
Lord of The Dark City

everything is destroyed. after 300 years mc just wakes up and he must survive in the middle of monsters, how can he survive..?

Yue_xixi · แฟนตาซี
15 Chs


Sheila pulled out a bunch of keys and slammed the door open.

Du Dian looked at the slowly open room and knew that it would be his place to live in the future.

"Dian, come in."Sheila took a pair of Sir's cotton shoes from the small cabinet next to the door and deliberately shook in front of Du Dian's eyes. It seemed to tease him. "This is the uncle's shoes. You should wear it first, and wait for a curfew at night." Before, I will take you to buy a new one."

Du Dian sneaked a little, and even if it was relieved, one of the conditions for adopting a child was that he must be married, that is to say, he still had a nominal father who was not masked.

He consciously took off his thick-skinned shoes on his feet. The rough shoes carved his feet into a few red marks, and when he stepped on the clean cotton shoes, he felt comfortable.

"Come, I will take you to wash first."Sheila is passionate.

Du Dian thought that she could comfortably take a bath, but she saw that she just soaked the towel with warm water, then wring it out and wiped her face and arms. This way of bathing is the same as that of an orphanage.

It's just that the color of the water is much purer.

Du Dian doesn't know that in this world, including the nobility, this kind of "dry cleaning" is used to bathe. People's general perception is that water will weaken the body's function and reduce disease resistance, even if it is The most loved clean aristocrats will only be washed once or twice a year.

After washing, Sheila asked Du Dian to familiarize herself with her at home, and she took Du Dian's rags and took it.

Du Dian made around in the room. As he expected, he didn't see anything with scientific content. Even a simple clockwork alarm clock didn't, and he also saw one only seen in fairy tales. The old-fashioned textile machine, he remembers, the background of the fairy tale seems to be the European medieval period, when it has not entered the steam epoch.

Although a single textile machine can't determine what it is, Du Dian thinks about everything he has seen in the past few months. He is convinced that the civilization of this post-disaster world should have just developed into a bronze epoch before steam and just learned to use metal.

This discovery made him think that some thoughts came out...

In the evening, the sky was getting darker and the air was colder, and it seemed to be raining again.

Sheila worried that Du Dian would be afraid of black, igniting the oil lamp early, and the dim light swayed on Du Dian's face. Every time she saw it, Sheila had a strange feeling, it was too white, and she was whiter than her skin color.

"It's going to rain, isn't your uncle back yet?"Du Dian looked at the window and said.

Sheila smiled and thought that this was a child, saying: "Uncle has been making a batch of goods these few days, not coming back at night, you are hungry, I want to eat what I want to do."

"What to eat if you have something."

"It's a child, let you try your mother's craftsmanship and keep you ready to eat."Sheila is confident and authentic.



In a flash, one month passed.

Du Dian has seen the nominal father, Gray, a tall, thin middle-aged man with a plain appearance and the same personality as Sheila. He is gentle, his profession is a "tailor", and the textile machine at home is his The workbench, when it comes to the "black snow season", will bring the goods to the home to do, after all, there is no fossil and coal stove in the factory.

Sheila's adoption of the child was something they had negotiated. When I first came home to see Du Dian, his expression was astonished as the Sirs in the orphanage, and I was surprised to know that Du Dian was a little autistic. When there are no other problems, I am more satisfied with how many days I can't hold my smile.


The common storms in the rainy season have come again, and the rain has drained.

The Du Dian, who slept in his little room, opened his eyes in vain, suddenly sat up, only to find just a nightmare, and then feel the whole body is soaked in a cold sweat, clothes are sticky sweat on the skin, some uncomfortable, he shook his clothes, suddenly felt a burst of urine, immediately gently out of bed, put on shoes, gently opened the door, But found that the Sheila and her husband room under the door, and the dim light, can not help Yizheng.

So late, they haven't slept yet?

Du Dian suddenly jumped two times in his heart, and he didn't know what he was thinking in his mind, and he approached the past unconsciously.

The building materials of this world did not consider the sound insulation effect. At least the Sheila family did not, and the subtle sound came from the room.

"Do you want to do this?"This is Sheila's voice, with some hesitation.

"I know you like this kid, and I kinda like it, to tell the truth, I also loathe, but, this is a rare opportunity, if he can be Ivy Family Miss Fancy, we can move into the business district, where we will find a better job, if you feel lonely, we will adopt a child, Can afford it anyway. "

"It's not a question of money. I am worried. If Du Dian is married to Ivy Family, this child will not be fond of talking and will be bullied. They are two-world people. I have seen those married to the big family when I was sick. The children are similar to the servants, and some are not as good as the servants."

The room was silent for a while, and Gray's voice continued to sound. "Sheila, you should think like this. He was originally an orphan in a slum. If it wasn't us, it was adopted by another serf family. It's not as good as a servant. And I can live a servant's life in Ivy Family, I don't know how many others I can."


"Well, this matter is so decided. Can it be one thing?"

The room was silent.

The little figure at the door was silent, his small hand clenched into a fist, then slowly loosened, turned around, as if dragging his body, returned to his room, even the previous The urine is forgotten.

Sitting on the bed, Du dian listens to the intermittent rain outside the window, suddenly feel the heart very painful, although he has been Sheila and her husband on behalf of the identity of parents, but this one month's Sheila and her meticulous care, but let him very moved, the heart also a little more warmth, but did not think that the world again like a mockery, breaking the heart of some of the soft beautiful.

When the night was quiet, he suddenly felt very lonely.

Suddenly I missed my knowledge, my father and mother who were strict and gentle, and my sister who always liked to pinch her ears.

Why, why are you left behind with incompetence?!

He clenched his fist, but his heart was very weak. I don't know how long it took in the past. His heart slowly emerged an idea, since...I will never see my parents and my sister again. Then let this strange world return to the appearance that I used to be familiar with!

No one knows that on this rainy night, the historical gear, in this dark and inconspicuous little figure chest, slowly turned forward.
