
Lord of The Dark City

everything is destroyed. after 300 years mc just wakes up and he must survive in the middle of monsters, how can he survive..?

Yue_xixi · แฟนตาซี
15 Chs


The next day, morning. At the table, Gray sits in the top seat with a newspaper in the neighborhood that was mailed this morning with news from various parts of the neighborhood and recruitment information for some factories. Sheila is busy with breakfast in the kitchen, putting a good copy to the table, everything is as usual.

Du Dian's biological clock sounded on time. After getting up, he folded the bedding and washed it with the filter well. He went to the dining hall and greeted Sheila and her husband with a "good morning" greeting. He sat on his chair. I ate the breakfast rolls prepared for myself.

At this time, Sheila was busy, took her own copy and came to Du Dian to sit down and smiled and said: "How, today's taste is good?"

"A little bit spicy."Du Dian took a bite. "I like to eat spicy."

"That's good."Sheila smiled.

Gray then put down the newspaper and looked at Du Dian, who was squatting down on the table, saying: "Dian, my aunt and I have chosen a marriage for you. Prepare today, dress up, wait for us later. I have seen people in the past."

Due to Du Dian's request, both Gray and Sheila are temporarily "uncle and aunt".

Du Dian's heart came. After the buffer last night, now his heart has calmed down, pretending to look up suddenly and ask: "marriage? What is marriage? "

Sheila glanced at him and whispered to Gray: "Look, I said Dian is still small, and the marriage is not too late."

"At the age of thirteen, it is the legal age of marriage."Gray looked at her, her eyes seemed to be cold, saying: "We are just getting engaged, nothing bad in advance for a few years."

Sheila saw her husband's heart decided, and she sighed and said nothing.

Gray said to Du Dian: "Wait we will take you to see a beautiful big sister, you have to seize the opportunity, do everything you can, get her approval, then you can eat a lot of delicious food every day." Wear good clothes and never go hungry, do you know?"

"really? I certainly will! "Du Dian's heart is calm, but his face is full of surprises. After all, life is like a play, and it depends on acting.

Gray's face smiled and said: "Den, Dian is a good boy, come and eat first."

Soon, the three-person meal ended.

Du Dian's eagerness to try, so positively, let Gray feel relieved, and the rest, just see if the lady can see Dian.

"Come, don't worry, put on new clothes first."Sheila took a brand new black suit, a bright red tie, and shiny shoes from the closet to replace Du Dian. When he was dressed neatly out, Sheila and Gray couldn't help but look bright. The costumes of this little noble gentleman were vividly displayed on Du Dian. The pale, snowy skin was very white, and the black eyes were like stars. general.

"it's beautiful!"Sheila praised by Di Di.

Gray was overjoyed and smiled. "Good, let's go!"

"Ok!"Du Dian is also very excited.

Sheila finally went out, locked her back, and came to the street in front of the lawn guardrail, and said to Gray holding Du Dian: "So early, no carriage come over here?"

Gray smiled and said: "I have already said hello, Ivy Family said that someone will send someone to pick us up."Having said that, in vain, the hooves of the hooves sounded, and Du Dian immediately saw a gorgeous carriage with gold wheels on the corner of the street, with a silver-white flag inscribed on the roof, engraved with a white flower.

The driver wore a black high hat and a black suit. He docked the carriage in front of Du Dian and others. He jumped down the carriage and his waist was straight. He smiled and said: "The two are Gray and Sheila. The lady is already waiting for you. Please go to carriage."Inviting gestures on the side of the chest, showing aristocratic etiquette.

Gray listened with a sigh of relief, and some were flattered: "How can I be tired of waiting for us, really rude, getting on the bus, getting on the bus!"As I said, I quickly took Du Dian into the car.

At this time, the driver seemed to have noticed Du Dian, and his eyes flashed a strange color, but then he returned to a polite smile.

Da da da...

After waiting for a few people to sit still, the driver drifted off the rope and the carriage flew away.

Du Dian looked at the buildings flying over the car silently, as well as the pedestrians on the side of the road, and the pair of twins who were surprised and awed by the carriage. At this time, neither Gray nor Sheila spoke, nor did they blame Du Dian. I was worried that I would fall into the driver's ear and pass it to the Ivy Family.

Carriage ran smoothly, and quickly ran from the giant wall on the south side. The young guards at the gate of the city saw the white flower flags on the top of the carriage. They all let go, clenched their fists against the chest, and waited for the carriage. He resumed his work and continued to check the identity of passers-by who wanted to enter the business district.

Is this the business district?

Du Dian looked at the clean streets outside the carriage, as well as the clean and gorgeous pedestrians on the road. I immediately felt the difference with the residential area. As for the slums, it is the difference between heaven and hell. It is not exaggerated at all.

Soon, the carriage was moored in front of a delicate and elegant building at the end of the street. Du Dian saw a cardboard piano sign hanging on the building. The painting was extremely realistic and I couldn't help but wonder. I didn't expect this world of poverty and incompleteness. And the piano has been retained.

The carriage stopped at the main entrance, when a young man in a black suit walked quickly at the door, looking at the Gray and Sheila who walked down the carriage, and smiled and said: "When the lady waits for a long time, please come with me."Turn around and lead the way.

