
Lord of All Races: The Interstellar Era

William, a young man with a passion for gaming and a deep love for strategy games like Warhammer, finds himself thrust into the interstellar era, a realm fraught with peril and unknown dangers. Armed with his strategic mindset and gaming experience, William must navigate the treacherous expanse of space, scavenging for resources, forging alliances, and deciphering the tactics of alien civilizations. ///////////////////////////////////////// If the artwork is yours and you'd prefer it to be removed, just say the word, and I'll take care of it promptly.

A_N_V · สงคราม
25 Chs


William blinked as he looked at the three people who were looking at him with a pitying expression. William's head was working on overdrive as he tried to comprehend what was happening to the whole universe. 

"Then, if there is something beyond the Galaxy. Is it possible that there is something beyond the Universe?" William asked the natural question that he had when he heard the information that had been pushed onto him. 

"We don't know... We are extremely in the dark about what is outside of the Universe. Many think that there is nothing, and many think that some abhorrent horrors are out there lurking outside the Universe. 

Well, we haven't actually completely explored all the galaxies in the Universe. So going out of the Universe is out of the question." Kevin shook his head as he gulped the beer again. 

William sighed as he leaned into the comforting sofa. 

Things were getting interesting. 

William closed his eyes. 


The dim glow of streetlights filtered through William's window, casting a soft illumination across his sparsely furnished apartment. He sat on the edge of his bed, a mix of exhaustion and anticipation swirling in his mind. It had been a long day, filled with unexpected twists and turns.

As he reflected on the events of the evening, a sense of satisfaction washed over him. Despite the chaos and uncertainty, his decision to align himself with Kevin and his associates had proven fruitful. The sale of the gold had provided him with much-needed credits, a tangible step towards his goals.

But even as he counted his newfound wealth, William couldn't shake the weight of unfulfilled promises. He remembered the solemn vow he had made to his father before embarking on his journey—a promise to return home a successful man.

Yet, here he was, back in his humble abode, far from the heights of success he had envisioned. Sure, he technically owned a planet in the vast expanse of the galaxy, but he couldn't access it right now, could he?

As William stood in his cluttered room, he couldn't help but feel a sense of determination wash over him. He had spent too long wallowing in self-pity, too long letting the mess around him reflect the chaos within. It was time for a change.

With a sigh, he rolled up his sleeves and set to work. One by one, he gathered the empty snack packets and discarded wrappers, tossing them into a trash bag with a newfound sense of purpose. It was a battle more hard-fought than the Battle of Resin.

Hours passed, the sun dipping below the horizon as William worked tirelessly to clean his room. The echoes of his efforts reverberated through the silent space, a testament to his determination to leave the past behind.

Finally, as the last bit of clutter was cleared away, William stepped back to survey his handiwork. Though far from perfect, his room was now clean and tidy.

As he lay on the bed in the familiar room, a mix of emotions swirled within him. This room had been witness to both his moments of joy and his deepest sorrows. Yet, despite the memories it held, he knew it was time to move on. With enough funds to finally return home, he felt a sense of closure wash over him.

Closing his eyes, he allowed himself to drift into a state of relaxation. In that moment, it felt as though time itself was bending, and the boundaries of space were cracking open.

When he opened his eyes again, a small smile tugged at the corners of his lips. He had returned!

Taking a deep breath to steady his nerves, he rose from the bed with determination. There was much to be done.

Currently on [Turn: 3], he had sought information from Kevin and his associates indirectly, hoping they possessed something akin to his unique [Turn] system. However, his efforts had proved fruitless.

Reflecting on the situation, he realized the significance of the distinction between his abilities and those of others. His talent was not meant to be possessed by anyone; it was a force meant to be sealed and suppressed. 

Despite the uncertainty surrounding his circumstances, he found solace in the fact that the trial had offered a fair chance of survival. Speculations swirled in his mind, but he knew dwelling on them served no purpose.

Doubt lingered in his mind, a nagging sense of paranoia threatening to cloud his judgment. Yet, he refused to succumb to uncertainty. With steely resolve, he redirected his focus to the tasks at hand, dismissing thoughts that served only to distract him from his goals.

Amidst a flurry of meetings and the meticulous study of the Empire's constitution, he delved into the intricacies of its laws. Understanding the legal framework was essential; it would enable him to navigate the treacherous waters of politics with finesse.

One crucial aspect of his agenda loomed large: the appointment of the Elector Dukes, a mandate dictated by the very constitution he now pored over. It was a responsibility he could not afford to overlook.

Yet, amidst the bustle of his plans, his attention was unexpectedly drawn to Gweniwith.

"Your majesty, staring at me in such an obvious way will create unwanted rumors..." Gweniwith's voice cut through William's thoughts, her expression cool and composed. However, her words barely registered with him. His attention was fixated on the shimmering blue bubble above her head, adorned with a glowing number 'one' and an upward-pointing arrow, radiating a lustrous golden hue.

