

She close her eyes as a wave of dizziness wash over her, it was her first time outside the house, she never made it past the gate before passing out as she wasn't use to the weather outside. She look across the street of her big mansion where she lived with her ever caring nanny after she lost her parents to a car accident. She was left alone at a young age with a fortune that will never run out even with years to come. As she count her step like a new born trying to get close to the road inorder to see the outside world except her white washed room. She placed her leg on the road with a satisfied smile, seeing as she didn't lose her balance she placed the other and walk forward. "Miss Unique!!!!!" she heard her nanny scream echo behind her, looking up she was met with a sudden rush of a racing car which made her weak heart racy. Unique went down falling on her knees knowing for sure she will be hit, maybe it will be her final moment, maybe God wanted her to get a glimpse of the outside world before he took her back. A tears ran down her cheek and she waited to meet her maker and question him why he was being unfair to her since day one. "Don't cry, I don't know how to comfort a crying woman" came a calm masculine voice. Unique who was still on the floor slowly raise her head to be met with a pair of light brown eyes that was staring right at her through his long lashes. She thought for a moment that she was dead, and maybe she was being taken away by an angel who was glowing and way too good looking to keep an eye contact with. "Are you taking me to the after life" came her soft voice which came out low and almost a whisper. "Would you go with me if I am?" came his reply. Unique thought for a brief moment before replying. "If I will be happy and free then I will go anywhere with you" she said to him. She was answered with a chuckle which shook her and made her smile also as she believe her new beginning was going to be strange, and maybe just maybe eventful. Tags: #Romance, #paranormal, #thriller Written By: Cassie_berry134

Cassie_Berry134 · แฟนตาซี
46 Chs

Do you want to hear a story

Cassius finally stood up his chair and approach Garrett.

"You were little then but I hope you understand what took place years ago, it shouldn't repeat it self. Now that the law has made enforcement against human killing you might want to keep her at bay and out of trouble, it wouldn't be nice to hunt down your family member" Cassius said.

"I hope not" came Garrett reply.

Cassius nodded and turn away to walk back to his seat.

"By the way I know you wouldn't have let Nalla out even if she pleaded with you I wonder how she got out to begin with?" Cassius asked looking over to Garrett whose face had darkened up, Cassius finally understood what took place and nodded.

"I guess I would save my self the answer, if you have nothing else to say you may leave now I have other things to take care of" Cassius said to Garrett who nodded before walking out.

Back at the mansion Unique had her self locked up in the room, she couldn't handle the pressure of Garrett parents, they were still in the mansion with them.

She had tried starting a conversation but she was too scared and terrified, no one was replying her.

"Miss Unique I don't know what going on anymore, does this family likes cosplaying?" Sophie who was up in the room with her said, Fernandez had let her go with Unique earlier to keep the lady company.

"Why do you say that Sophie?" Unique asked her maid.

"Don't you notice they all have on the weird color contacts and sharp teeth, I thought it was only the sister who was into cosplaying it seems even the parents are serious about it" Sophie replied.

"Shush Sophie the walls have ears, you should be careful of what you say, I don't want to hear you speak of this again," Unique cautioned which made Sophie zip her lips.

"I will get you something to eat now, excuse me"Sophie said and made her way out the room locking it from behind.

Unique turned away and made her way to the balcony where she sniff in the cool breeze of the evening, the sun was setting and her day was becoming darker, Garrett had been out since this morning, he had a frown on all through out the night.

Nalla sat in her suppose room laying on the bed, she had just woken up after a long time and she felt energize than any other. She was forbade to step out her room but being who she always was nothing could tie her down to a spot.

With a wide smile she sat up the bed, her mirror which was directly facing the bed showed her well toned slim face, her fang was at it full glory as she smiled. Her red eyes shone beneath her tick lashes.

"Nalla Nalla what shall we do today, shall we have some fun?" She laughed throwing her head back.

After dressing up finely Nalla stepped out of her room and walk down the stairs, her black gown reaching her kneels, her blonde hair around her shoulders.

As soon as she step down the last flight of stairs, she turn her head and look over at the cat under the coffee table, she gave it a knowing smirk before proceeding to walk away.

Arriving at the supernatural realm, Nalla grin at the familiar surrounding, she walk along the part of the busy streets where carriage went around picking people to their destination.

Some had their cars to transport them, Nalla stop in front of a shop where jewelries where sold, she look at the finely made gold necklace that stood out proudly on the show glass catching the eyes of passerby.

Nalla look beyond the glass and see the piece maker seating on her work stood carving and taking notes of designs, behind her was a pair of tiny wings that was fluttering Left and right.

"Would you look at that, a fae out of her realm roaming around predators, funny how she thinks her illusion will last long," Nalla said seeing through the fae appearance illusion which she made to appear different Infront of others.

Nalla walked away from the show glass into the street exploring the realm and catching up on what she was missing for the last hundred years.

Garrett arrived home he made his way to his dining room where his parents were having dinner.

Mr Smith look up from his meal and at his son.

"You are back, sit have your meal" His father told him.

"Where is Unique?" Garrett asked them, is mother hissed at his manner.

"Don't speak of that insignificant human while we eat Garrett, I thought I told you to get ride of her" His mother said.

"Your wedding with Malta has been finalized Garrett the sooner you get ride of that human girl the better. Malta only will be your wife, she would be moving in here tomorrow, I have had her room cleaned out." Mr Smith said.

Garrett paid less attention to their ranting and had his meal. Finally he climb up to his room, shrugging open the door he met Unique asleep on the bed. She jolted awake looking over at the door.

Garrett she called with squinted eyes staring at him.

"Hmm did I woke you up" Garrett asked and Unique shook her Shook her head sitting up as he approached her .

"Garrett?" Unique called again and he answered by coming close to her on the bed.

"Yes kitten?"

"Are you still mad at me, am sorry" she asked apologizing, she felt bad the whole day knowing she probably caused an unknown chaos.

"How could I be angry at this kitten if give me those looks, I could never stay angry with you, no matter what I know you are my curious cat and definitely you will always get in trouble for it". Came Garrett reply.

He tap his finger on her forehead and she wince at the soothing pain.

"Kitten do you want to hear a story?" Garrett asked and Unique look up at him where she lay in his arms, she nodded.

"Alright then listen carefully kitten because not all humans are weak, some were born human but they are demons in disguise", Garrett told her.

"Back when human were hunted down by predators before the rules set us apart, there lives this naive little girl in her big mansion surrounded by her unruly family who were nothing less than a wild predators. She lived differently from the rest of her kind, she was too kind too gentle and almost human at heart.

One day she fell in love with a human male who claimed he loved her, he showed her the world he took her to what was above love just to make her caught in his web. But one day he did the unspeakable which marked her forever, he snatched her off her goodness making her worse than the devil himself, her kindness turned wickedness and her pretty life turned gory she became the nightmare he made her live. It was all so he could live a life of eternity filled with power and the greatest predator ever made.

Back at an old mansion in the supernatural realm, Nalla sat on the stood playing on a piano her favorite haunting song, the sound of it filling the web filled mansion everything was covered in a red table clothes.

The chandelier shook as the note went higher and higher moving up along the dark corridor and along the candles lite path, as it kept going higher the chandelier shatter and a piece of it cut through Nalla cheek where her blood trail down her curved lips. Her eyes open and a hit of dark crimson red flash through her eyes which was far from her normal red eye color.