

At the dawn of a revolution in the era of martial arts, hordes of terrifying monsters start invading the world, defeating humanity’s warriors one after another. One day, Lu Sheng finds himself dreaming about the world ten thousand years into the future, where even basic physical training techniques have been modified and become several thousand times more effective! Breathing techniques, body strengthening remedies, martial arts scriptures, and so on… But with humanity being extinct in the future world, these once great martial arts have no one left to carry on their legacy. No one, except for Lu Sheng

ApexApex · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
459 Chs



Gao Wu: Ten thousand years after registration-610.My plan is to send me out of the boat and then blow them one by one (2)

610.My ⁇ plan is to send me out of the boat and beat them one by one (2)

" probably stared at the Star Spirit No. this trip.

It has gathered five and thirteen levels, which can only be said that we ⁇ are not lucky.


The sharp knife explained to Lu Sheng aside, and pointed out that five of the virtual screens were standing on the side of the starry sky.



Lu Sheng nodded, swept a virtual screen, and then asked for the blade with the mouth.

" Do you have a plan? "

The sharp knife shook his head, turned his head towards Wutang, and Babro ⁇ looked at it, ⁇ : " get them to cooperate.

But now the ⁇ situation is that they ⁇ like root ⁇ do not believe in your ⁇ strength..."

The sharp knife ⁇ eyebrows wrinkled up, as if ⁇ was thinking about how to convince the other two.

Lu Sheng opened his mouth lightly: " If there is no plan, then follow my ⁇ plan.

"The blade of the wreckle froze, " Do you already have a plan?"

Next to ⁇ Ononto Turing Face "Eight Three Zero" is more admirable ⁇ expressions, " Lu Sheng is really powerful. From the room ⁇ This is so short ⁇ time, you come up with a battle plan.

"Lu Sheng glanced at the Nonon Turing, and then looked at the sharp knife and said.

" My ⁇ plan is simple.

Send me out of the boat, after the boat.

Lu Sheng ⁇ 's eyes were swept away on the five 13th-stage thieves on the virtual screen, and it was light. " I beat them one by one.


" Uh"

Onon Turing's mouth was slightly open and stunned in the ⁇ ground.

Always indifferent, ⁇ The sharp knife is also a bit ignorant, and I don't know how to react ⁇ for a time.

" Do you want to do it alone?"

The sharp knife wondered if he had heard the ears as a thirteenth-level weapon, and confirmed it again.

" is.


Lu Sheng nod.

Skeleton knife ⁇ expression suddenly became serious.

" Lu Sheng, I know ⁇ you ⁇ is strong enough to kill me.

But fighting alone and one enemy are completely two different concepts.

At the same time, you are too big to deal with five 13-level star thieves. "

" Yeah, Lu Sheng.

This is not the time to brave ⁇ .."

Onon Turing also urged.

Lu Sheng just glanced at them, and then calmly spoke ⁇ : " If it was not possible to have the opportunity to respond to five 13th grade at the same time.

I will not come out.


The blade of the wreck was stagnant, and Onon Turing was slightly open-mouthed, silly and speechless.

The two were silent for a while.

Skeleton swept-up inquiry: " Are you really sure?"

" You can rest assured, even if you are not.

You should believe that I can at least escape alive.


Listening to the phrase ⁇ Lu Sheng ⁇ , the sharp knife seems to have made a certain determination, nodded, ⁇ : " Then I let them arrange for you to leave the ship.

Remember to be careful, Lu Sheng.


Speaking, the sharp knife will walk in the direction of Ziyan's heart.

Lu Sheng stopped him.

" Forget it, it's too troublesome.

I will go out by myself.


After that, a thin layer of silver light appeared on Lu Sheng Zhou.

Then he appeared to have a slight twist in the void.

Before waiting for the sharp knife and Onuturing to react, Lu Sheng's entire man suddenly disappeared under their ⁇ eyelids.

The two of them quickly spread out in a hurry.

As a result, it was really outside the Star Spirit Flower, looking for ⁇ belonging to Lu Sheng.

" Damn it!How did he do ⁇ ! "

Onon Turing's face showed an incredible expression.

He really couldn't understand how Lu Sheng went silently outside the spaceship ⁇ without breaking anything?

The astrology number is thick and thick ⁇ the hull, and there are various types of defense guard systems on the spaceship.All become a decoration?!

It is incredible.

But the sharp knife seemed to want to ⁇ something, and suddenly the ⁇ Gulu Saint ⁇ bottom gas was there.

Started to stare at the Shadow of Sheng Sheng on the virtual screen.

In the eyes.

Has begun to spread hidden ⁇ expectations.

" Master Wu Tian really ⁇ Can't think about it anymore?

I am willing to "

Ziyan took a deep breath, and almost ⁇ was biting his teeth and extending a palm. The opening ⁇ : " took out the total profit of the Star Spirit Flower Line ⁇ 30%! "As an immortal class ⁇ spaceship, a line spans countless light years.

The cargo of various commodities on the spaceship is calculated at trillions of dollars.

The total profit ⁇ 30% is undoubtedly an amazing number.

But Wu Tian just hesitated a little bit and decisively rejected Ziyan's request.

" It's not that I don't want to do it, but the root ⁇ do not.

Girl, I know that this time the leader is of great significance to you ⁇ , but compared to life, some things should be abandoned ⁇ or abandoned.."

Wutang's expression is slightly complicated. Looking at Ziyan's heart, the whisper ⁇ : " ⁇ Let you cooperate with us to siege the star thief, and I also made a mistake ⁇ ingredients.You can rest assured that I will be responsible with you when I go back.

The consequences are not as strict as you want to ⁇ 中.

Moreover, the Starflower is an immortal spaceship. Even if it is taken away, it may not be possible to find it.

Probably the only loss of some goods. "

Ziyan gently bit his lower lips, and his face was unwilling, annoyed, and painful.In the end, the system was unified into helplessness.

After a long breath, in the end, the tone was hard to speak ⁇ : " Then I will now arrange for the withdrawal of the ship.


Go four

Wu Tian nodded, but his expression was not easy.

It is not a matter of course to abandon the Star Spirit. How to escape the Stars after leaving the spacecraft ⁇ Chase is the biggest difficulty facing us.

" still have to help them ⁇ power"

The world's consciousness turned its head in the direction of Babro ⁇ , and it was precisely ⁇ projection up and down.

Babro's father and daughter appeared to make a decision.

Wu Tian and Babro were sloppy, and the consciousness touched, and immediately ⁇ the other party ⁇ ideas and their own agreement.

Then turn to the ⁇ position of the skeleton blade.

As the only three-level thirteen-stage force on the Star Spirit Flower ship, if you want to have the opportunity to get out of trouble safely, leaving any person ⁇ will greatly reduce the success rate.

But the two looked at ⁇ The Blanket Blade.

But He found out that the skeleton 1.7 polar knife and Onon Turing were staring intently at a virtual light screen.

Looked along the skeleton blade and Aon Turing ⁇ line of sight.

Wu Tian and Pablo ⁇ both eyes.

They saw a figure on the light screen of ⁇ The Blanket and Onon Turing.

This ⁇ figure makes them feel familiar with ⁇ little.

It was remembered that it was not the one that was previously brought into the combat readiness hall by Oituring.

It was also highly respected by the Skeleton Sword, saying that it can help the Star Spirit to relieve the predicament.

When will he go out?

How did he get out?

Wu Tian and Pablo have not yet figured out this issue.

At this time, the ⁇ figure in the picture has already started.

The next scene of ⁇ happened afterwards, but it made the pupils of Wu Tian and Pablo both shrink slightly.