

At the dawn of a revolution in the era of martial arts, hordes of terrifying monsters start invading the world, defeating humanity’s warriors one after another. One day, Lu Sheng finds himself dreaming about the world ten thousand years into the future, where even basic physical training techniques have been modified and become several thousand times more effective! Breathing techniques, body strengthening remedies, martial arts scriptures, and so on… But with humanity being extinct in the future world, these once great martial arts have no one left to carry on their legacy. No one, except for Lu Sheng

ApexApex · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
459 Chs


Logging 10000 Years into the Future chapter 401

Logging 10000 Years into the Future 401

Posted by Noble nible , Released on August 13, 2022

Time is like running water, three months have passed in a hurry.

Lion country, an endless golden desert.

Before the first year of martial arts, this place was called "Death God's Domain", with a total area of more than 20 million square kilometers, and it was a forbidden area for life that no one could cross.

After the rise of martial arts, many people come here every year.

Try to conquer this vast and boundless desert with the flesh, so as to achieve the effect of quenching the physique and the will of martial arts.

At this time, a 30-year-old youth from the Lion Country with a backpack was pouring a bottle of mineral water into his mouth.

His body was covered in gray dust, his face was sunburned in many places, and his lips were chapped.

The state of the whole person does not look good.

Worst of all, the last bottle of water he brought with him had already been drunk.

Standing in the desert holding the bottle and pouring it into my mouth for a long time, instead of tasting the sweetness of the water, I ate a mouthful of sand.

Annoyed, the young man smashed the water bottle on the ground.

Looking up at the endless desert in front of him, there is a hint of regret on his face.

"No, I can go out!"

The young man shook his head, gritted his teeth and continued forward.

He struggled, and the scorching heat and raging sand took away too much energy and moisture from him.

He is approaching the limit, and he is constantly insisting on a will to survive.

The young man walked slower and slower, and the extreme lack of water made his spirit trance.

He kept murmuring in his mouth: "Water…I want water…Give me water…"

When the body and spirit were close to collapse, hallucinations began to appear in front of the young man.

He saw a lush green oasis with clear springs flowing.

See the modern metropolis full of traffic.

See the feasting night bar.

The most outrageous….

He even saw a dark blue aircraft with smooth lines and a beautiful shape that was more than half the size of a football field.

Full of ultra-modern technological beauty, anyone who sees the first reaction will think of the cosmic starry sky, the vast galaxy…

"If I could go back in time, I wouldn't be here if I was killed…"

Everyone has to pay for their own stupidity.

The young man recalled the words his father once said to him, and the mirage of the dark blue flying machine was reflected in the gray eyes, and he fell peacefully in despair.

It was soon covered by the wind and sand.

Unfortunately, what the young man didn't know was that what he saw, which he thought was a mirage, was actually something that really existed.

More than a dozen men and women stood in the desert.

Their feet are suspended on the ground, and each of them has an extraordinary temperament, an unparalleled powerful aura, and is the number one figure among all countries and forces.

Especially the leader, a middle-aged silver-haired man with a natural leadership temperament.

Silver-haired Wu St. Cumberland.

There are also thirteen ninth-level martial arts experts from the World Martial Arts Association and the Western Martial Arts Alliance.

At this time, all gathered in this uninhabited desert.

He looked solemn, as if welcoming something.

Soon, the dark blue aircraft slowly fell, and finally hovered at an altitude of tens of meters above the ground.

During this period, there was no sound and no inertial amplitude. The laws of gravity on this planet seemed to have no effect on it.

A crack appeared at the bottom of the dark blue aircraft, and yingying white light was projected from it.

In the light, a figure slowly appeared.

This is a young man who is more than two meters tall. He has splendid dark blonde hair, handsome features, and lavender eyes.

He was wearing a solid black one-piece battle suit.

I don't know what material it is, it wraps his almost perfect body, and it shimmers dimly in the sun.

The man's eyes are extremely deep, reminiscent of the aurora in the north, and the starry sky on a summer evening.

When this man appeared, Cumberland and the others immediately showed deep awe and reverence from their hearts.

Qi Qi put his right hand on his left shoulder and saluted him.

"Welcome to the leader ¨¨!"

The dark-blond long-haired man had a gentle expression, nodded slightly to Cumberland and the others, and said with a smile, "Everyone, long time no see."

After a brief greeting, the desert beneath Cumberland and the others suddenly collapsed, and a huge hole appeared, swallowing tens of thousands of tons of sand.

After the sand with a radius of more than ten kilometers was completely engulfed, fresh air emanated from the bottom.

