
Chapter 99:Flora is Terrified....and curious....

Hearing the whispers in his ears caused a wide smile to form on Adryan's face but this only served to make Flora more terrified.

"WHY ARE YOU SMILING YOU SON OF A BITCH YOU JUST SAID THE HONORIFIC NAME OF A GOD WE ARE DEAD" Flora screamed and Adryan said nothing, he just began to draw a sphere of light in his mind.


Opening his eyes he found himself in the already familiar city covered in yellowish smoke.

The smile on Adryan's face was huge and he even let out a hysterical laugh.

"It worked! It really worked!" the pride in the redhead's tone was notorious.

How he decided to change the honorific name was as follows.

He decided to keep the first line but change it slightly.

From <The Fire of Destruction that eradicates depravity> he changed it to <The Scarlet Monarch that burned depravity>

"I originally wanted it to be <God of War> instead of <Red Priest> but that name is already in the honorific name of the three-flavor soup so it better be the other one"

"I don't want to pray to him by accident..." the redhead muttered uncomfortably.

A small problem appeared when it was time to change the second line.

From <Incarnation of Calamities> to <The Calamity forgotten by time>

Although they have no apparent relationship with each other, the new line points to the control he has over the City of Calamities.

That is something that only he has and no one else.

It was also the safest line of the three.

And finally the third and last line remained the same <The closest to the Oldest One>

It was a slight change but it kept the whole essence and that was enough for him.

"With all that done, now I better do what I came to do before Flora dies of a heart attack because I'm not responding" the redhead said calmly as he extended his hand towards a small flame floating next to him.



This is undoubtedly the second moment that she felt more terror in her two hundred years of life.

Being only second to that moment she had in the spirit body of the bastard she was now tied to.

This bastard was crazy and said the honorific name of an existence that was possibly a God!!

'I saved myself from a space of darkness only to die for this idiot!! My luck can't be that horrible!" she thought, horrified, seeing that Adryan didn't respond.

Before she could yell at the man again, she watched as the symbol on the paper in front of him glowed for a few moments.

Suddenly a gate of flames formed in front of him and behind it was a majestic city covered in yellowish smoke.

She could also see what appeared to be soldiers made of fire dressed in rusty red armor and she could also see that there was a figure in front of these soldiers.

Knowing what that could mean she quickly closed her eyes and senses.


She was shaking hard and couldn't believe she was still alive again!!

'It must be a merciful existence to forgive such an offense! but this guy really prayed to a God and 'He' answered?! Is this idiot a blessed one? ' Flora thought more and more in horror as reality hit her head.

'I tried to parasitize the blessed of a God!!!' she thought desperately and this time as she could inside Adryan she 'kneeled' in front of the door without looking up or opening her eyes.


The death that a God was capable of causing was the worst thing one would have the misfortune to suffer.

Not even what she went through before could compare one bit to what a God could do.

Death would be a blessing that she would not have the pleasure of having.

Much less a quick one.

After the longest seconds of her life, nothing happened to her, nor did she suffer a divine punishment, but she did not dare to look up.

After a few moments, she heard how the door of flames seemed to close and felt how Adryan moved.

So with a trembling voice, she asked.

"A-Adryan i-is that still you?"

In writings left behind by her family ancestor,'He' wrote how it was not uncommon for evil gods to use people who spoke their honorific names to use this connection to 'infect' them.

She couldn't know if Adryan was still 'Adryan' so she had better find out as soon as possible.

At the question 'Adryan' let out a short provocative laugh while shaking his head in amusement.

"Why wouldn't I be Flora? Don't tell me you care about me~"

Adryan's words made Flora breathe a sigh of relief but then she snarled angrily.


Hearing Flora's words, Adryan raised an eyebrow while smiling slightly.

"My Lord is just and merciful, 'He' saved me and I owe him everything" he explained calmly and Flora had a ridiculous expression on her face.

"Save?" the question slipped out of her mouth and the redhead nodded.

"Yes save, I received 'His' divine help at my lowest moment and since then I have served 'Him' faithfully" Adryan's tone was that of a faithful believer and Flora was alarmed.

Has this idiot already been infected?

Was this her future?

Adryan just got up and picked up a change of clothes that were on the floor along with a thick wad of bills.

Without shame, he took off all his clothes, remaining only in his underwear before Flora's flat gaze.

The woman didn't say anything and just watched how the redhead got dressed without saying anything, although her eyes were drawn by something.

'They're quite big....' thought the woman, slightly impressed, seeing Adryan's large pectorals and this also made her gaze be drawn to his big nipples.


Adryan, unaware of Flora's perverted thoughts, buttoned the last button of his shirt and then put on a new leather jacket.

"Did you enjoy the show?" the redhead asked coquettishly as he filled the pockets of his new jacket with the things that survived.

Flora just snorted as she looked away.

Seeing that the woman fell silent, Adryan gave a soft laugh as he tucked the metal bottle into a back pocket.

"You don't have to worry about my Lord, 'He' won't hurt you because now you have a debt to pay for the crime you committed" Adryan said when he finished laughing and this made Flora frown worriedly.

"What kind of debt do I have to pay?"

"My Lord believes that each one should be punished according to the crime they committed and since you tried to take my life your debt will be to serve me for 15 years" explained Adrian with a smile and Flora blanched.

"15 years?!" asked Flora surprised, not believing what she had heard.

Adryan nodded and spoke again.

"Normally the punishment for trying to take the life of another would be death but my Lord is a merciful God and understands the situation you were in."

"That's why your punishment will be 15 years of serving me with your abilities and intelligence" Adryan explained without haste.

Listening to the death part, Flora's skin stood on end but then she calmed down.

Thinking more coldly of her 'punishment' she saw that it was acceptable and even less harsh than she expected.

'Serve this idiot for 15 years? If I can barely take it now and only know him for 3 hours, won't I end up dying for something else?' Flora thought annoyed for a few moments before giving a defeated sigh.

'This is better than dying, so the faster I accept this the easier these 15 years will be for me' with the decision made the worm woman spoke.

"It seems like a fair punishment so tell me, my lord Adryan, what do I have to do?" she asked in a calm voice and Adryan laughed.

"First forget about treating me with respect Flora, I really like how we treated each other before so stop licking my balls, will you?" he said provocatively and Flora growled.

"Fuck you bastard" the woman insulted with venom and the redhead nodded.

"Good girl" the man said with a sharp smile.

Pretending that you have someone strong behind you is the best!!


Guys, I started using <Grammarly> since chapter 98, do you notice that it improved something?

If so, I will use it at the weekend to help me correct errors in previous chapters.