
Looking for Real Love

Constance Williams is a former Kindle Scout participant who has gain numerous votes on Facebook and also support in the Kindle’s Scout Authors community which has encouraged her writing even greater. She is a prolific writer indeed – has written over 24 books, and is snooping around as we speak, gathering information for another amazing story, just to share with you; her loyal and wonderful audience. “Love Overdose” “Flesh” “Struggles of the Hear” Are, just a few of the books that she has written. Constance, has worked across the border of several industries such as operating a restaurant, working as a medical technician in a doctor’s office and hospital, to teaching Social Studies and English in a community college. She presently has a Youtube Channel where she teaches English at the CXC (Caribbean Examination Council) level. You may visit her website to read excerpts from her books and leave your comments as well. Here is the link for doing so: www.ladycbooks.simplesite.com The hammers were pounding in his shop constantly while he working on his own projects and also on the many projects of other persons’ in his community. Sometimes it was very old furniture and at other times, it would be metal work or upholstery that has been ripped apart because it had done its time or was used with too little care and needed fixing. But one thing was certain, everyone in the neighborhood could count on Abraham to restore any of their household items and bring them back to life.

Constance C. Williams · สมัยใหม่
11 Chs

Chapter 2

Standing there completely frozen with her mouth completely wide open, Roxanna wasn't sure of exactly what to do nest; if she should run back inside Abraham's house for shelter or take a chance and make it to her car and dash out of there.

Hearing the uproar, Abraham raced to his front door and was completely dumfounded in seeing his neighbors, standing in front of house chanting that he was sexually involve with his animals and that his guest should be ostracized for being there and sleeping with him. Just like him, she was being accused of something that was totally false and now Abraham fear losing the woman he was falling in love with, because of his erroneous suspicions of his neighbors.

The crowd seemed quite angry and he knew that he had to defend her, so she could get out of there and get back home and get ready for her work at the telephone company. He had a rifle inside, but he didn't want to use it unless it was necessary for him to do so.

"Leave her the hell alone and stop with your nonsense!"

Abraham shouted at the small crowd.

"You have nothing to do but to be watching my house and making up stories about me that you all damn well know is a lie?"

Abraham continued on angrily.

Now some persons in the mob was searching their conscience and contemplating if they should take him down or leave him alone and while they were quiet down a bit and making their decision, Abraham shouted at Roxanna.

"Get in the car and drive!"

Without hesitation she did, and press her foot on the gas as heavily as she could and sped away from the scene as fast as she could as if she was getting away from the Lord on judgement day.

Realizing that the car parked in front of Abraham's house had left the scene without them actually getting a chance to manhandle and terrorize the stranger who had driven it and how obviously slept by their neighbor house, the crowd of around ten or twelve adults and teenagers began making their way across the street towards him.

He was very strong, but Abraham knew he wasn't that strong to singlehandedly fight off all twelve adults and teenagers, if they had chosen to physically attack him. So he did the next sensible thing he thought of, and ran for his front door, bolted inside his house and went looking for his rifle and began loading it, readying himself for his attackers.

Soon they were at his doorsteps, banging on his front door and yelling for him to come out so they could whop his ass. Terrified, Abraham wanted to fire a warning shot to ease them away but he thought he should make a call to police station first to let the be aware that he was facing trouble in his community.

Still holding the gun in hand he dialed the emergency number and gave the details to the operator, and minutes later, the Creek Valley sheriff arrived on the scene, got out of his car and began intervening in the matter.

Leaning up the gun behind the front door, Abraham made his way through the front door and approach the officer to brief him on the problems he was encountering with his vicious neighbors.

Without hesitation Abraham Churchill sternly explain to the office the accusation and rumors that his neighbors has been spreading all over the community about him being gay and also about him sleeping with the animals on his farm. Severely causing him to lose much patronage from his longtime customers and trying to ruin his personal relationship with one who came to visit him at his house.

