Garou in Lookism. Personality is sort of different. It's more up-to-date with his current personality in the ONE webcomic..... I suck at writing so don't expect anything good... I don't own anything, all stuff belongs to original authors. As for the cover. I dunno. The cover does not belong to me....
Garou looked awkwardly at the group of thugs who had gathered before him. In front of them were the two dudes from before, the small and big dudes. Sighing, Garou shrugged his shoulders as he looked at the God Dogs. No one particularly good had come, these guys would be easy honestly….
The group looked at him, glaring, their "imposing" figures stepping forwards. Garou stared on, flexing his hands a bit. The people before him weren't really anything to speak of, but they did have a different style from most regular delinquents. There black matching hoodies with the dog insignia, grey and blue pants, and so on. Most possessed weapons, baseball bats, wooden sticks, knuckle dusters, you name it.
"So you are the bastard who beat up my bros?" One of them came up, his brilliant yellow hair swaying in the wind as he slouched, the delinquent's gross yellow teeth bared to view.
"Yes…." Garou smirked, going in even closer, his face centimeters away from the blondie. "And what are you gonna do about it huh?" Grinning, Garou stepped back, looking as the group of God Dogs came down the hill, all pretty pissed off. The two from before Idiot A and Idiot B were in quite the sorry state, partially wrapped in bandages, and Idiot A seemed to have a cast. How terrible….
"Bastard… I'll show you something!" The blonde took his fist, smashing it into the side of Garou's head.
"Oh….. That hurt?" Garou bent back a little, touching his cheek. It didn't really hurt. Not in the slightest. He barely felt a thing. "Well, I'll do you one better!"
Smiling sadistically, Garou chuckled suddenly, his right arm flickered out of view, and in a second, his fist arrived, viciously punching down.
The blonde was sent flying uphill, careening about, before he landed in the grass, bleeding gruesomely. It wouldn't kill him, but it would definitely leave the guy in the hospital for a while.
A few of the other thugs looked at each other in agreement, charging forwards, weapons at the ready as they jumped upon Garou, screaming.
The rest stayed behind, somewhat confident that their comrades would be able to end this.
"Oh. Well, here they come…." Sprinting forwards, Garou met them head-on, becoming a complete blur as he unleashed a storm of fists upon the group, demolishing and beating them to pulp.
A delinquent swung his baseball bat, which was effortlessly dented by one of Garou's many fists, and the owner of it, beaten down in seconds.
Kicking out, the wolf-like man punted a red-haired guy into the rest of the delinquents, countless grunts and gasps echoing about. It had only been a minute, but almost half of them were down.
Garou made his way up the hill, beating the crap out of the random stragglers. Dodging a blow, he chopped down on the guy's neck, prompting him to fall to the floor, screaming in pain.
Grabbing another bat, Garou smashed it, butt-first into the side of another one's head. Bloodstains covered the grass and pavement.
"Aah!!!" Idiot B felt a dull thud, as Garou sent him flying off the hill once more, his chest throbbing in pain.
Another got into an amateur boxing stance, his fist flying out towards Garou in quick successional jabs.
Moving through them like flowing water, Garou punched the thug/boxer in the gut, blood splurting from the delinquent's mouth.
Idiot A looked on in terror. This wasn't a street fight….. It was a one-sided beatdown....
He trembled in shock as Garou dispatched the rest of the God Dogs with ease.
The thing about Garou was that it seemed like he wasn't even trying. It seemed like he was strolling through a park. Well, they technically were in a park at the moment but…. Whatever. He had breezed through the others like they were paper mache or some other crappy metaphor.
Idiot A compared the silver-haired man before him, as a similar entity to their leader. Johan Seong. But there was one key difference. Johan was a skilled fighter, exuding pure elegance and of course, skill in his fights.
On the other hand….. Garou?
No need for that, when you can utterly demolish any opponent. Speed and strength can easily triumph when superior enough….. If he were to actually use any martial arts, then Idiot A, though being the idiot he was, had no doubt that this guy could probably go head to toe with Johan Seong.
