
Looking at You

RinTakashi · ย้อนยุค
1 Chs

The Cafe

Probably because it was summer or maybe it was the low air conditioning of the café. Either be May felt as if the sun was crushing her with all his might. Her palms were sweating even though she was holding the iced americano special. She squirmed in the wooden chair partly conscious of people watching her. Indefinitely she was on yet another awkward place and as a white sheep.

This feeling she knows better than anyone, wishing if she could disappear somewhere. But on today she might get into trouble even if she thought about leaving.

It was her grandma's order her one and only family, today she was to meet a possible man for marriage, one of her grandma's dying wish. Although it won't be an overstatement if we put that it would take a hundred more years for the granny to die yet. But as a guardian and as a parent as she is, wanting to see her only granddaughter get married isn't in any sense unreasonable nor does it mean.

But in her head, May was still agitated thinking that her granny put her in this position for turning down the university admission. Even though she was only being considerate for her grandma, all she ever wanted was to take care of grandma and live a long long life happily.

Alas! May cursed the sun gods and the damned man she was to meet. The clock was 10 past 2, he's already 30 minutes late that is if he is planning to come at all. May stared to wonder, what if he wasn't coming?

Although it was a good thing, she will be saved from embarrassing herself in front of a stranger, and at the same time, she wished he came. It was a question of her dignity she sighed. If so there was nothing that she could be proud of, she lacks a lot of things among her confidence to look up to people in their eyes. She didn't have a proper education, she did not know about the world and norms, she did not have any stories or some interesting fact to tell people about. The only thing she had was her grandma's fortune and the everlasting fame of tailoring enterprises that her grandma will eventually hand her down. Wealth and her ability to tailor like her grandmother. If you think that is not something to boast about, you must know that in the world of fashion and clothes grandma Athoya is considered living goddesses.

But then again people don't even know she had a grand daughter.

It was 10:20 when it seemed like she had been stood up, the waiter who has been eying her now for a while came toward her holding the coffee filled jar. He was tall and had brown dyed hair and maybe he was wearing a lot of makeup because he seemed beautiful. May blushed as he smiled at her maybe she was gawking at him it could happen right? Even if you are so down to earth all your life, when you see an attractive person you might forget about all your character. Or maybe it just her.

"Here!" He placed his music player on the table and handed her the earplugs.

May looked at him with puzzle racking all her brain, was she supposed to know this person?

Has she ever met him before?

Was he maybe one of her high school classmates?

Why couldn't she remember?

Who is he? Oh! If only she could ask.

"Don't worry I'm just trying to help!" He had that beautiful smile again, she waited, "listening music helps you relax!" And he leaves.

He probably realized that people were watching her being uncomfortable, and that she is being too cautious. Or he could just be some random guy trying to hit on her.

Although May wouldn't trouble herself to think about it, something was weird.

I'll try to rewrite it, when I have time this one's hastily done since lately I've no time to ponder?

well I know it's a mess but, I just wanted to put something here, or I might end up losing interest. Not a very good excuse though.

RinTakashicreators' thoughts