He further went on to express to the officer that he was definitely scared for his life because he was totally shock this morning to open his front door and see this many people attacking his guest because she had spent the night here.

"Why are they watching my house... why are they attacking me? I'm not a criminal - a pedophile! I take care of my farm and run my workshop, but simply because I'm not groping their daughters, all of a sudden, I'm the psychotic one around here!"

Abraham vented loudly.

All the neighbors stood in silence and watch while Abraham lashed out, and when the officers ask who had seen him jumping any of his animals or showing intimate affections with another man, not one single person open their mouths to say a word.

The officer asked the question one more time and yet still no one responded, and some began removing themselves from the scene slowly.

"Well, I'm warning all of you standing here this morning if anything happens to this resident of this community, I'll be returning here and having you all arrested. And don't think for a second that I won't remember your faces and find out who you are because I have all of your faces here on my body camera and also on my dash board camera!"

The officer spoke forcefully.

Turning to Abraham the officer instructed loud enough for all those who were still lingering around to hear.

"Sir, if any of your neighbors come back on your property and start arresting you again, please call the police station and I'll bring my squad around her and have them all arrested. You understand me?"

"Because there are no laws that are against you having sex with whomever you want to as long as it is a mutual agreement, except, the law of having sex with a minor!"

The officer explained.

"But I'm neither none of what they are accusing me of doing! Some of these school girls, they come by here numerous times and start flirting with me; I totally ignore them and continue doing whatever I'm doing because I know that they are just kids and probably don't know what they are doing or what they really want!"

Abraham expressed with look of worry on his face.

"Well I commend you for doing the right thing because if any of them reports that you molested them or had sex with them whether they consented to it or not, then you are going to be in big trouble with the law and be charged with statuary rape!"

The officer informed Abraham.

"Sir, I'm pretty much aware of those laws and that is one of the reasons why I don't even look at them or entertain their behavior!"

Abraham interjected.

"Mr. Churchill, you seemed like a decent guy; and as I said before, if any of your neighbors come back to your door steps and continue harassing you or damage your property, please call the station right away and we will be over here to deal with them for you!"

The officer warned once again.

"Thank you, officer! I really appreciate you coming over here and intervening on my behalf!"

Abraham expressed as he stretched forth his hand to shake the officer's hands.

Gripping his hand firmly, Abraham stated.

"I didn't get your name!"

"I'm Sheriff, Warren Richards."

The law enforcement worker stated.

"I'm so very pleased to meet you, Sheriff Richards!"

Abraham spoke enthusiastically.

Now they remain shaking hands as if they were old buddies until Abraham finally release his grip from the officer's hand when he heard the phone inside his house started ringing.

Soon afterwards Abraham felt that he had found a friend in Sheriff Warren Richards and happily waved good-bye to him as he made his way back inside his house to find out who was calling him and what the call was about.

And to his surprise, it was his date from the night before, Roxanna Richards, and she was calling him with disappointing news about their relationship. So she explain to him that she had no intention of building a relationship with him anymore because she didn't want such degrading reputation following her or any of her future children around; stating that their father were into bestiality.

Because she didn't think that was something she could handle for the rest of her life.

And before she could tell him good-bye and hang up the phone, Abraham began screaming into the phone, begging her to please not to leave him and expressing to her that all that the people were saying about him was a total lie.

"Please, Roxanna, I beg of you! Please give me a chance! You know that we are good for each other. Please don't let these cruel and malicious people destroy what we have; just because they can't get me to do what they want!"

Abraham pleaded.

"These teenagers come around here and constantly they try to get my attention, but they are children... they are the ones who started with these vicious rumors about me that I'm sleeping with animals on my farm and that I'm gay... do I look anything like a gay man to you?"

Abraham reverberated angrily.

But Roxanna was very assertive in her decision and stood firm that she didn't want to go any further in a relationship which had her looking over her shoulders or be scorned by whisperers when she was out in public.