Of course, that was what he thought. Garou?
He had no idea who Johan even was.
"Fwoom!" The last thing Idiot A saw was a fist to the head.
Looking around, Garou was once again, like many other days in his life, surrounded by a bunch of half-dead, bruised bodies.
"Now….. Let's head back~" Walking away, Garou hummed. Though he liked this hill, standing around a bunch of unconscious thugs wasn't much of a novelty.
Walking down the street, above the street lamps flickered slightly, illuminating the ground with artificial light. Countless cars were parked on the street, most of them older and worn, as this area was quite the old neighborhood.
A cold breeze blew about, causing Garou's nose to twitch. Walking around a small tree, he noticed that he was nearing Daniel's convenience store. Better not bother him right now.
Passing through a park, Garou walked, step by step, looking up into the night sky. Though this area was on the outskirts of Seoul, there was still a lot of light pollution sadly…
Breathing out some cold air, Garou walked across the road. As normal, today, he wore a black long-sleeved shirt and loose yoga pants.
"Phew!" Suddenly, from behind him, Garou heard the sound of someone rapidly breathing in and out. Stepping to the side, he shrugged his shoulders, eyes narrowing as he stared at the jogger. It was the woman from before…. A beautiful sight indeed. She wore a thin pink tank top that showed off her curves and a pair of thick black jogging pants. Sweeping her wavy black hair to the side, she was completely covered with sweat. Crystal Choi.
Turning slightly, their eyes met in recognition and immediately flickered apart, each party not really interested in chatting at the moment.
Passing by, Crystal jogged on her hips swaying and her hair swaying in the air.
Garou felt something unsettling about her. There was something about her that felt weird….. It was his instincts. Shrugging it off, he continued on, walking to Daniel's house.
"Who the hell was that guy!" One of them screamed, propping himself against the willow tree, blood staining the side of his mouth.
"Achoo!" Another one of them coughed, the wind blowing in his face.
The delinquents were in a pretty chaotic state. They had been completely thrashed.
"God….. What are we going to tell Johan…." A burly bald dude sat there, nursing his throbbing right arm.
"Oh…. This is going to become even more complicated." Idiot A grimaced, feeling his head ache in pain.
Next Day….
"Aww..." A female voice above him prompted Garou to sigh. What a problem child indeed. Mary Kim stood above him, her long blonde hair and everything. She appeared to be touching his weird messy hair in fascination. "You look sorta like a puppy!" Mary exclaimed, patting his head.
Garou looked up, rolling his eyes as he stared into the beautiful girl's dark blue eyes. She smiled back, her luscious lips pursing up.
Glaring murderously, Garou turned back to his food, honestly wanting to beat her up. Did she know anything about personal space?
But…. It was also sort of nice… In the past, he was never really popular with girls. Well, there were a few obvious reasons why…..
Chewing, Garou felt the jealous eyes of many other boys staring at him. Mary Kim was popular and beautiful after all, with her hourglass figure and bright, unblemished skin.
"So…. How long are you going to do this?" Garou asked her.
"Well~ I'll do it until I'm satisfied~" She spoke back, nonchalantly flipping his hair around.
"God….." Garou sighed, trying to focus on his food.
"Singing….. Never really got into it before, but my dad said I have a pretty good voice ...." Sitting on the classroom table, Garou watched as Daniel clumsily attempted to sing a song. It actually sounded pretty good, with his new... Prodigy genes and everything.
"Really? I've been practicing with…. Both! It's working!" Daniel smiled, his mushroom head swaying in the breeze. Through the window, rays of sunlight shone in, illuminating the empty classroom.
The two were just chilling, having nothing better to do.
"You know…. Maybe I should teach you a thing or two….. " Garou tapped a pencil against his chin, staring down at the straggling students, who walked around pointlessly.
Confirmed Love Interests?
Crystal Choi
Mary Kim (Not Park. I put park before.)
Random OC's
Others. Meh.
Best Lookism Character:
Eden (The Dog.)
Fight me.