be like that, but I need to go through them to see anyway.' As I started to jump between all the memories of everything I ate during my stay at 4546B, I saw that it was only the basics. I should just treat the memories as I did the Raging Leviathans and label how they interacted with the life around them and their habits before sending them to their sections within their respective worlds.

'That was quite lackluster, but I did get to see how they were before I came along and how they interacted with the world, though even then, it wasn't all that useful, just good for some views and the occasional fight between them.' as I close the section in 4546B which I labeled the Interactions of the Giants.

'Now that I'm done sorting through all that, it's time to leave and go back out and finish meeting the clans before I eradicate the RDA and then get sent on my way to the next world, ' I say as I exit my inner world and arrive upon the tree, I remember perching myself on.

'I believe the next clan to meet is the Hulanta clan, though that will probably just be a quick visit to buy some pottery.' I then start to fly into the air, heading towards the Hulanta clan, and quickly find it because they reside in a large home tree that is smaller than the Omatikaya clan's home tree.


{ A/N Well, I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter, and as you guys can see, I have been trying to pump them out to make up for the lost time before school starts again.

But that aside, I hope you guys like how I went about the way he dealt with the memories, though I can already see that I might need to edit it slightly with how it works and how I will make it work in the future.

Also, I hope you guys like how I described the Kelp forest. I want to try to get better at descriptions and give them more weight and depth than just saying it was green.

Also, that aside, I think I have a plan for every world. Depending on which one you guys pick, it should end up being one or two chapters of him just gliding through and really gaining something for his inner world. After all, who doesn't want to see dinosaurs fighting aliens?

But I will now put the usual below this. I hope you guys decide soon, as the vote ends the moment chapter 21 is released.


Species: Devouring Leviathan

Name: Livyatan

Titles: Lost Child, Apocalypse Levithan +3

Length: 125m (410ft)

DNA Assimilated: 65




1: Remove the RDA from Pandora Permanently

2: Explore


1: unique mutation

2: Memory Influx

3: Knowledge



1: Talk to the ten clans ( 40% / 100% )

2: Meet Eywa (complete)


1: Psionic Mutation

2: Blessing of a God

[Eywa's Quest]


1: Help the Omatikaya Clan

2: Eradicate the Ash People (complete)


1: Worship of the Clans

2: Army of Ash