
Again with the master.

Marcus still needed time to become a greater god, but the power of the god DakSpak would speed up the process by far, he now felt a much more natural connection to the energy of space.

However the family had to keep this a secret shared with only a few allies. The god DakSpak had been too hasty in immediately giving his power to Marcus, without waiting to understand the current situation or what he could do to help.

They only commented on this to gods they now trusted, such as the dragon matriarch, the god of imagination and Goom.

Goom cried like a child upon learning of his master's decision.

"It's the first time in my life that I can see something like this..." Lucia mentioned to her husband as she saw her brother comforting the old god, even touching his back.

"Yeah...It doesn't hit him to do something like that." Marcus, who already looked radiant and clean, replied.