And as she ignored his plea and press the click button on her phone, Abraham began a gut wrenching screaming on the top of his voice and agonizing weeping as he slid himself to the floor and wouldn't stop weeping.

Sheriff Richard who was still standing outside his house heard the excruciating hollowing and raced up the door steps to intervene, and pulling the front door open, he found Abraham down on the floors ball up like he was having a belly ache and bitterly crying his eyes out!

Gun drawn, Sheriff Richard asked.

"Mr. Churchill is anyone inside the house with you?"

Still curled upon the floor, Abraham shook his head, stating that he alone was there; but he wanted to be left alone right now.

"Well, I'm the officer of the law and right now, I'm not leaving here until you tell me what is going on around her with you! Would you like me to call for the ambulance to bring you the hospital or just talk with me for a few seconds to see if we can solve whatever the problems are which obviously are bearing you down!"

Sheriff Richards compassionately express.

Now the sheriff began aiding Abraham off the floor and assisting him to be seated on the large antique chair situated in the center of the living room.

"Come on man, you are a nice looking guy, what is boiling up inside of you that is causing you to be hollering like this? Please, talk to me, or I have to call for help and let them take you to the psychiatric ward at the hospital!"

The Sheriff went on couching him to talk.

"I don't need to be in any hospitals! The one person who I'm in love with, who promise to give my heart to and marry her someday has just dump me - broke off the relationship with me just because of these damn evil people living around her, spreading rumors about me sleeping with animal and me sleeping with other men!"

"How could this happen to me?"

"What have I ever done wrong to anyone around here or anywhere else for this to happen to me?"

"I need her, I don't want anyone else! How can in ever win her back and let her want to stay in my life?"

Abraham continued expressing sobbingly as massive beads of tears consistently kept dripping from his face.

"You can probably can start by writing her a letter, explaining to her what the circumstances really are and why these people in your own community is so against you for being an upstanding and self- respecting human being who wants to do right by the youths in your neighborhood and surrounding area. And see if she respond back!"

The Sheriff informed him.

"We had such a wonderful dinner date last night! I cooked for her, we talked for hours! She was feeling tipsy and I let her slept in my bed while I slept out here on the couch, because I want our wedding moment to be special!"

"Or, she wanting me when she wasn't intoxicated or not of her right mind. If I was a jerk or a man who love taking advantage of women, I would have done so to her last night!"

Abraham resounded painfully.

He seem to be stable now, to be in a stated of ease and content, even though, the tears were still flowing, so Sheriff Richards decided it was time for him to leave now and be on his way. And before going through the front door of Abraham Churchill house, he encourage him not to do anything stupid to himself and he should grab pen and paper and start writing a letter to the woman he claimed to be in love with.

Expressing to her how he was feeling about her, how much he loved and wanted her in his life, and most importantly explain to her the false rumors she had heard from the mod in front of his doors steps were only that, rumors; totally false accusations about him because some teenagers started flirting with him and he rejected their sexual advances so they started spreading rumors about him around town that he was involved in bestiality and he was gay. And if that doesn't work, then he should probably conclude that she didn't really liked him in the first place.

Still sobbing, Abraham nodding his head that he would do just that and then hope for the best.

And with those words of comforting encouragement, Sheriff shut the front door after exiting it and made his way to his car, and as he went through the gate of Abraham yard, he could see that the street was completely isolated, almost ghostlike, but he could still detect that some persons were peeping through their curtains, possibly waiting and watching to see when he was about ready to leave the residence of Abraham Churchill.

But he had every intention of leaving and then circle around the block to see if there were any suspicious activities happening to the loaner or his property whom many persons in his own community had turned against him because he appeared to be a little peculiar - wasn't a part of the norm, or wanted to be promiscuous with his manhood.

Flooding in tears, Abraham made his way to the dining table with pen and paper in hand, got himself seated and then began writing all his feelings and the facts about what she had encountered at his house earlier in the morning. With all honesty, he wrote down the truth and had his conscience cleared and freed from every guilt and shame that was wrongfully entrusted on him by the citizens of his home town.

