
Lord of the Mysteries - Fate Emperor

Alexander transmigrated into the Lord of the Mysteries, a month before Klein descends from the Origin Castle. With his knowledge of the future and a 'cheat' of unknown origin, he tries to navigate through a world full of mystery and madness.

Outer · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
48 Chs


Cautiously picking the red glove up, an information window appeared in front of him.

[Name: Red Tyrant]

[Characteristics: Folk of Rage (Sequence 8) / Contaminated with Hanged Man's power]


[Healing and regeneration: The wearer can heal even the most fatal injuries and regenerate lost limbs.]

[Shadow Movement: The wearer can turn into a shadow, increasing his speed and making it harder to detect his presence.]

[Downsides: After each use, the glove will instill forbidden knowledge in the wearer's brain.]

[Sell: 200 FP]

Looking at the information, it is obvious that the contamination of the Hanged Man pathway had caused this item to have power between Sequence 7 and Sequence 6.

The only thing holding it back would be its downside, but Alexander had not lost control even though he had knowledge about the Outer Gods.

This could only be explained by the fact that the Fate Simulator was considered part of him and its personality was at least of Sequence 2.

Alexander decided to not trade the glove for FP, since having it would increase his survivability by a considerable amount.

After checking his own gains, he left the scene without cleaning things up.

His plan was to put the blame on the Aurora Society by leaving the obvious aura of the Hanged Man pathway.

As for why an Aurora Society member wouldn't hide his tracks?

Aurora members were straight up lunatics, thinking wasn't their strong point.

The next day, Alexander re-read the simulation that took place yesterday, since hadn't spent time to analyze the information contained in it.

While puzzled by the fact that a great will will awaken inside him every time he comes in contact with the Aurora Society, Alexander's attention was quickly drawn towards the last part of the simulation.

There is actually an Intis spy Beyonder living next to him.

Judging from the fact that he noticed his presence and succesfully ambushed him, his neighbor must have been at least a Sequence 8 Beyonder.

Shaking his head, Alexander dispelled any thought of fighting him.

Even though yesterday he had managed to kill a Sequence 8 Folk of Rage, that entire fight was basically a perfectly crafted situation for him.

If he didn't open some distance between them or he didn't have the Whisper amulet, he would have not been able to fight back.

Opening the Fate Simulator window, Alexander was surprised to find that his FP had actually increased.

[Fate Simulator]

[Sequence: Lawyer(9)]

[FatePoints/FP: 215]

[Cost: 100 FP]

[Duration: 1 Month]

[Passive Increase: 5 FP/day]


Searching for an explanation, a small prompt flashed in front of him.

[Achievement: First time killing a Sequence 8 Beyonder: 200 FP]

"There are actually achievements? Doesn't that mean that I can get bonus FP for killing a Sequence 9 Beyonder too?", Alexander thought.

"Is this the simulator's incentive to force me take more risks in reality?", Alexander complained.

Despite complaining, Alexander's yesterday experience had already changed some of his plans.

It can be said that in the simulations he has fought and even died multiple times, but in reality his experience in combat is practically none.

Moreover, as he gets promoted to higher Sequences and obtains more abilities, he will have to spend some time getting familiar with them.

Nonetheless, the existence of the achievements was an additional bonus.

"There is roughly a week before Klein's descend."

"Even though I can't get involved with my real body, it may be more valueable to spend my simulation opportunities in Tingen."

"Of course, that's if I manage to get promoted by then."

The appearance of the achievements was actually a huge change in Alexander's plans.

For so long, the only way he could get FP was by trading characteristics and extraordinary items, but there is only so much he can purchase without attracting people's attention.

The only other way he could get FP was by actively hunting Beyonders, but that's something Alexander wasn't willing to do since most Beyonders were related to one another.

It is very much possible that you kill a newly promoted Sequence 9 Beyonder, only for an angel to knock on your door for revenge.

He had read enough web novels in his past life and he wasn't ready to receive the protagonist's treatment.