"Lord Leader, please!"

Cumberland and the others made a gesture of respect, the latter nodded slightly, and walked in calmly.

The others followed, and the dark blue spacecraft in the sky slowly landed in.

Then, the hole was closed and the surrounding sand was filled again.

In less than ten minutes, the desert returned to peace.


under the desert.

It's a whole other world here.

All kinds of trees and flowers are lush, birds, beasts, insects and fish.

There are very few duplicates, all of which are transplanted from all over the world.

Walking through this virgin jungle along a white plank road, you will be greeted by a modern space with a minimalist style.

There are beautiful girls walking fast on the floor with bare feet, holding a variety of delicious wines and delicacies in their hands, and they continue to bring them up.

In just a while, there are no less than thousands of kinds of unique dishes from all over the world.

The dark-blond long-haired man sat down at the long gourmet table, picked up a piece of green melon, put it in his mouth and chewed it slowly, making a crisp sound.

"Trouble everyone, everyone has a heart…"

The man said with a hint of satisfaction and enjoyment on his face.

Cumberland and others also showed smiles on their faces.

The guide comes to the blue star once every ten years, and in addition to collecting resources, it will also stay for a short period of time.

Equivalent to relaxation, vacation.

During this period, if they accompany the guide, they may get the guide's guidance on the martial arts.

Many people have received guidance from their guides.

Although the leader is from the starry sky and from the advanced martial arts civilization, he doesn't have much aloof and domineering aura. On the contrary, his personality is quite gentle and easy to talk.

The dark-blond long-haired man sat in the huge space like this, slowly tasting the food and wine in front of him.

Occasionally talk to Cumberland and others.

"Oh right, what you exchanged last time."

The dark-blond long-haired man ate a very tender steak, drank the red wine beside him, and wiped his mouth with a tissue.

He didn't see how the dark-blond long-haired man moved, he just raised his hand casually.

In front of Cumberland and the others, silver-gray boxes of different sizes appeared, each marked with the name of the contents.

There was a bit of joy in the eyes of Cumberland and other ninth-level Martial Saints.

Cumberland respectfully saluted the man and thanked him, "Thank you sir."

"."Cumberland, it's useless to say thank you.

You should take real action…"

The man ate the food on the table in an orderly manner, and said with a smile, "What about the energy crystals this time? You should take them out quickly, don't make me rush them every time."

The man said the words, and the eyes of the ninth-level martial sages such as Cumberland immediately shrank and avoided.

The man noticed that something was wrong, his hands stopped moving, and the smile on his face faded little by little.

As the man's demeanor changed, the space quickly became depressing.

The air seemed to have turned into glue, and even Cumberland and others had a feeling of difficulty breathing.

"Don't tell me, the energy crystal this time, no."

The dark-blond long-haired man put down the tableware in his hand and said calmly.

But this calm, seems to contain a terrible storm.

Cumberland bit his head, gritted his teeth, took a step forward, took a deep breath and said, "Report to the leader.

The output of energy crystals this time exceeded the last time by more than 30%, with a total of more than 470 kilograms…"

"Then what do you mean?"

The man frowned slightly, "Do you want to surprise me?"

Cumberland smiled wryly, shook his head and said, "Sir, it's not that we don't want to hand over the energy crystal output this time, but all the energy crystal output this time has been taken away by someone…"

Saying that, Cumberland turned back and ordered coldly.

"Bring the things up for the adults to see."

Soon, the super (Zhao Dezhao) large projection screen descended from the top, and a video began to play on the screen.

The dark-blond long-haired man put his gaze on the screen at will, and as the video screen played, the randomness on his face also faded little by little.

[On the vast sea level, a figure like a surging sun is fighting with a giant of martial arts that is hundreds of meters or even thousands of meters high…]

[The giants of the law have fallen down and collapsed…]

[Between heaven and earth, there is only that small but incomparably bright figure.

He slowly said in his mouth—

"I am invincible in the world!"]

["You let the guide come to me by yourself."]

Video ends.

The dark-blond long-haired man's eyes lit up, and his face showed a color of novelty and admiration.

"I didn't expect you, a resource star of the first level, to be able to give birth to such interesting martial arts talents…

Not bad! "

The dark-blond long-haired man clapped his hands and stood up.

With a smile, he said to Cumberland, "Didn't he ask me to find him? Then take me there now.

Interesting, looks like this trip won't be too boring…"

With that said, the dark blue spacecraft that had disappeared before suddenly appeared.

A beam of light was projected, and the dark-blond long-haired man and Cumberland were all sucked in.