And with tears balled up in his eyes, he folded the written letter placed it in an envelope and was ready to send it off. But he just came to realize that he didn't have her exact address only the town in which she was living, and so he had to pause for a moment and figure out what he should do next.

Still witty even though barred down with emotional pain, Abraham decided that he would take the letter to her place of work and then leave it with the company's receptionist. So he hurryingly changed into fresh clothing, jumped into his truck and made his way to the B&D phone company. Not even waiting to get a proper parking spot when he had gotten there, Abraham hastily jumped out of the truck, rushed into the huge high-rise building and handed the envelope to the beautiful receptionist seated around the large brown desk.

Although her full name was written on the front of the envelope, Abraham pronounced.

"Please make sure, Ms. Roxanna Richards receives this!"

"I will, Sir!"

The receptionist replied smilingly.

Feeling confident that she had gotten the urgency of his message, Abraham raced from the building and hurryingly made his way to his car where he just miss by a minute of receiving a traffic ticket.

And as he made his way back home, Abraham felt a sense of relief knowing that he had done the right thing while anticipating that she would find it in her heart to call him soon so they could repair and rebuild their love relationship.

But, would she acknowledge his letter of explanation and pardon?

Entering his community of Creek Valley, Abraham ran into Sheriff Richard who was making his circle around the community to see if anything suspicious was taking place. So he stopped on the side of the road to acknowledge the officer, expressed to him that he had followed his advice and had just delivered the letter to her.

"I wish you all the best, man!"

Sheriff yelled out at him and then tooted his horn and continued on his duty.

Just after arriving home, Abraham fixed himself something to eat.it was the left-over from the night before that he and Roxanna had for dinner that was now his saving grace, especially since he hadn't had anything to eat from early in the morning. And almost just like him, none of his animal had gotten fed because of the uproar of the mob that were in front of his house from the beginning of the day causing trouble for him.

So as soon as he had gotten his belly satisfied, Abraham made his way to the outwards of his property and went attending to his many heard out in the field. After feeding them he was done and tired for the day and all he wanted to do, was seat himself beside the phone; patiently wait for Roxanna Richard to ring his telephone number and tell him that she was willing to give him a second chance. But first, he decided on taking a shower before spending the rest of the evening beside the telephone. And up until 11:0 p.m. the phone still didn't ring and Abraham mood became even bluer as the days went by.

In the middle of the night, he finally made his way to his bed room, but that was where he had come to felt even more pain and torture. Because the smell of her perfume was all over his bed, and the scent of her was engulfing his nostrils and making its way down into his lungs, and now he only wanted to embrace her, let her sexy body rubbed next to him and face him with pleasure.

But all he was experiencing now where she was concern was only hopelessness and rejection. A simple telephone call would give him some inclination of where he was standing with her, but her silence made it seemed like there weren't any interaction between them ever. Now he was contemplating whether or not to take of the bed linens and wash then first thing in the morning to get rid of what was keeping her constantly in his memory.

Yet still, he was undecided about doing so because he was feeling nothing but love for her and wanted that feeling and thought of love to remain in his emotions until he was very sure that he was never going to have her for himself.

However, Thursday morning came and went and so did the rest of the week and Abraham never receive a call from the only woman whom he had great admiration for and swore in his heart that one day he would make her his wife. Because from he had seen her in the parking lot of the Whitlock Hardware Store, he told himself that she was going to be his first and also his last woman in his life. But now, he wasn't quite sure and wondering if she would ever be a part of his life.

A week had now turn into a month and a month turned into three months and Abraham Churchill had never heard a word gushing from the tongue or lips of Roxanna Richards until he went on one of his Saturday morning errands at Whitlock Hardware Store.