Putting these thoughts aside, Alexander decided to perform a simulation with only the goal of finding the Barbarian formula and its ingredients in mind.

[Simulation starting...]

[Three weeks after your awakening, you have managed to become a Sequence 9 Lawyer.]

[However, you still believe that you aren't strong enough.]

[You choose to join the MI9 as it is the only organization with the Barbarian formula.]

[A week later, you used your father's connections to get in contact with a Team Leader of MI9 and he agreed to help you get promoted, as long as you sign a Notary contract.]

[Something in your mind tells you that giving up your freedom in exchange for the Barbarian's formula and ingredients is worth it.]

[Having no other choice, you choose to sign the contract.]

[With the contract binding you, the MI9 now trusts you enough to support your promotion.]

[Two days later, you become a Sequence 8 Barbarian.]

[With your prior knowledge, you show an exceptional talent in espionage.]

[Three days later, the Team Leader thinks that you are strong enough to become part of the Beyonder anti-espionage team.]

[For the next two and a half weeks, you are given the task of searching for possible Beyonder gatherings while also continuing your training.]

[Simulation ends...]

[Choose one of the following options:]

[1. List of possible Beyonder gatherings in Backlund. Cost: 5 FP]

[2. Sequence 8 Barbarian potion. Cost: 110 FP]

[3. One Notary Contract. Cost: 100 FP]

Seeing the results of the simulation, Alexander was instantly relieved.

"I can finally promote myself.", he sighed.

It could be said that in the grand scheme of things, getting promoted to Sequence 8 was inconsequential, but for Alexander it was the first step towards unlocking more of the simulator's potential.

Alexander had already figured out that the stronger he became, the faster he could get FP and the more he could simulate.

Picking the Barbarian potion left him with 5 remaining FP.

Instantly, silver fog flew out of his body, before condensing into a black potion.

Looking at the potion's appearance, Alexander could neither confirm nor deny that this was the Barbarian potion, but he could only put his trust on his 'cheat'.

Picking up the potion, he closed his nose and gulped it down without hesitation.

The familiar noises sounded in his head and the same black symbols appeared in his vision.

Unexpectedly, Alexander noticed that the consequenses of promoting were more mild in comparison with the last time.

Some seconds later however, pain started to run through his whole body and he felt as if every fiber of his skin was broken and then rebuilt.

If someone was paying attention to him right now, they would find out that every time this rebuilding happened, his body was becoming more and more muscular.

A minute later, the changes stopped and the noises and symbols disappeared.

Taking a deep breath to calm down, Alexander looked down at his own body, only to find that his clothes had been ripped off during his transformation.

Paying attention to the feeling of his body instead, he realized that every physical aspect of his had received various enhancements.

Apart from the changes in his physique, what the Barbarian potion provided him was also a stronger mental resistance.

This meant that from now on, he will have a higher resistance to psychological influences.

Five minutes later, Alexander became more familiar with the changes and instantly felt the difference between a Laywer and a Barbarian.

"If as a Lawyer my combat power is rated as a 2/10, then as a Barbarian my combat could be rated as an 8/10."

"In close combat, the only other Sequence 8 Beyonders that may gain an advantage over the current me are the Tyrant and the Twilight Giant pathway Beyonders.", Alexander thought and instantly became more joyful.

Since his promotion to a Lawyer, Alexander had felt deeply insecure about his own combat power.

This was expected, as Lawyers had neither the physical prowess of the combat related pathways nor supporting abilities like divination and danger perception.

I know that the the promotion speed of the protagonist may seem egregious(since he was promoted 2 times in 7 chapters), but LotM is a novel where you can't do anything while being weak.

I could have made the protagonist become a Sequence 5 Beyonder from Chapter 1, but I feel like it makes more sense to have him become stronger step by step even if it feels too fast.

If you think that it feels too rushed, you can pretend that the current chapters are the prologue and the main part of the fanfic will start when he is strong enough to actually influence the plot.

Outercreators' thoughts