
Looking For The Beginning

Mae's been having vivid dreams ever since she was very young. As she grows up, they seem to be getting worse. As she tries to sort out her state, she forms a relationship with a familiar figure from her dreams. The truth begins to unfold as she confronts her fears. Are they just dreams? Or are they memories from her past life?

Everheart · แฟนตาซี
35 Chs

Chapter 24 - A fair fight

"What did he say?" Min Joon asked one day during a break.

"Uh-", I stopped slurping my juice box. 

"Oi you're hogging my space jerk!" Nyx shoved him and took his spot on the bench. 

"Jeez, there's plenty of space", Min Joon muttered moving to the corner of the bench in front of me. 

"We left after some time", Chloe said, her mouth full of macaroni, "Both of them talked for like so long".

"What?" Min Joon said, "You let them be together? Alone?"

I smirked, "Yeah, what's wrong with that? It was his restaurant….not his house".

"Ugh, seriously?" Min Joon said furiously while eating his happy meal, "What did you two have to talk so long? Don't tell me he asked for forgiveness and-"

"Actually he did", I said. 

I filled him in with what happened as we were having lunch. Since my friends weren't also there for our alone talk I let them know as well.

Min Joon sighed, "Well if that's the case….then I really don't know".

I felt a bit of reluctance in his voice. I watched as he fumbled with the empty packets. 

"Mae?" He asked, "You know what you're doing right?"

"Y-yes I'm sure", I replied.

He got up and went over to the table where his other friends were. 

"Well", Darcel said, "That was sudden".

I buried my face on the table.

"He's jealous", Chloe announced. 

"That was pretty obvious", Nyx agreed. 

"Shame….", Darcel sighed dramatically.

Yes, shame…I thought remembering Taeyang. Sure, Min Joon has those gorgeous two toned eyes and he's very protective not to mention supportive and funny. But Taeyang's just like so unreal. Almost as if he'd brought some of that princeliness to this world. 

Black looks hella good on him, I thought and then stopped. 

What am I even thinking?

I sat up and slapped myself. 

"Girl, you okay?", Darcel edged away from me as if I've gone crazy. 

"Oh damn!" I said. 

"Now what?" Nyx asked. 

"I forgot to get his number…."

"Why don't you go get it after lecs then?" Chloe suggested. 

"Good idea", I said and got up as my alarm rang. 

"She didn't mean it!" Darcel said.

"I'm going to the washroom! See you during the class!"

"Talk about a girl who times her lunch", Nyx said, "Damn".

"Uncle Wen?" I called into my phone while walking, "I'm having tea outside, don't wait for me".

"You're coming back for dinner though missy", He said laughing, "You're growing up too fast".

I laughed, "I know, love you".

It was still freezing and I had to wear my scarf. The roads weren't that noisy today and I was able to walk without getting pushed around by noisy people. 

I burst into the restaurant and sighed comfortably as a blast of warmth greeted me. 

The receptionist came forward, "You have a reservation madame?"

Definitely Italian, I thought. 

"Um, no", I said, "I'm actually here for someone".

"Ah, a guest?"

"Oh no no", I said nervously, "It's for um… Taeyang?"

"Oh! the young master?", He said flustered, "I didn't know…. Hang on madame".

Before I could say anything he hurried over to the phone and started dialling. 

His name tag had "Luvigi" on it. By the time he came back he was sweating profusely. 

Is he having a stroke or something? I thought, alarmed. 

"Madame, master Taeyang told me to arrange a table and some food for you", He said smiling nervously. 

"Eh? You don't have to" I said. 

"Oh no no, madame", Luvigi said, "Besides he insists and so do I…."

So he still has that effect huh? I thought looking at him scanning for tables

I called it the "Do as I say or die" effect. The only ones who aren't affected by Taeyang's aura are Min Joon, his own dad, and me. I remembered him mentioning something about a little brother. For some reason all that came into my head was a demon baby in a nappy. 

Luvigi settled me at a table and hurried off to order the best food in the world. I was just sitting there nervously picking at the table cloth until I heard a screech. 

