
Lord of the mysteries : circle of fate

It's just story of Klein if he knows what waiting him at the pinnacle of power. and you can skip first 20 chapters if you want.

Sd_paNdit_2361 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
100 Chs


Klein after returning real world he used the method of dexter and Klein decided to meet up after dinner. Klein above the gray fog, klein created a scene of praying and send this scene to Justice.

In Hall family, Audrey was sitting in front of her table and planning out how to inform other people about tarot club for recruiting.

Suddenly she seen gray fog and a humanoid figure at the top of table and hear voice " Mr. Fool please help me for mission for sending a latter to someone." After that she heard fool for a sudden meeting with that person and you can decide if you want to or not.

Audrey received mission from fool before but that was only to see if museum is opening or not. And mission are very simple. She agreed and find herself above the gray fog. She looked around but their no Mr. Fool but only a person at end of table.

"Hello Miss justice. I am the one who requested for this meeting." Klein said with concealing his face.

Audrey said with a smile. "Hello, what should I call you. And what you wanted me to do."

" You can just call me a Nameless. But I believe only in Mr. Fool. You need to write a letter to someone with massanger summoning ritual. After mission completed or before that I will help you to digest potion." Klein only promise things which can he fulfilled.

" Massanger summoning ritual?"

Klein teach her summoning ritual and related concepts. " When I need to do this ritual." Audrey asked.

"After this meeting. Content of ritual you can get after praying to Mr. Fool. Klein tell her. And after standing he touched his chest and said "Praise the Fool"

At the real world Audrey holding a paper and pen and prayed to Mr. Fool about the latter content. Her hand felt like hold by a invisible power and started to write.

"Ma'am" " I will start with main topic. I wanted to know if you are interested in this matter or not. You are a Sequence 3 Beyonder from Mystery Pryers pathway.

And you are finding something related to 個|个.

I can give you more details if you accept the terms. They are not something can harm you. If you are not interested then ignore it like nothing happened.

And it's said by Mr. Fool ask Nast Solomon what he thinks of Emperor.

" Humble believer of Fool"

After that Audrey summon messenger and read the incarnation she wrote on a page.


'I summon in my name.' 

An invisible creature that roams the upper realms, a strange spiritual body that is friendly to humans, a messenger that belongs solely to Bernadette Gustav…

The moment she said that, she didn't see anything.

Then,she discovered that the letter placed on the altar had


Klein get this news and returned to real world.


Next day, Dexter and Klein meet at shooting club.

"Small shooting range 7, 3 soli an hour . The fee for renting a revolver is one soli seven pence per hour and it contains six rounds," the receptionist quickly settled the request .

After Daxter confirmed that he was renting the items for an hour and paid the fee of 10 soli, he took the revolver and extra bullets and was led into the respective shooting range by the facilitator .

Klein waited another five minutes before slowly standing up . He grabbed his cane before walking to the small shooting range 7 and knocked on the door .

The door opened a tiny crack with a creak . Daxter first looked around cautiously, then opened the door fully .

Klein immediately entered and locked the door .

"Good afternoon, Mr . Daxter," he said as he took out a 10 soli bill . He handed the bill over to Daxter . "We wouldn't let our associates bear any extra fees . "

Because I can claim compensation… He added in his heart .

Daxter didn't decline . He took the cash and asked heavily, "Mr . Moretti, why did you ask to meet me?"

"Has Hood Eugen behaved unusually recently?" he first asked Daxter Guderian about the patient in the asylum who was a member of the Psychology Alchemists .

Daxter examined Klein's eyes, expression, and gestures . He thought and said, "No, he's acting normal . Frankly speaking, I think if he really wanted to leave the asylum, he could immediately behave in a very healthy and very normal manner . But he hasn't done so, and he continues to stay in the asylum . He appears to be treating every patient . Yes, patients who exhibit chaotic, violent, or abnormal thoughts appear to be getting better . Maybe Hood Eugen is trying to train his Beyonder powers with this method . "

Hood Eugen decided to just take the asylum as his home… Klein openly showed that he was in deep thought regarding Hood Eugen's matter .

Because that would make Daxter Guderian feel that he knew and understood a lot, making him appear unfathomable .

With this in mind, Klein remember something else . The Psychology Alchemists doesn't tell acting method before reaching Sequence 6.

Daxter looked at him, waited for a few minutes, and asked curiously, "Officer, is there some sort of problem with Hood Eugen's actions?"

"Not right now . It just made me think of other matters," Klein replied, smiling .

He asked instead, "Has there been any actions taken by the Psychology Alchemists recently?"

"No, besides a small gathering in Awwa to exchange items and experience," Daxter answered honestly .

Klein nodded slightly and said, "How about your own situation?"

Daxter controlled his expression as he replied, "Not too good myself . I still hear some ravings and have some illusions . If I wasn't a doctor specializing in mental health, I might even think that I have some sort of disorder . "

As he spoke, his face grew solemn . "I followed Hood Eugen's and your instructions to ignore those illusions and ravings . That made me feel much better, but they still affect my sleep, and I have become more grumpy and short-tempered . I'm not like myself, as though another new me is growing from within, or maybe it could be described as a new character . I'm very worried and terrified that I might suddenly lose control one day . "

Just as I have predicted, I didn't even need to divine to see that coming… Having prepared for this, Klein smiled and said, "You don't have to worry, you're a subsidiary member of the Nighthawks now . There are benefits for you . As an ancient organization, we master many methods to keep one from losing control . It isn't one hundred percent effective, but it will definitely help you . "

"Besides, I'm willing to share with you my personal experience . You must know the man standing before you only used less then a month time to shake off the shackles of illusions and ravings, and they haven't resurfaced . You should know from Hood Eugen and your other cadres that doing so is very difficult . "

"Officer, there's a bit of a lie in what you said, but it's mostly the truth," Daxter suddenly said calmly . "What do you want from me?"

It's tough to lie to a Spectator… Klein replied with a smile, "It's not something that only I want to get . "

"Many Beyonder want it." Klein thought in mind.

Of course, he knew that Daxter would definitely assume that the Nighthawks Squad wanted something .

"If your method is really effective, and the items or information you want is within my reach…" Daxter weighed his words as he spoke .

"I will give you the perks in advance," Klein said straightforwardly . " I wanted you tell something to your superior or made a middle man between us."

Daxter looked into his eyes and kept quiet for a while before he said, "You're very frank… I'll try my best to get what you want , but I'm not sure how long it'll take me . If it gets too dangerous, I hope that I can replace it with something else . "

"No problem . " Klein didn't intend to force the request on the man . He then described the "acting method" vaguely . "The key to resisting the loss of control lies within the name of the potion . We have to understand it and learn its true meaning . You can't completely understand it by thinking about it . It must be understood through experience . For instance, as a Spectator, you have to understand that you're only a spectator, not an actor . How a Spectator should act is something that you need to discover through attempts and experimentation to deduce the principles required of you . From there, adhere to it strictly . "

Daxter listened attentively . Then, he replied, "That's a brand new way to look at things . Heh, I'm willing to use the word 'theory' to describe what you just said . This is just like a theory of a play and opera… I'll try, and I hope it'll help .

"If—if it really works, I'll do my best to get you reply."

"May the Goddess protect you . " Klein drew a crimson moon on his chest . Main ingredients of sequence 7 Seer."

"What" , "nothing" Klein said goodbye to Dexter.

Klein waited some time and exited from club after practice.

"I am the leader of secret organization."