

At the dawn of a revolution in the era of martial arts, hordes of terrifying monsters start invading the world, defeating humanity’s warriors one after another. One day, Lu Sheng finds himself dreaming about the world ten thousand years into the future, where even basic physical training techniques have been modified and become several thousand times more effective! Breathing techniques, body strengthening remedies, martial arts scriptures, and so on… But with humanity being extinct in the future world, these once great martial arts have no one left to carry on their legacy. No one, except for Lu Sheng

ApexApex · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
459 Chs


.Logging 10000 Years into the Future chapter 340

Logging 10000 Years into the Future 340

Posted by Noble nible , Released on August 11, 2022

340. The killing of the rules, another extreme road 1

The poison that Lu Sheng just took is pitiful, and maybe he can't get a glimpse of the whole picture of "Saint's Death".

Lu Sheng thought about it, gritted his teeth, and took a drop of "Saint's Death" with his mental power.

He pointed like a knife, controlled his muscles, cut a hole in the palm of his left hand, and carefully dripped the dark green liquid into it.

"This is probably enough."

Don't look at only a small drop, the value can be hundreds of millions.

A whole drop of the saint's mourning into the body, it really is much stronger than the previous effect.

Lu Sheng instantly felt that the entire left arm quickly became hot, as red as a soldering iron, when it touched the air, it made a chi chi sound.

There was a sharp pain in the palm of the palm, and Lu Sheng frowned slightly, but he ignored it and continued to stare at the palm.

He saw that the wound on the palm of his left hand was closing, and was being pushed open by another force.

The inside of the wound seemed to have granulation to grow, but it was stopped again and again.

This process lasted for a period of time, the two forces were anxiously tugging, and the battle became more and more intense.

Bright golden lines began to appear on Lu Sheng's left arm.

Not his meridians, but some kind of root system that grows in flesh and blood!

Lu Sheng discovered it when the immortal stellar body was born. Some of them are similar to the "Dao pattern" described in fantasy novels, but in fact they are traces of cosmic energy aggregation and orderly arrangement.

Usually there is no response, or even no trace.

But now he was forced out and began to join the battlefield in the palm of his hand.

After the star pattern was added to the battlefield, Lu Sheng's own genetic power immediately gained the upper hand.

The power that belongs to the saint's mourning is constantly being suppressed, and the wound in the palm is about to heal…

Lu Sheng's eyes flickered, and suddenly he made a crazy decision——

He wants to intervene in the battle and help Saint's Death win this battle!

The huge mental power and martial arts will forcefully control the flesh and blood cells in the arm, suppressing the surging of his own power.

"Saint's Death" had a chance to breathe.

The wound on the palm of his left hand opened again, and the subcutaneous granulation swelled wildly.

Lu Sheng watched helplessly as his fair and clean skin became rough, and the cortex hardened rapidly, forming obvious horny, floating…

Gradually turned into pieces of dark green scales.

In the end, Lu Sheng's left palm even grew an eyeball the size of a coin.

It grew out of nowhere, stared straight at Lu Sheng, and looked at him.

Lu Sheng can also see through this eye.

This feeling of staring at myself is quite strange, like a schizophrenic.

At this time, Lu Sheng's left palm has become completely inhuman.

The five fingers are thick and long, each finger has more than five knuckles, and the nails are sharp like cold weapons.

There is a dark eyeball in the palm of the hand, and the back of the hand is covered with dark green scales, which looks extremely strange and frightening.

However, it gives people a sense of explosive power.

There is a clear dividing line between the wrist and the palm.

The dividing line between man and demon.

The alienated cells in the palm also tried to continue to infect Lu Sheng's remaining body cells, but they were stubbornly resisted by the power of the star's indestructible body, and could only stick to one position in the palm.


Lu Sheng waved the palm lightly.

Right in front of him, the marble tea stand several meters away from him was cut into several sections silently, and collapsed with a bang.

Lu Sheng's eyes changed suddenly.

"Tuk Tuk Tuk-"

Immediately there was a knock on the door.

Lu Sheng walked over and opened the door.

The officer guarding the door saluted him, then asked, "Chief, you…"

Lu Sheng hid the alienated magic hand behind him, and said as usual: "I accidentally broke something, it's fine."

"Do you need us to replace it for you?"



After closing the door, Lu Sheng looked at his alienation magic hand again, and his eyes were full of amazement.

"Terrible destructive power!"

In some respects, it is even more powerful than the immortal body of a star.

Lu Sheng used his mental power to investigate the cellular composition of this alienated palm.

He saw black cells full of destructive and destructive cells.

"It seems to be similar to immortal cells…"

Lu Sheng's eyes lit up.

"It's just that the immortal cells pursue the ultimate perfection, immortality, immortality and immortality…

And these black cells are taking the path of extreme destruction and destruction. "

It can be understood as two branches on a skill tree, the same cells, different extreme evolution routes, and the final destination is also completely different.

