
Lord of the Mysteries - Fate Emperor

Alexander transmigrated into the Lord of the Mysteries, a month before Klein descends from the Origin Castle. With his knowledge of the future and a 'cheat' of unknown origin, he tries to navigate through a world full of mystery and madness.

Outer · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
48 Chs

True Creator

With the knowledge that the Mother Goddess of Depravity was trying to hinder his actions, Alexander could guess that there was a high chance that the Judge that attacked him previously was a member of the Silver Moon Society.

Although it seemed like a great leap of logic to come to this conclusion, Alexander's intuiton told him that it was most likely true.

Picking up the booklet, Alexander was finally ready to choose a new commission.

Three days later, in the middle of the night, an elderly man and a red haired woman were standing in a dark alley.

In front of them, a corpse was on the ground.

"This is the 2nd victim in the past couple of days."

"Do they really think that the Aurora Order is a pushover?", the man couldn't help but yell, with clear anger in his voice.

The woman leaned down slightly and examined the corpse.

"The murderer isn't too strong, Sequence 7 at most.", she analyzed.

Hearing her words, the man nodded his head and thought for a second.

"Although they aren't too strong, there should be some reason for them to target us."

"Angela, try to divine the murderer's location.", he instructed the woman.

Angela took a stick out of her pocket, before she mumbled some words under her breath.

Instantly, the stick in her hand moved on its own, pointing to her right.

"It seems that we're really lucky Klaus.", Angela smiled.


"Doesn't this look like an obvious trap?", Klaus scolded her.

"Let's inform the Oracle first.", he said.

At the same time, a young heroic man was pacing back and forth in his own home.

He had red hair, a stong build and a handsome face with a chiseled jaw.

This man's name was Wein, but his true surname had been lost in the ages.

Since he was a child, his father had always told him about how great his ancestors were and how his mission in life was to restore their family.

Their family once had a glorious name: Tudor.

Indoctrinated by own his father, Wein quickly became a Beyonder and followed the pathway of his ancestors, the Red Priest.

Looking at the bucket filled with a red liquid in front of him, Wein looked like he made an important decision and took it in his hands.

'I can finally become a Conspirer', he thought proudly.

Instantly, he poured its contents in his mouth.

Lights flickered in his vision and he felt as if flames were burning his own body, before it reconstructed on its own.

Feeling the pain, Wein didn't lose control, but continued to focus on maintaining his state.

If his ancestors could do it, he could do it too.

Half a minute later, the changes in his body stopped and Wein felt that he had successfully been promoted to a Conspirer.

Just as he was about to celebrate his promotion, something struck him on his head.

Before he could react, he was dead.

Very anticlimactic.

As his body fell down, three people appeared in the room.

A young woman, an elderly man and a beautiful young man.

These were Angela, Klaus and Mr. A.

"Is this the trap you mentioned?", Mr. A asked and turned his face to look at Klaus.

"Answering to the Divine Oracle, I..I.", Klaus attempted to reply with clear fear on his face.

"Stop, stop, don't talk anymore.", Mr. A shook his hand.

Looking down at the corpse, he could see a soul appearing.

The main ability of the Shepherd Sequence was to be able to graze other people's souls, gaining some of their abilities.

Mr. A didn't know why, but he felt that the Conspirer soul really needed to replace one of his grazed souls.

Not hesitating, he removed one of the 7 souls that he had previously grazed and grazed the Conspirer's soul in its place.

'At least this trip wasn't for nothing.' he thought and made a prayer gesture with his hands.

"Let's go.", he motioned the two to follow him.

With them leaving, no one noticed a little inconspicuous soul remaining in the room.

Half a minute after they left, Alexander appeared on the scene.

He didn't care about the battle scene, but walked closer to the soul before sitting down.

'Let's see if this works.', he thought.

"The incarnation of Chaos,

the All-Seeing unspoken taboo,

the World Devouring Serpent,

I pray that you'll allow me to communicate with this spirit."

"The potion formulas for the Lawyer pathway", he said and tried to communicate via dream communication.

Instantly, he found himself in a gray illusory world.