He had never crossed his mind before that he could linger in the same parking lot where he had initially met her and see if he would locate her there. And just like the Saturday morning when he had met here there, Abraham went to buy his lumber and some working tools and saw her there.

Desperately, he wanted to approach her, but he wasn't sure of what her reaction would be. So after lingering in his vehicle until she had gotten inside the store and was returning to her vehicle with her purchases, that he walked up to her and offered to assist her with the items she had just purchase and load them into her car for her.

Smilingly he called out to her with no ill feelings in his heart or in his head.

"Hey, dear! How are you doing?"

But she wasn't lending him not even an ounce of smile and so she answered!

"I'm doing just fine!"

"May I help, may I help you with these?"

Abraham asked nervously.

"No, I don't think so!"

Roxanna replied.

"Can we at least talk? You must know that I'm very innocent of what those people in my neighborhood were accusing me of! If I was an unscrupulous character or corrupt minded human being I would have taken advantaged of you when you past out drunk at my house on our date night!"

Abraham try explaining and driving his point to her.

Roxanna was now shakenly standing there, staring at him in dead silence with eyes looking crazy and ready for contention.

Finally, her lips separated and she began speaking angrily.

"I'm not going to tell you again! Please, leave me alone and find yourself someone else to woo because, I'm no longer interested in you or in the curses that dwells with you!"

"Please, Roxanna, I love you!"

"And not because those people in my community said those mean things about me, doesn't make it the true! Why haven't your answered my letter? I have poured out all my heart on those sheets of papers telling you the truth and yet still, you just totally ignore me! Why is that my love?"

Abraham seek for answers.

But no answer would come to him as Roxanna slammed the door of the car truck, entered around the wheels and then drove off leaving him standing there confused and filled with bewilderment.

"Ho my god, this woman hates my guts! What have I done but only to be nice to her?"

Abraham pondered to himself.

Hurt, confused and dumfounded, Abraham cancel his shopping at the hardware store and drove straight back to his house where he hastily jumped from his vehicle and went straight to his bedroom where he angrily removed all his bedlinen and throw them in the wash immediately. He didn't want to spend another night with the scent of her perfume still on his bed; he wanted it gone just like how she was gone from his life. And although, she was physically gone from his life, the memory of the sight of her still lurks around in his thoughts every single day.

But would Abraham sight capture another whom would capture his heart, mind and soul?

Or, would he throw in the towels and refuse from finding true love?

He was handsome, young, very strong, very smart, and also very handy with his hands. And he knew that he wanted to settle down with someone someday and that someday was coming closer and closer as he reached the blissful age of thirty.

Reflecting on his life, Abraham didn't want to go down in history as the oldest male virgin. And neither did he want to lay in bed with anyone just to avoid that stigma from his name or from his person.

The only person who knew that he was still a virgin was him and he wanted the experience of "Getting it in" to be very special and with someone whom he valued and was indeed crazy about.

But, could he ever find such a one?

And since he was absolutely certain, Roxanna was done with him, Abraham decided that he had to come out from under his shell and explore other avenues of finding that special someone he needed to share his growing lonely life with. And for first time in thirty years, he left the comfort of his house and went out experiencing the night life. Completely dress from head to toe, the best way he knew how, he filled his tank with gas and drove all the way from Creek Valley to downtown Atlanta where all the center of the nightlife were all happening, hoping that he would meet that special someone who would tickle his fancy.

He had been in that surrounding area years ago for a brief moment, and vividly recalled some of the landmarks but he was no expert on the area, so he cautiously walked around looking for the right night spot after parking his truck in one of the city's parking lots.

And after walking around for a while, around twenty minutes or so, he found it!

The grand sign plaster above his head with flashing lights blinking nonstop said it. "Welcome to Concourse Night Club!"

Massive brown doors with black gripping handles which probably weigh a ton, separating the outside from the inside as two muscular men stood guarding the doors with full attention as if they were safe-keeping the World Bank funds inside there.

Walking up to the door, Abraham asked.