"But they all exist far beyond the level of ordinary human cells. No wonder the alien beasts are so powerful…"

However, although it is somewhat similar to the immortal cells, the gap between the alienated palm cells and Lu Sheng's immortal cells is still too large.

After all, immortal cells are born from a single metamorphosis billions of times, and when a whole palm is alienated, the power of "Saint's Death" has been greatly diluted, and the number of metamorphoses is estimated not to be even a million times.

At this time, Lu Sheng's mind suddenly flashed.

"Yes, if I put all this alienation gene energy into one cell and let it metamorphose billions of times, can I give birth to another extreme cell at the same level as the immortal cell?"

Once the idea came up, inspiration poured out like a volcanic eruption.

All kinds of whimsy collided in Lu Sheng's mind.

He thought that if this idea was feasible, the drawbacks of physical alienation might be solved.

While exploring another kind of physical extreme, it can retain the form of a normal person. …

Lu Sheng was very excited.

This excited emotion even infected the eyeballs in the palm of his hand.

The eyeball was also happily rolling.

But just as Lu Sheng was about to start the experiment, there was a sudden sharp pain in his left palm.

The pain was almost unbearable for his will, and he almost fainted.


Lu Sheng clenched his left wrist tightly and looked towards his left palm.

I saw that the left palm, which was full of luster and explosive power just now, was rapidly shrinking, decaying, and collapsing…

The eyes in the palm of his hand showed a strong look of panic and despair, and he begged Lu Sheng madly.

This kind of complex emotions of pain, fear, despair and begging filled Lu Sheng's heart, making him almost unable to distinguish between reality and falsehood for a while.

He extended his spiritual power to the past.

I saw that the alienated cells in the left palm were dying one by one at this time.

Aging, dying, withering in a very short time…

"how come.."

Lu Sheng was shocked and suspicious.

"It was still full of vitality before, and the lifespan of cells at this level can't be so short…"

Just like immortal cells, the vitality of life is billions of times that of ordinary cells.

0·For flowers......

Although alienated cells are not comparable to immortal cells, it is absolutely impossible for them to wither in such a short period of time.

Don't say the other extreme is to sacrifice cell life in exchange for more powerful destructive and destructive.

If this is the case, then the alien beasts in the burrow will not be still alive and kicking.

The vitality of alien beasts is stronger than that of warriors of the same level!

"Then what is the reason?!"

Lu Sheng couldn't understand.

His brain turned rapidly, and in the process, he watched helplessly as his left palm continued to decay.

The eyeballs on the palms changed from clear to cloudy, to old, and finally to rotting and purulent. …


Lu Sheng found the answer.

His eyes flickered slightly, and the seven immortal cells at the center of his eyebrows exuded a divine glow.

The immortal body of the star at the wrist quickly extended to the left palm, regaining dominance.

With the assistance of divine radiance and the division and proliferation of its own cells, the decayed left palm will be brought back to life.

Once again plump, rosy, powerful and vibrant.

But the traces of alienation have completely disappeared.

Lu Sheng's left palm changed back to his original left palm again.

The new palms are paler and more fragile than the rest of the body, but return to normal quickly.

Lu Sheng slowly exhaled a turbid breath, and thoughtfully read out the answer he found.


"It's the power of rules."

"The path of alienated cells is completely unworkable in this world.

Or rather, it doesn't work on the creatures of this world.

It's as if the thermal weapons of our world are ineffective against high-level alien beasts.

It is because the high-level alien beasts are filled with the power of the rules of another world. "

It can be explained by comparing the alienated cell to a high-end weapon belonging to a different world.

The rules of another world make thermal weapons ineffective, and the rules of this world greatly shorten the lifespan of alienated cells in the body of native organisms.

in a sense…

very fair.

Lu Sheng looked at the small bottle of wind oil in his hand, and said with emotion: "No wonder even Martial Saint was poisoned, and Martial Dao's intuition didn't respond.

Because it's not poison at all…

This is…

Kill the rules! "

Once the cells in the body of the user are infected and alienated, they will inevitably be countered by the rapid aging of the alienated cells.

No matter it is level 9 or level 10, no matter how strong the martial body is, how can it resist the obliteration of the rules.

I can only watch my martial body wither and die together with the alienated cells under the action of the power of this rule.

The light ones are seriously injured, and the heavy ones may also die.

There is only one way to fight against the "Sage of the Saint" – to overcome the alienation and make the alienation unsuccessful.

But this is too difficult.

If someone really wants to poison you, they must have enough stock.

Moreover, it is so simple to fight against this extremely aggressive and aggressive genetic force.

"Then is my previous idea still feasible?"

Lu Sheng is considering this issue.

Suddenly at this time, a surge of energy suddenly appeared in the body.

Under this sudden energy infusion, the blood pill at Lu Sheng's heart grew rapidly…

In a flash, it swelled to the size of an adult man's fist.