
Looking For The Beginning

Mae's been having vivid dreams ever since she was very young. As she grows up, they seem to be getting worse. As she tries to sort out her state, she forms a relationship with a familiar figure from her dreams. The truth begins to unfold as she confronts her fears. Are they just dreams? Or are they memories from her past life?

Everheart · แฟนตาซี
35 Chs

Chapter 20- Taeyang

'I'm not forgiving you', I said, refusing to make eye contact. 'Besides I did scold you in return. I think you deserved it'.

'I did', Min Joon said shuffling his feet. 

It was a cold December day. The project week had passed without my participation and the concert was coming up. 

Min Joon's breath came out in a white mist every time he spoke. My fellow comrades were keeping an eye on me. Sneak-attack style. 

'Mae', He said, 'I don't know how you did this but, ever since you spoke to me that day ...I keep remembering everything. Sometimes it's scary but….'.

'Do you remember how you died?', I asked him suddenly.

I didn't want to hold back anymore. 

'Y-yes', He said, 'I died….for you'

My heart pounded. 

'I don't know how to say this but', I said, 'But right after died, I killed myself'

He blinked at me for several moments.

'What?!', He said, grabbing my shoulders, 'I died for you! Why did you do that! You could've lived with Taehyun. He was like so much better than m-'

'I couldn't', I said, 'He wasn't the person I liked. I liked ... .Jae-Sung'.

'Oh', He said seriously, then blushed. 

Now that I noticed, he seemed to have changed a bit. His coldness seemed to have vanished along with his merging memories. He was still so unbelievably stylish…even his scarf was, as I noticed, high quality material. But he was more smiley and humble. It was almost as if he was becoming Jae-Sung all over again.

Please don't change, I prayed. I don't want to fall in love with you again. 

Just looking at him was enough. He's got so many girls queuing for him but he just didn't care. 

'Anyways', He coughed into his hand, 'I owe you. You made me understand this mess without going crazy. So will you let me buy you somethi-'

'Coffee', I said without thinking, 'It's cold. I need something warm'.

He smiled, 'Very well'.

It wasn't a school day so I had an entire day. I told dad and uncle Wen about this and they too agreed that I must go and speak everything out. Uncle Wen of course understood my reasons but all dad knew was that I had gotten into a spat with some rich dude. It's better to have it that way. Like uncle said, dad's not the sort to believe such things. 

People live and die Mae, that's all there is. I don't believe anything else after that. 

I typed a quick message to my friends before leaving the premises. I didn't know where they were but I knew they were here. 

Of course, Min Joon had to pick out the wealthiest and the fanciest looking place in town for coffee. It wasn't even a coffee shop, more like a luxurious restaurant. I couldn't help but gape at the glassy chandeliers. 

Min Joon picked out a table for two at a quiet corner. The only thing I liked about fancy restaurants was that it's quiet. Fast food places are usually so rowdy with little children crying and grandmas arguing. I hated the environment in such places.

'-Mae?', Min Joon's voice pulled me out of my thoughts.

'Yes?', I asked.

'What sort of coffee do you want?', He asked handing me the menu, 'I took a caffe mocha'.

'Oh', I said reading through, 'Caramel macchiato'.

The waiter nodded. 

Min joon stopped him just before he could leave.

'Bring us some ... .Osmanthus cakes as well'.

My eyes widened. You remember.

He saw me looking before I could avert my eyes. 

'I know you like them', He said, 'It's not as natural as the ones those days but ... .good'.

'You come here often?', I asked.

'Not always', He said, 'I come here with my dad on Fridays only. He's friends with the owner. Apparently, his unknown son is in the same age as mine'.

'Unknown?', I asked.

'Ugh, yeah!'. He looked pissed. 'I haven't even seen the guy but he appears to be very intelligent and I don't know….a controlling guy…..?'

'Oh', I said as the waiter brought the stuff over, 'You should get to know him. I mean if both of you are in the same age'.

'Mm', He said, tasting his coffee, 'Mr. Barone, you know, the owner of this restaurant, is a pretty ambitious guy. He owns a watch company too but works here, in Korea. His son is mostly in charge of the company while he's in charge of running…this place'.

'His son?', I exclaimed, 'But isn't he too young?'

'Not according to him', Min Joon said, biting into a cake, 'He's Italian. Barone. So the watch business is sort of generational. Born rich people, you know. Education isn't much to the concern of such people. I guess he decided to hand it over to his son and get into more foodish things'.

I laughed, 'Foodish?'

He complained, smiling, 'What? Is that not a word?'

My macchiato was pretty good. Expensive but good. The osmanthus cakes were just like he said. Not the same but decent enough for the twenty-first century. 

'Hey, have you um…'

I raised an eyebrow.

'Have you wondered what happened to Hoseok and Taehyun?'

I did in fact wonder. 

'I did', I said without any emotion, 'They probably ruled the kingdom together. Taehyun must've had a family. A wife….'

Min Joon's lips tightened.

  It was a touchy subject for us both. I just couldn't muster up enough anger to hate them any longer. They got what they wanted, but that was a really long time ago. And I didn't care any longer. I didn't want to. I'm pretty sure, Min joon didn't want to either.

'Yeah', He said, 'We're here because we died at the same time frame. I don't think he would've reincarnated yet'.

I shrugged. I didn't know. I was dead.

