

At the dawn of a revolution in the era of martial arts, hordes of terrifying monsters start invading the world, defeating humanity’s warriors one after another. One day, Lu Sheng finds himself dreaming about the world ten thousand years into the future, where even basic physical training techniques have been modified and become several thousand times more effective! Breathing techniques, body strengthening remedies, martial arts scriptures, and so on… But with humanity being extinct in the future world, these once great martial arts have no one left to carry on their legacy. No one, except for Lu Sheng

ApexApex · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
459 Chs


Logging 10000 Years into the Future chapter 367

Logging 10000 Years into the Future 367

Posted by Noble nible , Released on August 11, 2022

367. Ring-India Research Group, Professor Nepson 4

someone is coming!

Lu Sheng narrowed his eyes.

He came out of the abyss and didn't return to his original position. He was mentally prepared for this.

There are many glaciers in this sea area, and the temperature is much lower than that of Ninghai.

Judging by the sun overhead, it should be close to the Antarctic Circle.

"Exactly, you can use this to determine where you are now."

The world is still the same world.

Lu Sheng can confirm this.

After all, it is a planet that has lived for 20 years, and you can feel the familiar taste with a breath of fresh air.

Lu Sheng made up his mind, and his mental power transformed into a projection of his will.

The pale golden human figure flew towards the distant ship like light.

After a few breaths, Lu Sheng appeared directly above the ship.

He faded the form of will projection, and the whole person was completely integrated with the air.

Even if ordinary people stand in front of him, the naked eye cannot perceive his existence.

Lu Shengchao looked at the ship underneath.

The appearance looks no different from the general research ship, but the spiritual power penetrates.

However, he sensed more than one powerful martial artist's blood.

"Thirty warriors below the seventh level, two seventh-level grandmasters, and one eighth-level grandmaster…"

"A mere scientific research ship can actually dispatch an eighth-level sect to sit in town… It's interesting."

Lu Sheng's eyes flickered for a moment, and he stepped gently towards the bottom.

Reappeared, already on the ship.

He ignored everything and walked through the steel walls with ease, heading straight for the uppermost room in the cabin.

The people you meet on the road, whether they are ordinary crew members or warriors with live ammunition, guards…

The hair color, complexion, and appearance are completely different from those of the Dragon Kingdom. Judging from the place where the ship was registered, it was from the Lion Kingdom.

The language used by the people on board to communicate is also the Lion language.

Lu Sheng went all the way to the door of the room on the top floor, and the whole person penetrated lightly.

The entrance is a quite spacious and luxurious room, the overall decoration style is more classical, with the luxury of the royal family.

On the chair in the middle of the room lay a blond middle-aged man with a tall nose and a tall stature.

The man's eyes were slightly closed, with red wine and steak in his hand, as well as a beautiful and classical old-fashioned vinyl record player.

The melodious blues are slowly spinning.

The man is immersed in the music, his feet swaying slightly to the music.

Lu Sheng's eyes swept over the man little by little, and suddenly settled on his hands folded on his lower abdomen.

he sees.

The man wears a brilliant golden ring on the little finger of his right hand.

The ring surface is smooth without any texture.

Lu Sheng's eyes flickered slightly.

He had seen a ring of this style once.

It was worn on a man in a white suit, who was later killed by him.

"Huan Yin 〃~!"

The word popped out of Lu Sheng's mind.

Is this the research ship of the RIP?

Lu Sheng didn't say anything.

Standing in the room, I quietly watched the martial arts expert of the eighth-level great sect for a while.

Then turned around, and walked out again like a ghost through the wall.

Just one second after Lu Sheng left.

The blond middle-aged man on the reclining chair suddenly opened his eyes and straightened up.

He looked at the place where Lu Sheng had just stood, and there was a bit of doubt in his eyes, but he quickly dissipated, took a sip of red wine, and continued to lie down.

Immediately after, Sheng Lu went to find the other two seventh-level grandmasters on the ship.

One is hiding in the room watching TV, while the other is pulling a hot female crew member to do indescribable things.

Similarly, Lu Shengdu saw similar golden rings on the hands of the two of them.

In addition, Lu Sheng also found that almost every person on the ship who was not bad in martial arts also had similar rings on their hands.

Just different colors.

Some are silver, some are black.

"It seems that the research ship of the Ring India Organization is correct…"

Lu Sheng walked freely from room to room in the cabin.

When passing a room, Lu Sheng saw a young girl in her early twenties with beautiful dark brown curly hair sitting at a desk and writing a diary.

Curiosity drove Lu Sheng to stop, walking to the girl and stopping.

