
Chapter 1


I usually kept myself to myself but as soon as I heard the truck pull up the shared driveway that split off between my cabin and the next, I couldn’t help but twitch the curtains. The truck itself was a shining cherry red and looked like it had been driven straight out of the showroom. Out here in the mountains that wouldn’t last long.

My own beat-up 4x4 was parked outside my cabin looking worse for wear and I again remembered that I needed to head into town to get the tires changed, ready for the winter, yet the days were creeping closer and I couldn’t bring myself to go.

I blamed it on my work, on the pile of unfinished projects on my desk, but the truth was I just wasn’t a social butterfly. I’d brought my little cabin in the mountains to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city and all the people who wanted my attention. Up to now I’d been the sole occupant, but now it seemed I had company.

Save for my German shepherd, Hero, I hadn’t seen anyone for around three weeks now. Perhaps it was time to finally break out of my cocoon and say hello. I could definitely do with a break from my writing. None of the characters seemed to want to tell me where their story was going and I needed something to jog the process along a bit.

“Hey, Hero, how’s about we go say hello to the new neighbors?” I suggested.

At the sound of his name Hero jumped up from his beat-up cushion by the open fire and raced to the door. I instantly felt guilty. I hadn’t walked him for a few days and I was sure he was probably as stir crazy as I was.

I grabbed my thick winter jacket from the hook by the door, shoved my feet into my heavy snow boots and pulled open the door to step out onto the porch.

Hero dashed out ahead of me all wagging tail and bouncing excitement. I couldn’t help but giggle as I watched him go, prancing through the few centimeters of snow that had already fallen over the last few days.

I really should get my tires changed but who was I kidding? I had nowhere I needed to be over the winter anyway.

“Hey there neighbor!” an overly friendly masculine voice sounded from across the driveway and I looked over to see one of the most perfectly featured men I’d ever seen in my life. It was like he had just jumped right off the pages of one of the romance stories I’d been trying and failing to write.

He was broad shouldered, tall and handsome with lustrous black hair that was cropped at the jawline. When he ran his fingers through it to expose his face, I had to bite the inside of my lip to stop myself from gaping at him. He was olive skinned with a strong jaw line, perhaps Italian, or maybe even Spanish, but there was only the hint of an accent and I couldn’t put my finger on it.

“Hey!” I raised my hand to give him a wave and began to wander over. Hero was too busy flitting about enjoying the snow to be concerned with where I was headed.

“Freddie! Get out here, there’s a hottie come to say hello!” The man called over his shoulder at the open door of the cabin that had been closed for just as long as I could remember.

Freddie appeared and when he did, I couldn’t quite believe my eyes. Not just one hot guy, but two. He was fair haired with an afternoon shadow along his jaw, and pale green eyes that sparkled when he saw me.

“Jeez Enzo, I’d have run if I’d realized you mean smoking hot!” Freddie laughed and when he rushed down the steps to join us, I couldn’t help but notice the fact he was wearing nothing but a T-shirt. His forearms bunched as he jogged and I practically had to cross my legs to stop from giving into my attraction.

My cheeks began to blush at their compliments and I instinctively offered up my hand, “I’m Ava. I live next door and just thought I’d pop out to say hello.”

Enzo looked like he was going to take my hand first but Freddie knocked him out of the way playfully and gripped hold of my fingers to give them a friendly squeeze.

“Freddie Little at your service,” he gave a quick exaggerated bow before finally allowing Enzo to take hold of my hand. Just looking at him told me there was nothing little about him. In fact, they were both tall, broad and well-muscled.