

I'm Elic, when i was my father had already passed away, and my mom's family wasn't very supportive to her. At the age of 12 my mom had to sale me because as i told you her family wasn't supportive to her. I didn't knew all this at first. I was sitting it was normal day. I was looking down at my feet and thinking why mom's head was bleeding yesterday, she didn't even tell me anything. I felt bad for her. Suddenly a bid Mercedes came at our door i almost flinched! As grandma heard the sound of car coming she ran outside with a evil giggling and as she a tall lady steping out of car, she was wearing a black long gown with golden linings, with a black hat. My grandma took hold of hand and took me close to her and said to me here is your new mom! She's much better better than old one! The lady smiled and came closer she handed a black bag to grandma full of money and grandma was unable to stop her evil giggling. She gripped my hand to that lady and i was all in my mind just thinking is she mad or something! How can she do this to her daughter and grandchild!! It was fuvkin serious and that was the moment i realised i was sold by my own grandparents! I was shouting internally but it was jot my choice and i had to accept what's happening because the place where i lived wasn't safe and my mother told me about my moving,she didn't tell anything clear but it was sure this was what she was all the time taking about and i had no choice i was just crying and i forced grandma not to do that to me but she was more evil than i thought her to be!.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Tayyaba_Batoolcreators' thoughts