Ignoring Gweniwith's admonition, William focused his mind, reaching out towards the bubble hovering above her. With a simple mental command, an extended panel of skills and abilities unfolded before him, sending a thrill of excitement coursing through him.

It dawned on him that this bubble symbolized the potential for every commander to level up through his unique talent. As William delved into the intricacies of the panel, he gained a deeper understanding of its advantages and drawbacks.

Within the panel, two distinct categories caught his attention. The first, LegionArchs, represented the highest echelon of leadership within a Legion. At present, that esteemed position belonged to Gweniwith, according to his talent.

As William continued to explore the panel, his attention shifted to the second category: PrimeArchs. Unlike the Legion Arches, this category remained unclaimed within the army hierarchy. PrimeArchs, he learned, served as multifaceted assets, bolstering the army's strength and logistical capabilities through various means.

While LegionArchs emphasized synchronicity and strategic coordination, PrimeArchs specialized in maximizing damage output and providing crucial buffs to the Legion. Their roles extended beyond the battlefield, encompassing tasks such as reconnaissance, espionage, and more.

It dawned on William that the allocation of these Archs and their respective skill trees would ultimately fall under his decision. With careful consideration, he would need to dedicate each Arch to specific builds tailored to the army's needs.

Glancing at the panel once more, William noted that the optimal distribution of skill points would yield the greatest returns in the Mechskill tree, a specialization Gwen had potential inside her body, according to his talent. 

The first skill of the skill tree was the ability to handle the stress of piloting High Mech. This skill, in and of itself would be enough to start a war. 

William planned how to give this to Gwen. 

However, even as he strategized, a pressing concern loomed over his mind: the economic turmoil gripping the realm. In the aftermath of the war, the relentless churn of the war economy and the mass production of mechs had plunged the common people into financial distress, threatening to spiral out of control.

Recognizing that economic stabilization was paramount, William resolved to prioritize this issue above all else. His decision to halt the war wasn't solely driven by military considerations; he had also foreseen the dire economic consequences that would ensue if hostilities persisted unchecked.

Though he could have easily subdued the successionist faction and asserted control over the planet, William understood the folly of expanding his influence amidst an economic crisis. For now, his focus remained steadfast on restoring stability and prosperity to his realm, laying the groundwork for a brighter future ahead.

But all was not grim. He had eliminated his factions only High Mech which made the economic strain a little less tight, and the scraps and damaged mechs and techs were salvaged and sold or taken, so the economy was getting steadily getting back, but it needed time. 

Despite William's victories in the war, his citizens harbored lingering discontent. The fact that he had achieved the seemingly impossible and delivered justice to the Dawnites by dismantling the four dukes was not sufficient to appease their grievances. In the eyes of many, it seemed that no amount of success or sacrifice would ever be enough to satisfy their demands.

The weight of their dissatisfaction hung heavy in the air, a constant reminder of the precarious balance William strove to maintain between his duties as a ruler and the expectations of his people. As he navigated the complexities of governance, he knew that true stability and unity would require more than just military triumphs

As the second month unfolded, a small but persistent uprising threatened to disrupt the fragile public order that William had painstakingly sought to restore. Despite his reluctance to resort to harsh measures, the gravity of the situation left him with little choice but to issue stern commands to the military, instructing them to quell any signs of unrest with decisive force.

Though the uprising itself posed no significant threat, its persistence grated on William's nerves. Their access to advanced technology, likely facilitated by outside factions such as the Krossarr or the Secessionists, only served to exacerbate the situation.

Caught between the need to maintain control and the desire to avoid unnecessary bloodshed, William walked a fine line, acutely aware of the consequences of missteps in such tumultuous times. Every decision weighed heavily on him as he grappled with the delicate balance of power and the responsibility of safeguarding the welfare of his people.

It was a one-sided massacre when the military found out the hideout of the uprising, and for that, William created a 'potion' that could make a person able to piolet a High Mech. 

As a gift of finding and culling a rebellion, William gifted the 'potion' to Gwen, which made her instantly suspicious. The vile bubbling of green liquid didn't help. 

He had made the 'potion' so much bitter that he himself had retched when he tasted it, so as to make it at least believable. 

However, despite her reservations, Gwen reluctantly consumed the potion. To both her surprise, the effects were nothing short of miraculous. As the "potion" took effect, Gwen experienced a remarkable enhancement in her neural connection to Mech, unlocking a newfound level of proficiency and excitement within her.

Observing the transformation in Gwen's demeanor, from skepticism to genuine excitement, William felt a flicker of trust begin to blossom within him. The gleam of determination in her eyes spoke volumes, reassuring him that perhaps, amidst the chaos and uncertainty, there were allies he could rely on.