In front of him, a parchment was placed on a wooden table.

At the same time, a hand that held a pen appeared and started writing.

[Sequence 9 Lawyer formula: main ingredients:..., supplementary ingredients...

Sequence 8 Lawyer formula: main ingredients:..., supplementary ingredients...

Sequence 7 Lawyer formula: main ingredients:..., supplementary ingredients...]

Suddenly, the scene in front of Alexander changed.

This time, there was no parchment, but a voice sounded in his ears.

"I will tell you the formula for the Baron of Corruption only one time, so you better memorize it."

"Main ingredients:..."

"Supplementary ingredients:..."

As the voice finished speaking, the dream shattered into countless specks of light and Alexander returned to reality.

"It worked."

"I finally have the Baron of Corruption formula.", Alexander breathed a sigh of relief.

Of course, Alexander was the one behind everything that happened here.

Five days ago, when he learnt that both the imperial family and the Silver Moon Society controlled the Black Emperor pathway, he knew that it would be very difficult to get the formula he needed.

So, he took a commission asking for the assassination of a young Pyromaniac Beyonder and through the use of the Quill of Fate, he made him meet multiple members of the Aurora Order.

Wherever there were people, there would also be disputes and Wein was finally noticed by the Aurora Order.

Then he didn't need to do anything else.

Mr. A learnt about it and decided to personally act, easily killing him.

Alexander's goal was neither the assassination commission itself nor the Conspirer characteristic, but this little soul that Mr. A left behind.

This was a soul of a Baron of Corruption.

Back when he was wondering how to get the formula, he was inspired by how Klein had channeled the spirit of Rosago and got multiple potion formulas.

Of course, it's not like his plan was perfect.

For the plan to succeed, two things needed to happen.

First, Mr. A had to choose to release the Baron of Corruption soul rather than any other soul.

Secondly and most importantly, he was betting that Mr. A wouldn't devour the soul, but instead ignore it.

In fact, he was prepared to do it a couple of times if Mr. A didn't release the Baron of Corruption soul.

'However, it can't be called luck.', Alexander thought as he looked at the spot where Wein's body once stood.

The corpse had disappeared and its place a silver cross was sitting, with a scroll tied to it.

Alexander didn't pick it up, but took the Chaos' Pupil out, created an incarnation and left the building.

After walking some distance away, he descended on the incarnation.

Looking at the cross, Alexander didn't notice anything out of usual.

Reaching out and taking the scroll in his hands, he proceeded to open it.

Only a single sentence was written on it: [Adam is preparing for promotion.]

"It wasn't a bomb.", Alexander said, before burning the scroll and returning to his real body.

In the room where the fight happened, only a silver cross remained.

Some time later, Alexander was sitting in his office thinking about the gains and losses of today's action.

First of all, he managed to finally get the Baron of Corruption formula, meaning that he could promote as long as he completely digested the potion and found the supplementary ingredients.

Secondly, he confirmed some of his guesses.

Since the beginning, he didn't believe that Adam's plot went unnoticed by the other gods.

A Sequence 5 Beyonder managed to get a dangerous item like the Quill of Alzuhod in his hands and lived fo so long.

Moreover, this item was made out of a characteristic that the gods of the God Almighty pathways were coveting.

Just saying this out loud sounded ridiculous to him.

Finally, he could see that his relationship with the True Creator was not bad, otherwise he wouldn't send him a real life PM.

'Summing it up, the gains far outweigh the losses.', Alexander thought.

But why did he seem more and more like the bad guy?

Why were his allies Outer Deities and evil gods?


A young man with brown hair was sitting, calmly drinking tea.

Opposite to him, a young man with long chestnut hair, blue eyes and an immature face stood.

"Actually, I think that the most suitable pathway for you is the Assassin pathway."

"You've played Assassin's Creed right? Think about how cool would be to do it in real life."

"It's also a pathway that allows you to often come in contact with women.", Alexander said in a serious tone with a straight face.

Roselle indeed felt that such a pathway was suitable for him, but he couldn't understand why he had a sudden premonition of danger.