
Lookism: Pornhwa

Basically, what if Lookism was a pornhwa? Daniel discovers he now has a second body and takes full advantage of it. A/N: At the start, Daniel is still socially awkward, but as he meets more girls, he starts to become more confident and has more rizz. Caution: This is a Harem story, so MC will be more of a scumbag and has purely physical relationships with girls. NTR-haters rejoice, there will not be any in this story. I'm only writing this because I am bored at work and I wanted to practice writing romance and R18 scenes. There is going to be more 'plot' than actual plot, so, just a heads up. I created a new account to post this story because I didn't want my previous works to be associated with this story. Maybe one of you can guess who I am from my writing style.

PeakCulture · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
72 Chs


Obviously there was a lot that Daniel couldn't share with Sophie.

Things he felt embarrassed about and secrets about his new body.

But Daniel didn't want to feel ashamed of his mother. Never again. So he neither proudly nor shamefully told Sophie about his family situation when she asked. He just said it casually without emotions.

His father died when he was young, and his mother struggled to raise him as a single mother. Because she didn't have a good education, she could only make money doing odd jobs or tedious labour. As a result, their family was rather poor. But despite their lack of wealth, his mother still did her best to provide him with as comfortable a life as she could afford, even skimping on her own food and clothes to pamper him. So Daniel is determined to make enough money in the future so that she can have a comfortable life without worrying about money.

After hearing his story, Sophie almost burst into tears. She thought Daniel's filial piety was admirable and she felt sorry for their family situation.

Growing up, Sophie never experienced what can be remotely construed as a poor lifestyle. Her father was a landlord who owned a few small buildings in the city, so their family never lacked for money even if they weren't super wealthy. Her weekly allowance was 500 thousand won, and she spent it carelessly on any designer clothes or beauty products she wanted to buy without considering frugality.

So hearing how Daniel had to 'suffer' in such a poor household made Sophie want to pamper him with gifts. Such a handsome guy shouldn't have to stay in an old shack or wear cheap clothes, she thought.

Of course, such sentiments only applied because Daniel was attractive - or more specifically, because Sophie was physically attracted to Daniel.

If Daniel had told Sophie this story in his old body, she would probably have just said, 'So what? Is it my problem?'

Daniel was not expecting any pity or praise when he told her about his family situation. He just told her since she asked, and he would not have said anything if she didn't.

"Wow, your mom is amazing."

Daniel smiled fondly, "Yeah, she is. Even though sometimes I am a bad son, she still does her best for me…"

"I'm sure you are a great son!" Sophie asserted.

Daniel didn't speak further, but just remembering how he had screamed at her in front of his bullies, and how he always blamed her for their family's financial situation even though he knew she was trying her best…

"Now I am embarrassed about my parents… My dad is just a landlord who collects rent from his tenant. He doesn't work hard like at all. And my mom just goes out all the time with her friends to restaurants, spas and salons." Sophie said.

"Hey, don't say that about your parents. I'm sure they worked hard so that they could give you a comfortable home. Our situation may be different, but we should still be thankful to our parents." Daniel chided her. He felt hypocritical for saying it when he had been such a disrespectful little shit only days ago, but he thought it was still important to say it.

Although she was chided, Sophie felt Daniel didn't have any bad intentions. He just spoke his mind, which wasn't a bad thing. And oddly enough, seeing a stern Daniel made her heart flutter even more.

Blushing warmly, Sophie nodded and subconsciously held his arm even tighter, "Mn, you're right. Sorry oppa."

Seeing her appearance, Daniel felt like he could have said anything and she would agree.

"Uhm you don't have anything to apologise for. We are just chatting after all." He said in response.

It seemed like his words only made her redden even further, however.

'He is so nice… where else can you find someone so hot yet so nice? What a catch!'

Truthfully, she didn't care that Daniel's family was poor. One was because she knew her family was quite wealthy, so she would never need to worry about money. As an only child, she was set to inherit her father's properties to manage when she grew older.

Secondly, she could see the resolution in Daniel's eyes when he said he wanted to make lots of money so that he could let his mother live a comfortable life. It was an unwavering drive that shone in his expression.

Sophie knew that Daniel would never fall short of his goals with such an unshakable determination.

Thinking back to Daniel's steadfast and strong filled words, Sophie felt even more attracted to him now. A driven and ambitious man has always been attractive to women. A driven, ambitious, kind and absolutely drop dead gorgeous man? That's a 100/10 man right there.

Sophie thought she had metaphorically struck gold when she wasn't even digging for it!