"Is it alright that I get in?"

"Do you have a ticket?"

One of the bouncers sharply interjected.

"No, I wasn't aware that I needed a ticket to get inside here!"

Abraham replied.

"If you don't know that, I guess you are not from anywhere around here then!"

The Club Guard stated.

"I've been around here once or twice but I've never patronized any of these businesses in the area!"

Abraham replied.

"Well go at the small glass window at the side of the building and buy your ticket there and then bring it right back here to me!"

The Guard informed him.

Implying with the Bouncers brief suggestions, Abraham went to the side window and purchase his ticket to get inside the night club and returned with it and then handed it to the guardsmen. Which the one of the guardsmen took it from him and ripped it apart and gave him back half and placed the other half in his hand inside a metal box stationed close beside him. Very soon he was gripping his hand, stamping some form of ink on his wrist and then directing him to enter the building.

Opening heavy wooden doors, Abraham stepped completely inside a brand new world and was very amaze by what he had encountered inside there. There were so many arrays of beautiful lights flashing everywhere in the large decorated space and beautiful women from every creed were either sitting at the bar counter, at the lounge area with their guys, or on the dance floor breaking a sweat.

And there he stood, at the entrance of the nightclub doorway, with his eyes searching like a radar for that special someone who would possible be his friend and lover for the rest of his life.

Interestingly, in all Abraham's staring, gazing and visualizing, he was subconsciously looking to find the woman who had broken his heart in the faces of one of those women seated at the bar counter of the night club.

For a moment he was standing there keenly analyzing, dissecting, observing the color of their hair, the proportion of their bodies and their facial features until ugh, some beautiful young woman caught his attention.

So immediately he began making his way over to her hoping to start a conversation, get to learn more about her or even buy her a drink. Topping at the bar counter, as if he was playing on an imaginary piano, Abraham glanced at her from the corner of his eyes wishing that she would notice him and find him to be attractive to her while scrutinizing his person.

But, the beauty just sat there enjoying herself as she cheerfully kept on sipping on whatever that was in front of her while periodically spinning the barstool around and around in a childish manner and gazing at those who were dancing on the dance floor.

Tempted to speak with her, Abraham shifted his body position and began staring at her trying to get her attention while her back was turned to the dance floor and her face towards the bar shelves.

Seeing that her glass was almost empty, Abraham asked.

"May I buy you a drink?"

With the music pounding loudly, she didn't hear clearly what he had said to her, so she removed her long curly hair from over her ear, leaned into him and shouting asked.

"What did you say?"

Lifting his bottle of beer he shouted back at her.

"May I get you a drink?"

Pleasantly she looked at his and said.

"It's okay!"

Immediately, Abraham indicate to the bartender to take her order, and just after doing so, he started leaning closer into her and began enquiring from her; what her name was?

But before she could indulge him in any conversation of who she is or gave a salute on their drinking glasses, a monstrosity of a woman suddenly came up to the bar counter, pull the glass of ginger wine from her hands and slam it on the bar counter before knocking the young woman off the barstool causing her to lose her balance and stumble to the floor while she viciously spoke.

"What the fuck have I told you about drinking shit from any of these sorry ass niggers that comes up in here?"

Speechless the woman stood there holding her cheeks!

While Abraham quickly sprang into action to defend the beautiful stranger he had just met!

Without any hesitancy, the very robust female grabbed the purse that was on the bar counter and slapped him across the face with it as she blurted out.

"Nigger, shout your fuck up and stay the hell out of me and my woman's business!"

Holding his jawline Abraham fired back.

"Don't you see I'm a white man; do I look like a nigger to you?"

"Whether you white or black and put your hands on anything that is mine, you're are nothing but frigging nigger!"

The gigantic woman sounded off blazingly as she grabbed her cute little beauty by the hair and hurryingly pulling her by it, like a dog on a leash, as they made their way towards the exit door of the night club; viciously cussing and screaming!