On the diary, graceful and beautiful lion characters jumped out one by one from the girl's pen.

[317, February 14 weather, sunny

in my life

I will be alone in the cabin of the "Exploration", with the freezing cold of the Antarctic Circle, penguins, and taxidermy.

This is what I came out of with Professor Nepson's research team.

In about another week, we will return to Ring Seal after collecting the last batch of fresh alien beast genetic samples.

If I had to describe the trip in one sentence, it would be "a fun and fulfilling adventure".

Professor Nepson is one of the greatest geneticists on the planet this century.

His vast knowledge, genius ideas, and attitude towards academic fanaticism are all worth learning from.

Being able to follow Professor Nepson's side will probably be the luckiest thing in my life.

Here I would like to thank my university tutor Ms. Selina, if not for her highly recommended….]

The young girl wrote hard, and she wrote a diary with nearly 2,000 words without stopping.

Through the contents of the diary, Lu Sheng completely confirmed that the ship was the information of the Ring India Organization.

Whether it is Ring Seal, Dark Star or Dark Magic Society.

These international mysterious organizations have always been keen on the help of alien beast genes to martial arts, and after achieving some results, they are more and more happy.

This research ship, the Exploration, is obviously the team in Ring India that is responsible for the collection and research of alien beast genes.

This also explains why there are big sects and masters on board.

If you want to collect fresh genetic samples, someone has to hunt and kill alien beasts.

It was as if Dongshengyi had escorted Lin Wanwan into the crack in the burrow.

And the leader of this team should be Professor Nepson, who was constantly mentioned in the diary of the young girl.

From the information in the diary, it can be seen that this Professor Nepson's status in the Ring Seal should be quite high, and he belongs to the existence of a golden lump.

At this time, the diary of the young girl also came to an end.

[… Today's diary is written here, it is worth mentioning.

Professor Nepson seems to have a different mainstream understanding of the origins of alien beasts and martial arts.

He understands the origin of the two as "demons" and "gods" in myths and legends, and has been trying to prove this.

Often heard people say – the end of science is myth.

Is it really? ]

The girl stopped writing, propped her chin with one hand and stared at the wallflower on the wall of the desk in a daze.

At this time, a pale golden stalwart human figure appeared from the void behind her.

There was a faint purple light in the humanoid eyes, and the invisible spiritual fluctuations were released.

"'" Who is Professor Nepson? "

The girl's body trembled slightly, her pupils dilated, and her eyes instantly lost focus.

She blankly turned on the computer on the table and called up a photo.

Pointing to an old man with gray curly hair in the photo, piled on his head like a chicken coop, wearing black-rimmed glasses, he said, "This is Professor Nepson."

The pale golden human-shaped eyes flickered and melted silently into the air.

It took about a minute or so.

The girl woke up from her absence.

"Did I just fall asleep?"

She glanced at the diary on the table and the glowing computer, frowned, and said to herself in doubt: "Strange, when did I turn on the computer. I also brought up Professor Nepson's photo…

God, this Valentine's Day, I shouldn't have any illusions about Professor Nepson. "

The girl looked at the man who looked like a bad old man on the screen, she suddenly got goosebumps, and quickly turned off the computer.


At the same time, Lu Sheng had appeared in another room.

This room is very large, almost not inferior to the room of the eighth-level Huanyin sect he had been to before.

The whole room was in a mess, with various papers, documents and books scattered on the table and floor.

(Ok) An old man with the same appearance and body as the girl in the photo was lying in front of the desk at this moment, reading a book through two thick glasses at the bottom of the beer bottle.

What was repeated in his mouth: "The myths and legends of the Bear Country are very different from those of other countries… Maybe it can bring me new inspiration…"

Lu Sheng swept across the bookshelf behind the old man and looked at the books marked "The Collection of Ancient Myths and Legends of the Dragon Country", "The Collection of Ancient Myths and Legends of the Lion Country", and "The Origin of the Myths of the Eagle Country"…

Looking at the old man in front of the desk, a bold idea suddenly popped into his mind.

"Huanyin…should be rich."

"Can you use this to smash a wave of their wool?"

The pale golden figure walked out of the room, dissipating in the sunlight and air like light.

Lu Sheng, whose figure was suspended in mid-air, shone brightly, and a rather mature idea had already formed in his mind.

"Try it, maybe it will be fun…skin"

The corner of Lu Sheng's mouth twitched.

He turned and flew in the direction of the iceberg.

Finding a suitable iceberg, the whole person slammed into it like a cannonball.


A human silhouette appeared on the iceberg.

But soon, the cold air overflowed from it, and the big hole was re-blocked in a moment…