Remind me to never accept a car ride from him, I thought as I watched in horror. The car skid over pavement with a loud screech. 

Taeyang got out of the car with Luvigi fussing over his clothes. 

He smiled at the sight of me. 

This time he was wearing a long sleeved t-shirt with the sleeves folded at his elbows. I remember Min Joon wearing something similar to this. The buttons again. But….It looks better on- nevermind. 

"Hey", He said, tucking the key-rings away. 

"I just wanted your number, but um… your receptionist is full blown on serving a feast….?"

"Oh yes", He said checking his phone, "You came for tea?"

"Uh", I was at a loss for words, "Yeah…. Like a small cream bun?"

He chuckled, "I'll pay, so I don't mind".

"I can pay too you know", I said defensively, "My dad gives me pocketmoney"

I took out my strawberry pouch and shook it in his face. 

"That's nice", He said taking out his Calvin Klein wallet, "I get my um…. 'Pocket Money' from my business".

It was bulging with cash and credit cards. 

I gulped, "Nevermind, pay all you want".

"So what did you want to know?" He asked. 

"Uh it's nothing really", I said taking out my phone, "I just wanted your…. Um… number".

"Oh yes, I was thinking of that too", He said, "I'll give you a ring. Just tell me your number".

A ring…. My mind wandered. 


"Ah yes!" I blushed and told the number. 

Once we were done adding each other, Luvigi came with another waiter and set the dishes on the table. 

"You're late", Taeyang said, his voice cold once more. 

Both of them flinched. Luvigi looked like he was about to burst into tears. 

"It's fine", I intervened, "Good selection Luvigi".

"T-thank you madame", He bowed gratefully. 

"Hm", Taeyang waved them off and they left as if they were aiming for a medal at a marathon. 

Nice selection indeed, I thought looking at the assorted selection of cream pies, cupcakes, biscuits and tea. 

I didn't want to look too greedy so I started nibbling at a biscuit. 

Taeyang of course went straight to his tea. He raised the cup and drank it. 

I just watched him. His neat strands of hair. His straight jawline. His adam's apple bobbing up and down. And all the way down to his open chest. His skin was almost like jade. 

Snap out of it! I ordered my head. 

"So Mae," He said, "I told you about my little brother. What about you?"

"Oh it's just me, my dad and my uncle", I said.

"Ah", He said, "Funny how such things change too".

"I know right!" I said, "I used to have a brother, but now you do. I still wish Soochul was here though. He was so nice to me….".

"My one's almost fourteen", Taeyang said, "He literally depends on me because dad doesn't have much time to be with him and help him out. And he doesn't know how to take care of kids you know…."

"But you do?" I asked. 

"Oh yes", He said fondly, "Before mom died, both of us took care of him. Did I tell you his name? He's Rocco".

"Aw, that's such a cute name", I said. Doesn't sound like a demonic baby. 

"Does he look like you?" I asked.

"He looks a bit like my mom and a bit like me too", He said doubtfully.

"I want to see him", I said casually.

"Why don't you come over then?" He said. 

"Me?" I asked, laughing. 

I can almost imagine uncle Wen, Going into boys houses? What is he? Your husband? You're not going anywhere Ah Mae… at least not until I see if he's worthy. 

Our conversation continued for so long I lost track of time. 

What both of us didn't notice was Min Joon glare as he stood outside watching us laugh. 

He clenched his fist. 

Last time he intervened, not only did I lose my life….but she lost hers as well. Is he trying to recreate everything again?

Taeyang set down the bun he was buttering and looked out, making eye contact with Min Joon.

He blinked for a few moments processing the reason why he was here, standing outside. Then he smirked. 

That bastard, Min Joon thought and raised both his middle fingers. 

Taeyang didn't do anything but to divert his attention back to me. 

He didn't say anything…but it was all clear to Min Joon.

I have her attention now.

Min Joon let out an angry huff and walked down the road. 

You wanna fight your highness? Oh, it's on. Both of us are equals now…. No classes, no titles. 

Just me and you. 

Looks, like we're entering the main part of this novel folks. Stay updated! Url don't wanna miss a good fight do you?

Everheartcreators' thoughts