'But…. is Soochul with you?', He asked.

I stopped with the brim of the cup near my mouth.

'No', I said. I wish he was.

'Ah', He noted the pain in my face and stopped.

There was a long silence as we sipped our drinks. A waiter hurried next to our table and whispered something to the others. The one who served our food ran to the kitchen at high speed.

'What's up with those guys?', I asked.

'No idea'

The chef came running out with another sturdy looking man and fell into a deep conversation with the other waiters. 

Our table was near a window so it faced outside into the busy street. Just as I drank the last drop a blinding light fell on me as a car parked right outside.

I looked out in irritation. My eyes widened.

'It's a Rolls Royce!', I blurted dumbly.

'What on earth?', Min Joon frowned, 'A phantom…..Wait! I think it's Mr. Barone!'

'Oh, the owner', I said.

Obviously, who else would have such a posh car….

'I thought I recognized it', He said, 'Just when we were talking about him'.

'I know right'.

I was more interested in the car. So, when its lights went out I stopped gaping. I always wanted to have a Rolls Royce. It looked so…. Classic I guess?

Oh well, what we want is what we don't get.

I turned my attention to Min Joon who was rambling on about cars. I only turned to see when the door opened and all the waiters rushed to greet Mr. Barone. 

'He does look Italian', I mused.

'I really hope he doesn't recognize me', Min Joon said, 'Might start talking about his son again'.

I almost laughed until I saw the person who followed Mr. Barone in. 

I recognized him way before he introduced himself. I knew that air of arrogance and coldness that followed him wherever he went. 


I gasped.

'Mae?', Min Joon asked in concern following my gaze to the door. 'What is it?'

His fingers froze as he saw what I did. Mr. Barone saw Min Joon looking.

'Ah!', He said in delight, 'If it isn't Jungwon's son!'

Mr. Barone's spiked salt and pepper hair contributed to his Italian-ness. He was tall, with a small beard and a perfectly ironed pinstripe suit.

Min Joon gave a sickly smile and got up.

'Mae', He said looking at me, 'I got this. Just stay behind me alright?'

He stood in a way that covered the place I sat. Mr. Barone came over and hugged him fiercely. Neither he nor Taehyun paid any attention to me.

'Mr. Joon', Mr Barone said, 'This is my son, Taeyang-

I coughed.

'You should've met sooner but he was busy with some work in Italy'.

He beckoned to Taehyun. 

God, please don't let him recognize Min Joon, I prayed. 

Taehyun's face was just as I remembered. Handsome in a cold and harsh manner. He has not however, lost his touch in fashion during reincarnation. He was donned in a slim fitting black shirt and trousers that showed off his tall and lean figure. His jet black hair was combed back with only a few stray stands that rested against his forehead. My heart gave the same drop I felt the moment I saw him in his wedding attire. 

"Him or Jae-Sung"

Shut up! I told myself.

Just as he came front his eyebrows furrowed. 

Oh no….. My fingers trembled.

Although his face betrayed no emotions I saw his jaw clench. 

He remembers. 

'Taeyang Lee Barone', He said offering his hand, 'Nice to meet you'.

'Park Min Joon', Min Joon said, accepting the hand, 'Nice meeting you too'.

Min Joon wasn't good at hiding emotions like Taeyang. His voice sounded a bit strained. 

'I knew I'd find you or your dad here', Mr. Barone continued, 'You're here alone?'

'Uh actually-'

Unfortunately. Most and very unfortunately, he managed to peer over Min Joon's shoulder. He glimpsed my quiet figure sitting at the table.

My feet were frozen and numb. Damn it!

'Ah!', He exclaimed, 'I see! You're here with your girlfriend!'

Min Joon spluttered. 

'No need to be so stiff about it young man! I wouldn't dream of telling your father!'.

He patted the speechless Min Joon's shoulders and pushed him aside. 

I had no other choice so I stood up as he bustled over. My face was probably white and drenched in sweat but I didn't care. 

'To think, Min Joon would have a girlfriend before Taeyang', He said, reaching out a hand, 'May I know your name, my dear?'

I smiled, 'Wen Jina Mae'.

Taeyang and Min Joon were having an intense staring contest while Mr. Barone and I shook hands. 

'Son!', He called, 'Come here and greet this lovely lady'.

Actually he doesn't have to, I thought squirming. My hand was still in Mr. Barone's.

Taeyang brushed past Min Joon and made his way to his father. He froze. His eyes widened a fraction. It was enough for me to know that…..he remembered. Everything. The brief look of surprise passed his face in a blink and he was back to being emotionless. As he came close I could still feel that powerful 'stay out of my way if you don't want to get killed' aura. I wasn't particularly nostalgic to feel that again. 

Min Joon stood next to me while I shook Taeyang's hand. It felt the same. They were the same hands that dressed the anklet around my foot.

'Well', Mr. Barone said, 'Nice to meet both of you here. I came here on business so I have some work to do'.

We said our goodbyes. Neither me nor Min Joon were genuinely happy about the meeting. I was mostly in shock. 

Taeyang followed his father and walked past both of us.

Just when Taeyang was about to pass me, he stopped briefly at my shoulder. 

'I found you…..Sun-Hee'.

Sorry for the late update peeps. Got some exams to do. The next chapter will take some time too. So sorry for the delay.

Everheartcreators' thoughts