Gray looked at the gorgeous and exquisite buildings that were absolutely impossible to see in the residential area. There was a bit of tension in my heart, and my back was straight, holding Du Dian's hand and walking in front.

Entering the hall, such as the agate jewel-like oil lamp shines on the faces of the Gray couple, Sheila performed better. She was invited to the business district several times for treatment and was slightly calm. Gray was the first time to come to such a place. Du Dian took his hand through him and felt that the man was shaking with a slight nervousness and could not help but shake his head.

The sound of music wafted like Water, Du dian a glance, saw the hall is extremely spacious, there are many people sitting here to eat snacks, listen to music, whisper softly chat, they dress is extremely gorgeous, fabric than residential use of fine lines and cotton is also better, some silk, some fluff clothes, color is extremely bright, Contrasting with the common primary colors of the residential area is very distinct.

The young man in the black suit gently gestures and walks towards a separate seat inside.

Du Dian looked away, I saw two figures sitting here, one is a middle-aged woman, about 30 years old, a tailored skirt, looks good, looks very gentle. Sitting next to her is a 11-12 year old girl with a fair complexion, a brown hair and a melon face. Although it is not yet mature, it is definitely a beautiful embryo.

The little girl also noticed the Gray family on the way, and the eyes swept over the two Sirs, and they fell on Du Dian, and the eyes flashed a bit of surprise.

At this time, the middle-aged woman stood up and smiled at Sheila: "Doctor, the last time my family's illness was lost to you, today he has a business to deal with, failed to come, I hope you forgive me."

Gray said: "Where, Mr. Ai is busy, it is our abrupt."

The middle-aged woman smiled and said: "Sit first."

"Yes Yes."Gray immediately opened the chair and sat down. Perhaps it was too tight. The chair's ankle slammed on the floor. Several soft-talkers in other nearby seats immediately glanced at it and saw the middle-aged woman's top hat. When I was on a white medal, I changed my face and regained my gaze.

After Gray and Sheila sat down, the middle-aged woman's gaze fell on Du Dian, who was sitting on the chair. The bottom of her eyes passed a trace of surprise, and then she was relieved. She smiled at Gray: "This is what you adopted. Child, it's really white."

Gray listened to her praise Du Dian, a happy heart, busy: "Where, unlike your lady, so small is so beautiful, and at first glance, it is very intelligent, and your beauty has been inherited."

The middle-aged woman smiled and suddenly said: "About marriage..."

Gray's body is tight, and Sheila's look is a bit nervous.

"If Annie has no opinion, it will be fixed."The middle-aged woman is surprisingly refreshing.

Gray and Sheila look at each other and see each other's surprises.

"Mother Sir."Just then, the little girl suddenly spoke up and said, "I want to go out with him."Talk, pointing to Du Dian.

The middle-aged woman seems to have long expected her words, the smile remains unchanged, looking to Gray and Sheila.

Gray reacted and said: "It should be, Dian, you go with Miss Annie, remember to take care of Miss Annie!"Said, patted Du Dian's shoulder and encouraged him.

At this time, Annie had come down from her seat and turned to walk outside. She didn't look at Du Dian and didn't stop waiting for him.

Du Dian looked at the inspiration in the eyes of Gray and Sheila, but she was very quiet. After saying hello to the middle-aged woman opposite, she turned to follow Annie and left the hall together.

"This child is very sensible."The middle-aged woman looked at Du Dian's back and said with a smile.

"so far so good..."Gray is busy and modest.



On the street outside, Annie looked at the black suit youth who followed, and waved: "Without, I will walk around."

"Yes, miss."The young man in black suit promised.

After he left, Annie continued to walk in front, didn't look back, and didn't talk to Du Dian as if she was walking alone. Du Dian has long been able to withstand loneliness, quietly following behind her, and by the way, watching the buildings on both sides of the street, from these customs, can guess the approximate standard of living and technology of the world.

After a while.

Annie suddenly stopped, Du Dian looked around and saw it, almost hit her back, only smelling a faint scent of flowers, floating from her clothes, and quickly stepped back to distance.

At this time, Annie turned around, and her age advantage made her a little higher than Du Dian's half head. The beautiful white face of the melon had no expression, and she quietly looked down at Du Dian.

This feeling of indifference made Du Dian faintly guessing a possibility and looked up at her quietly.

Seeing Du Dian's calm and calm look, Annie flashed a trace of surprise, but quickly restored the expression of indifference, saying: "Have you heard the "Violet" opera?"

Du Dian suddenly paused. I didn't expect her to suddenly come up with this irrelevant word. She would have no answer, but Annie didn't give him a chance to speak. He continued: "Have you heard Mr. Fett's music? "

No. Du Dian just wanted to say.

"Do you dance ballroom?"Annie's tone is indifferent, and there is no chance to answer him.

Du Dian heard this and understood it. It was not a polite inquiry, but a question, and it was a contemptuous geological question with unconcealed gaze. He quietly looked at the girl silently.

"Do you have equestrian?"

"Do you know how to sword?"

"Do you have ideals and pursuits?"

Annie asked six questions in one breath and then looked at Du Dian calmly. "If you are a smart boy, you should already understand that you and me are not a person of the world."

Du Dian quietly looked at her beautiful face. I didn't expect such sharp and even mean words to be said from the mouth of a child who was only 3-4 years older than herself, and it was taken for granted.